Posts by oEffy

    oEffy Yeah but you're not even utilizing your cash shop items properly. You could sell those 1000 dogis and buy a good stat item. Though buying a bunch of dogi balls and brown boxes you're skipping MONTHS of farming of even a person who has a lot of free time.

    So it takes one or two days to sell all stuff I got from wagu and buy the items I want or I just buy boxes. Imo it is the same, if it is one or two days or an hour, just less anoying. Still not seeing an abuse, just the 3 wins i mentioned before.

    Gotta agree with you on the dogi balls here, if there are only bound ones farmable. Just saw a video of CookieMonster opening 60 Floor25 boxes getting about 6 dogi balls, I guess you can get them in a reasonable time.

    And no i can spare an hour or two, I can't count how many thousands of times i did CCDB, Kraken and Cell in TW and those getting everything in 3 days are the ones that usually quitting after a month and are also a low minority (we are talking about 15€ for 5 dogi balls or 30 boxes, who get you nowhere in average).

    Kinda getting your point tho now, tho I think you overrate the advantage you would get way too much

    If you're saying that's what he's trying to explain then why did he use that as an excuse to losing budo? He's saying slow should prevent players from ever even using skills because quick attack is the "only" way someone can get that close

    Maybe one should take his nature by side not having an opposite opinion before even trying to understand completly what he meant. Loosing the budo because of it is his opinion and has nothing to do with the skills of the game.

    As PoBox explained, I know it like that, he can stun you but still is slown and has to reach you and in the video you can't see one slowed movement.

    Same as with the 56% resist rings, some just oppose cause sendoku called it.

    But I guess the world turns flat before a fighter ever gets nerfed

    Sirab Everyone who takes the game seriously wants good stats. Not talking even about max stats. I rarely have max stat on them and still needed a shitload of dogi balls.

    Lol yeah have to have all stats after a week or to not even play when you don't have time... I know you are dramatizing but such a conceited the point where I don't even want to discuss....

    There are ppl with work who still loving the game too, who take it seriously and not having the same chances as a student or nonworker to spam all day "period"

    Those who can farm = win cause droppable, those wo can compensate their loss of time with money = win (not that they have higher chances to be full +15 because of that), daneos giving players more impulses to cash =win...

    Win-win-win you just seem to be to self-centered or otherwise tell me how could it be abused to the point that it gives a gamechanging advantage?

    I would agree if most people cashed around $100, but people cashing around $300 is actually quite common, and it will be abused just like it was before the update. Also there's brown boxes, upgrade stones, in wagu machine and stuff like auto pots in CS. But also I think thats the whole point of waguwagu machine, putting p2w items there but you have to be lucky to get them to prevent abuse.

    Idk with current drop rate i got 2 stones and 2 autopots 1 f51 ccdungeon ticket with 80 coins, rest was dogis. To the point where I gift them to friends.

    Danuvius said it like I see it, some compensating their missing time with the money they get from their job.

    And the abuse of boxes and dogi balls was because it was used as currency for copied +15 items (shouldn't be the case in open beta), using boxes to get the stats on your item won't give you that gamebreaking advantage imo it just makes up some time for you to sell stuff from cash shop in ah for the zeni to spam trade chat for hours.

    Same of dogi balls, yeah they can give you a better boost, but someone who has work to do can't spam cc dungeon 300 times to get the 1 or 2 stats you want. I had to use at least 50-100 dogi balls to get the things I wanted, so many useless stats...

    What is the chance to get them? You farm them faster than you'd be able to get them through wagu machine (except you're hella lucky).

    You are so focused on hate that you do not even know what is going on. Open your eyes and you will see that the whole update would be only negative for me if I was all about the money. And if Im really that money greedy as you say/think, then why am I not selling +15 items directly or max level? I think id make in a month more than in a year then.

    ^This, it goes to the point where I don't know what to get with that much I cashed when it restarts. Atm it would be 10 Stones and 1000 Dogis from wagu machine XD

    Nevertheless I still really like the update, makes it overall better to have good geared parties.

    Only thing I'd love to see back in cash shop are the dogi balls and boxes, cause there are just to many times where you need 100+ boxes to get that one stat you wanted.

    Thumbs up for the stacking of all items to 100, too


    Worked for me. I couldn't even start it.

    Sorry for the german, It is like activating big-ass overall administrator.

    The Code in 3 should be the same:

    Start cmd.exe.

    Start with rightclick as administrator.

    Type in "net user administrator /active:yes" press Enter

    restart your pc

    Turtles in taiwan more specifically "Divine" 10 billion time solo champion used CDR to spam combo and prop was useless they even used to receive more damage than they do now because of N-prop bug you should be grateful 0.5% is effective unlike 1% from retail that wasn't effective at all, if you play a turtle i suggest you learn more about your class their only issue is QA Slow but you still can counter with Anticrit armor and some luck.

    Always this Divine this, this Divine that. Name nearly 5 Turtles who did as well as Divine. Those copying his tactic came close but never were that sucessfull on a regular basis. Just because one of the best Turtles was also one of the most successfull of all classes he allways is the scale when it goes about Turtle discussions. Also Book already got nerfed because of him.

    Shouldn't be the whole scale...the majority is different, same as the majority of fighters are overpowered cause of the way to much resist those rings giving.

    Idm anymore, you made your thinking and you stick to it and we said what we don't like. Now it is up to you to either think everyone is trying to go against you and ignore it like it seems or use it constructively as it is thought and should work in a community.

    The resist is so absurd that even a full focus crane (lets say 33 top, 33 pants 33 shoes, 2x 13 foc ring, 34 foc glove, 2x 14 foc earring and full focus on dogi) would only have a 60% chance of hitting the debuffs. The % Resist Rings are broken as fk and need to be made unstackable.


    One ring gives 450 resist (actuel numbers from dev server testing) to fighters, aka x4 max stats necklaces.

    Turtle/Crane = 0.5% def 1% atk

    Fighter/SM/SK = 0.5% def 0.5% atk

    Other classes = 1% def 1% atk

    Personal opinion, it pisses me of.

    It's allways is the same. Turtle can do very high one shot dmg, so everybody not playing one wants a nerf.

    Nobody ever takes to account that by just stats, lp and con, it is the most squishiest class when they cry for a nerf.

    So you make it even more of a glass cannon? I see the logic in that. But in my opinion it will just giving players even more of a mental breakdown when they get hit...just frustrating to see that nothing we can do to get a bit more survivability. And every one who played retail endgame content knew how hard you can get hit with +12 in pve.

    "There is no endgame content yet, we have a plan" - an I have an opinionen with the urge to communicate it cause i don't like the current changes. I hope you consider it.


    "Prop was too strong"? Will it still be on endgame content? I don't want to die 5 times on the little mobs on the first floor of kraken. Ofc if you test with lvl100 and lvl80 +15 gear it is easy peasy...

    sorry if that isn't the way you do stuff, but thats the information we see, and guess looking at the last decisions

    Also everyone who countered a fighter with those 2 resit rings screaming for a nerf, just do consider it. Looking alone on the amount of fighters succesing in budo compared to other clases should make you suspicious that there might be something not well balanced.

    True they have full copied +15 like many other classes and players too, saying because of that it will be better on pre open beta is just pure laziness in my opinion.

    How many success do you want me to have when i encounter someone like that then? Stacking full focus and succes necklace and still have a decent chance to miss a debuff....not the way it should go...

    Wie gesagt ist glück, du kannst nach einer box haben was du willst in der Regel genügen 10 nicht.

    Das beste was du machen kannst ist mind. 2 Items boxen und immer das bessere behalten oder wie gesagt die boxen verkaufen und das item mit gewünschten stats so kaufen. Ist in der Regel günstiger.

    34% geht wie erwähnt gerade nichtmehr, da die stats generft sind. Rest ist glück. Mit 50 Boxen bekomme ich auf legendary hands in der Regel 2-5 gute stats, die ich entweder dann verkaufe und bei neuen hands weiterboxe oder benutze.

    Wieviele Item Effekte er hat ist egal, auf lvl und rare/legendary kommt es an. Um so höher und seltener umso mehr geht drauf.

    Auch ist es egal wenn du Con auf der Hose hast, wenn du eine Box nimmst sind die neuen Effekte random.

    not really a bug but none the less anoying and should be taking care of when there is some time:

    I respawned at the edge of the ring facing out. I guess I moved a bit to fast before facing the ring and so went out. Couldn't jump and dash in there altough it has shown "10 seconds to ringout"

    Haha ja grading is a bitch

    Meine 3 Teile haben damals 130-150 Stones je gebraucht, damals gaben die white stones bei minus aber auch noch keinen Abzug. Seit dem es so ist hat einer mal 430 rum im Durchschnitt kalkuliert. Kannst natürlich Glück haben oder mehr Pech

    ja obwohl es vom Glück eher so ist, dass du die 25 con behälts weil du viel Glück oder viele Boxen brauchst um höher zu kommen :)

    (Außerdem gerade aufpassen es gibt einen Thread, wo getestet wurde, dass gerade die max stats 24 con sind und nur alte Sachen mehr haben. Also sofern das nicht wieder Rückgängig gemacht wird (die Community ist zumindest klar fürs Rückgängig machen) aufpassen.

    Ne nicht wirklich. Es gibt Dogi Bälle für Dogi Stats, White Stones fürs Upgraden nach +10 (kannst natürlich auch schon ab dem ersten mal 3. Karte nutzen) und Autopots. Die sind gut zu nutzen.

    Ansonsten halt Dogi Bälle und Boxen. Wenn du 10 Boxen für 700 bis 750kk verkaufst, kannst dir ja schon fast jedes Item aus dem Auktionshaus kaufen, dann hast du akzeptable Weapons und Armors

    I really like the idea to assemble a team, especially looking at the border of dogis and other textures after the original server has closed, too bad I neither have the time nor the skil.

    Since I like to play around switching files but don't have any experiences in Modeling/Editing like you, do you happen to know a software to preview the .dds files as 3d-model?

    So far I only found the .ddf viewer beta 0.1 from a Grand theft auto site but that either doesn't work or I do something wrong.

    Sorry if I am off-topicing your thread, but If you have a programm and it is posted here I think the community can benefit from it and indirectly your team if the community gets more lively and there are more incitements.


    ein Screenshot wäre ganz hilfreich^^

    Falls du diese hier meinst, da ist nichts drin und sie ist so teuer weil sie jedem Item (außer Ringe und Dogis) andere Stats (random) geben kann.