Posts by El Seriouse Cake

    well you got a point there , that's why i said , it can be studied by a Developer better , as if there is only 3 times to pay a quest per day ? or some shit like that.

    Stop being lazy and quest normally. lol

    well if you want to do the quest's for almost every class you want to play from 1 to 70 go ahead lol , not saying i didn't do it once , just saying , it get's Boring. Really Really Boring.

    Oh yes! We need more options like that!

    I mean, multiaccount is allowed already...and you still need more? Hello Donald Trump?

    Sorry for my two salty sentence... :(

    idk how having Multiaccount's is related to this at all xD , but you know people just like to be active on Forum's so , whatever.

    "Notice" i was going to Edit this , but i think it's better to post it on the Comments. each time you pay for a Quest , it x2 the prize & so it goes until for 1 quest is like 1kkkk. & i would say it should Reset on each day. also cashers have to sell stuff first to get zeni :p also what does Usama translations have to di with killing 0/70 Monkeys or 0/10000000000 Rats.

    so your gonna let cashers max alts in a fraction of the time it would take? genius idea!

    what is the use of GokUsama translations of quests then ? that idea will ruin the game story mode.

    i get it you guy's Like to be active on Forum's & everything , but please. comment something useful for others.

    Since most of this Stuff , doesn't get listen to , or even consider to be done , why not spread this to the community , just to share an idea , off what i think , would be better for people who don't like to quest , or do not have friends to play with.

    i do not know how would count money for = exp , cause you basicly paying to finsh a quest & get exp , maybe it will be better Studied by a Developer him Self , who know's. my idea was is , for the certain amount of exp that quest give , you need to pay more example: 10000exp quest = 100.000 zeni or less ( seems a little high) but yeah , this would really help that Tasty Yellow Map , we all love it don't we. k6OLkqM.jpg

    cc150 gear get's you about:18-20cd , earings max cd is 28x2 , Rings passive Cd i think is 16-18x1 (notsure) , & if ur a fighter u get that 29 cd buff ,& if u get a plasma buddy that's a 16cd+ , so let's count all this & u get it : 139cd , so how does Cd work , exampl , ssj cool down is 1 hour, with all the cd u have u get about from 1h to 22minute or even 20 minute, unless they changed the CD.

    no need to make a whole thread xd max Con on legendary is 32 , so 32+32+32 = 96 + ( namekian buffs ) = 70con + Con Rings 20+20 + Dragon buff 20% con + Ultimate , Chef Con Buffs= 70% all that = i'd say about 40-60k health , if u got a really fast healer to heal u , you can reach beyond kaioken 100