I think the stone prices on token shop are just fine. Takes a while to grind those but it's 100% upgrade chance anyway
Posts by Danuvius
I'm not sure what the original drop rates and XP rates were, but I'll try to make it fun! The skill reset command is coming soon, it won't have a cooldown. I'm not sure what you mean about flight. After the wipe, everything available in the cash shop will be free in game as well, so you won't need to farm cash points. The upgrade request is coming soon too. I'm not sure about no level cap, and there's already a way to change your character name! That's going to be free soon too. I'm one step ahead of you!
The XP Rates really need a small revamp. The Exp Event on the Weekend is a tremendous boost, normal mobs killing feels like UD Leveling from 48-60. (And that's without the Exp Boost Items).
It should be harder
It's not set in stone but the current plan is that people over level 25 will get a lvl up 25 item.
Add the Lv Up 30 Item to the Gift Box Rewards for Level 30 and you are good to go
Wipe, wipe!!
These would be mine:
- CC Engineer Trainee Outfit
- Fused Zamasu Dogi
- Vegito / Gogeta Dogi
- Great Saiyaman Helmet
- Great Saiyaman Dogi
- King Monkey Hats
- All Wings / Halo
- C18's Outfits
- Kid Gohan Dogi
- Custom Aura Title's perhaps? (would be something new though)
I'm more looking for specific cosmetics out of the ones that currently exist, lol. Lvl up 30 is going to be free, same with wagu coins and z32.
So, you want a list of Cosmetics that you can release seperately in the Shop?
I love that you guys are asking for help from the player base
My ideas:
Dogis that changes every week or so (custom Dogis as well - such as DBS Broly and so on)
Backpacks (Like Kid Goku Backpack and so on - why glitch them out of the TMQ, if you can just buy them from Cash Shop)
Vehicles cosmetics
Name Changer
Class Changer
Guild Name Changer
Race Changer (idk if that exists)
Gender Changer
Kid Clock
Wagu Coins
Z32 Capsules
Lv. Up 30 is a must
Nice to have, but not necessarily needed:
Flight Skills
All sorts of Revive Popo stones
Yardrat's Memory
Fuels that give you boost to vehicles (I think its should be faster than flying if someone is paying for it)
EXP Boosts
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k thx bai -
die wollen keine termin geben damit die leute nicht wieder rum flamen wenn es dann doch länger dauert
Der Release ist ja auch nach eigenen Zeitangaben schon überfällig.
New client + Wipe out = start over again and this time without bugs, crashes and annoying freezes.
If Daneos is wise enough then he should also remove bans from the all players who charged their money back. I'm pretty sure they did that because they realized that it's not worth to donate for this broken game..
If Dragonball Online Global truly gets fixed after the new client gets released and gets 70 LVL cap with bids and higher cc floors then I believe this game has a proper chance to be revived.
I would also recommend to Daneos to take a serious consideration about his DBOG Team. The way his staff behaves it disgusts the whole community. It's really unprofessional and this is one of the main factors why players actually quits this game.Amen
People are quitting bc shits boring af and repetitive
Why not +15 sword
How in the bloody hell is FighterZ a scam? It is a legitimately great fighting game.
Xenoverse mods are better than what the creators make? You only need to look at the Ultra Instinct Goku mods before he was DLC to know that is a false statement.
Also, "who cares about DB Games"
Have u seen the newest DB FighterZ DLC? It's a joke.
Do people really care about DB Games by bandai anymore? Fighter Z is a scam and the other games were all disappointments. Xenoverse 2 was okay, due to the characters. But man, don’t support lazy developers. There are far better mods in the actual game than the developers were capable of creating
how is off topic if you just said in your post and you act pround because you had full cc set on your crane dafuq?
Turtle has paralyse, not stun, people under-estimate stun, stun has no counter accessories, you cannot play against stun except with dexterityand resistance.
Focus, but it's mediocre here
Add to shenron wishes:
- New Vehicle
- A dogi which only you get from sheneon
- Legendary lv 60 weapons and armor
- Add a chest and call it shenron chest which contains random items.
- A title only got from shenron, or 5 different titles each title give a different stat.
- Give tokens.
- Give 1 wagu coin.
Karma needs a buff, kappa.
No, seriously. Karma has been nerfed quite a lot already.
Not every class should be able to counter every class.
Best I could do after a few tries, the sparkles not really showing inside the aura...:
Thanks anyway