help me pick a game

  • I do have couple of suggestions. If you want something with a Witcher feel to it. Try Black Desert Online. It's $30 but in my opinion is worth every cent. If you'd like a modern-set game that's fast paced, try out the open-world, free to play, GTA Online meets Saints Row 2, MMO APB Reloaded. I can vouch for that game too, as i love it. Also, this one is free with a fair amount of setup and probably not what you're looking for, but the technically Chinese-Exclusive Call of Duty Online is also very fun. I say it's technically Chinese-Exclusive because it is in Chinese and is a Chinese game, but it is free to play even in China as said before, and you can look up on youtube how to create an account, as it is very complicated if you are not a Chinese resident. Just realize the old method no longer works, so you need the method that involves create a "Taiwan" account. ve heard that they do ban people who reside in countries the game isn't released in. But that's the worst case scenario and i don't believe they ban for that very often.

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