Posts by Sabin

    And then people are crying because they reach 70 so fast.. Yes sometimes Papaya sucks, yes sometimes it is hard - it should be!!! Leave it as it is!

    As You said, You can reach from 60 to 70 in the same day , Its not hard, Its hella boring!
    Reducing the amount by half, means you get less xp from mobs and reducing the xp rewards you get less xp from quests, so overall It wouldnt change time that much but It would be far less boring.

    I really dont mind any quests till you get to 60 , man papaya island sucks a lot!

    Kill 100 monters would be ok if there werent only 20 mobs respawing with like 5 minutes between them. Not to mention the drop 15 items. This is even worse if you play ultimate/grand chef / Dende priest. Seriously If the amount was reduced by half with the loss of like 10% xp ( there are far more quests then needed) it'd be perfect

    the idea is put the humans in the DPS role, if he crits the tank will no longer be beerus XD (but didnt die), thats why fighter have good dodge, the humans in general, they are damage dealers, nameks are tanks or support and the majin are the balanced fighters

    I fixed it :D

    The thing with the majins is that they need a HUGE buff. All 4 classes have very shitty damage and are normally left out for humans and namekians. Of course ultimates are very important for party pvp but what about gcs? Also in PVE since the buffs last 35 minutes , people use them as alts and not mains.

    I have played alot of mmos and this one was by far the most unbalanced for me, 1 shit kills, tank with OP DoT, OP speed auto attack ?Its funny how people always bragging about their "pvp achievements" in a pvp that many relied on gear and luck. But this game pvp is almost perfectly balanced at lvl 38,50,and 55cap mainly because speed and crit% on gear isnt so high. For me the best way to start out this game is to have cap at 38,50, or 55and raise it until everything is more balanced because I'm sure more people will cash more on a balanced game. Also if anyone has played dragon nest, each skill on that game have 2 different stats, one for pvp and one for pve, I think this would make things a lot easier if it was used for dbo

    YEP, but DBO is a funny case, it was balanced and unbalanced at the same time. The reason for that was ( as others mentioned) the critical damage.
    I've been playing mmos for the past 15 years and DBO was the only game where a normal attack hiting 5k would crit for 20k or more. So DBO is like saying playing the lottery is unbalanced, you might win one day and hit a crit that would kill your oponent.

    You also had some very useless classes for 1v1 and some really boring, because they would have 0 damage output even going for damage ( their base stat was really low) . They also decided to nerf cranes giving other classes 100% resistance to cranes and removing crane CC abilities.

    DBO was also a game played in turns. The first turn goes to the player that stuns first, the oponent then waits his turn, if he is alive after all those stuns,he can start his turn with his stuns and so on.

    By the end of its life DBO started using Attack speed builds, basically people would deal damage by auto attacking targets and watching then as they die really fast(yep, no skills required). Since any class could do this and required no skill people would say DBO was balanced.

    I've always thought some of the skills Like kamehameha were a bit dull looking. I don't know how much power you have over the changes that can be made but i think some of the skills should get a graphical upgrade to give it a more satisfying feeling when you use them. also i dont know if this was because i was playing in US and i had lag but when i would use a skill it seemed to take a second before the skill action happened i dont know if this was because of lag or maybe some sort of global cooldown but the combat system would be more DBZ like if the skills came out faster when u pushed the keybind for it. I was watchign some videos and it looks like the monsters dont aggro when you get close to them.. is this sometign you havent worked on yet, a change you are using for the test and alpha servers, or something you plan on making as a permanent thing? or perhaps i just didnt see it iright

    1- Skills are modified when they are maxed ( they get bigger / different) so devs could play with that.
    2 - Yeah , that is ping. Ping in dbo is like having a global cooldown, high ping = high "global cooldown". You probably had 400+ms like the rest of us. The little time I could test the alpha , the ping was really good, and im not even european( serve is in europe).
    3 - Yeah, its a bug they are still trying to fix.

    Since the old DBO is gone, we're gonna have peeps trying to prove themselves as the best here and take the title of "Best PvP Player" for themselves :thumbup:

    To be honest I`ve never been much a fan of 1v1 in DBO due to its unbalances, but we might see a very different game with the changes DBOG might bring. Who knows even some GC budokai champion might arise.
    Either way, I am just tired of watching SK`s vs fighters in the finals, or the very boring anything vs dendes

    KR economy was low, because no one played this anymore after TW and HK opend servers!

    Not true. KR economy has been that way even before tw/hk were released.
    A lot of players still played KR, Of course the foreign community all went to tw/hk because korean version required authentication, but lets not forget the natives. Koreans still played dbo and even some foreigners remained there. In fact Kr was a little bit more populated then HK, with taiwan being the most popular for obvious reasons.

    i guess you are referring to silver boxes, if so then yes they were very rare, actually im not sure silver boxes existed at all, anyways i started playing very early in 2011, when boxes were introduced they were rather common to the point that random korean player would box my items for free if i ask them, as i stated before, boxes were a good thing, they allowed players to access good items that otherwise they could never afford
    imo, theres no need to remove the broken card as long as white stones become obtainable by hunting mobs with a decent rate

    But on the other hand it destroys the economy, any good gear that could be sold in the AH won't as people will be looking for cheap gear to use boxes.
    Boxes are good when you can use to change the cc stats, but what if we could farm those stats and sell them in the AH to people that will buy them and won't be afraid of them breaking ( cause they will also buy white stones) . Bang, you have a healthy economy where cashers and non-cashers alike can play and have fun.

    this is just wrong, and i mean completely wrong, korean players used to box as much as TW/HK, the reason korean prices were very low its because the player base was also low therefore the item demand was very low, this has nothing to do with boxes, boxes were actually a good thing, it was hard enough to get armor pieces from TMQ let alone have good stats, if the admins decide to remove brown boxes of the game its going to be almost impossible to have decent equipment plus the inflation is going to surpass TW's

    nop, Boxes in korean server only got very common by the end of its life. Boxes were never a thing in DBO( I've been playing it since release) and the prices were always like that since release ( which the player base was huge). You are probably a very new player to DBO and have never seem DBO before boxes, but trust me, It was a much better game.
    As I said before, the problem with patch 70 were the boxes itself, they only released cc floors and small dungeons.
    And again, good gears won't be a problem as long as the developers remove the option to break the gear ( which they already did btw).
    All they really had to do was remove the Bind on Acquire the CC gear has , allowing cashers to buy that from the AH

    but back to the subject of cash, take the brown boxes of cash shop would mess up a lot, why not all are criançar to stay 24/7 farming to equip, people work.

    that is just not true. Without brown boxes cashers will have a much easier time farming their gears.
    You, as a casher, can sell autopots, upgrade stones and dogi in the ah and use that money to buy your gear from the farmers. Its a win win situation,
    Since 90% of the forum here is from tw/hk , let me show these data to you guys

    -A lot of boxes
    -Items prices were higher then 1 billion
    -Good gears never sell
    -+15 gear with op stats are very common
    - The AH economy was shitty and everyone had more then 1bi

    -Almost no boxes
    - Item prices were 30 million at most
    - You could sell good gears to anyone in the AH
    -+15 gears with good stats are something special for the good players
    - economy was healthy and people would rarelly reach 1bi.

    What kind of dbo do you guys prefer to play? Well pick the first one if you support boxes and second if you dont.

    Even if the title expires the budokai winner aura remains.

    DOJO map lacks a lot of invisible walls close to the ceiling. So you can get up there and go around the map from the outside, that way you can go under the areas where no one will be able to attack you and you can get statue freely.

    The famous Zanzoken bug could be done in a lot of different ways.

    If you in the way of your dash you get stunned your character bugs. The oponent will see you on one side but won't be able to attack you as you will be on the other side.

    That can be done manually. If you click to walk somewhere , buff yourself and let your character move there, for everyone else you will be where you buffed yourself.

    Another way was using charge ki and block, same effect ( thats how people would attack outside the arena).

    Os brincos eram tao bons 17cd e 18cd kkkkkk brincos de noob seus
    Viados proxima vez cria outra forma para ter treta cambada de viados uahsuhahahaa

    Seu amigo enfia rexxona no cu e você chama os outros de viado? oloko. Cade o Kamui falando nisso? Avisa pra ele que o zinho morreu, ele ja pode voltar pro dbo.

    let me make it clear and simple , dbo wasn't pay 2 win only idiots who think like that and the biggest example is when SparkingX aka Goris defeated one of the greatest fighters (Jocer) on server 2 Final budokai for the 1st place . so tell me if it was pay2win how could Goris(non-casher) won against Jocer(Casher) ?
    Ofc cash help but without skills you can't do shit xD
    + Brown boxe wasn't really needed , you could buy items with good stats on Auction house

    DBO wasn't pay 2 win for sure. Of course cash helped a lot , but it wasnt pay to win. But that doesnt make it a good game either.
    Anyone can see how terrible boxes are for the game economy, there is no denying that. Its simple math.

    Lets say a trash item costs x gold
    A good item costs 100 times more at least so 100x gold
    boxes were really common ,so lets put it at 5x gold
    Lets say that the cost in stones to add a gear to +15 would be 400x gold

    so we farm a lot of good itens or buy them in the AH
    Unless you are lucky, for a +15 gear you'd need at least 30 pieces(if not more) of the same gear.
    Also lets add a random value to boxes and make it so we would need 20 boxes to make a good stats ( we all know it was much less)

    30 good gears = 3000x + stones = 3400x gold

    30 trash gears = 30 gold + stones + boxes = 600x gold

    by X being the gold value of a trash item.

    By adding the boxes we have people looking the AH for trash gear to make upgrades.

    So what happens when we remove the boxes?

    PVE/non-casher farmers will farm the content and sell it over the AH making money
    Cashers will make money with cash and buy those gears

    Its a win-win situation.

    Cashers will be able to buy the gear they want with their moeny out of the AH and non-cashers will be able to farm cause the economy actually works.

    I dont care if the DBOG team add op gears or whatever they want in the cash shop. What I dont want is seeing the game die cause some people support that shit.

    Well i never cashed and i´m playing mmorpgs since 11 years but nvm this is getting to stupid i´m out of this discussion.

    I've never cashed either and yes, I also play mmos since Ultima Online ,I couldnt even write all the mmos I've already played in my life without extending the character limit of a post.
    Reason why I am 100% sure that brown boxes were a terrible addition to DBO, but only because they become so common that it killed the economy hard!

    Yeah it failed because of boxes not because the main developer left NTL.

    Nop. DBO as any other mmorpg costs a lot of money. That money come from players. If players are unhappy with the game, they just move on and stop playing it. I dont know why you think 1 person is responsable for a game that holds the jobs of hundreds of employees. DBO kept losing players till its last dying breath, and one of the main reasons for that , yes, were the brown boxes that lead to the lack of good game content.


    Dbo didn´t failed. I was pretty happy with the game. There wasn´t really any problems only the bugs and the only players who complain about the original dbo are the cashers who didn´t do much pve. I think that you guys are also the same. And again dbo didn´t failed.

    DBO not only failed , but it failed hard. The game shuted down really quickly for a triple A mmo supported by namco bandai. By the end of its life the only content dbo could release to players were more CC floors, the developers said the team was down to 5 people due to massive layoffs . The own publisher for the game ( netmarble) decided to close the game and not suport it anymore ( reason why hk and tw thought they could keep the game a little longer)

    if they want to cash let them cash
    if they want to do pvp let them do it
    if they want to farm let them farm

    Not everyone will buy enough cash to get his full equipment and still it´s up to themselfs if they want to cash to get their items or just farm. Why do you want to force them to farm? If they just want to do pvp let them cash and do pvp. No one is telling you to cash....

    i really don´t understand your problem. Everything is up to themselfs.

    Again, You dont understand the problem, so I will say it as clearly as I can.

    Because It will kill the game. Just as DBO failed , cash boxes will make DBOG fail too. Its very easy simple to see why.

    DBO didnt add boxes to make players happier, they knew DBO was fated to fail, so they needed to make as much money as possible before the game died for good. DBOG can avoid that and create a good game.

    If people wanna spend cash for boxes why don't you let them??
    Why do you care if people upgrade something with bad stats and using boxes?
    Why do you care if they don't wanna farm and just spend cash to skip farming?
    It only makes sense that you wanna get it fair because you don't wanna spend cash on boxes and so no one should have the chance.

    Because that destroys the economy and the game itself later on. Everyone that played DBO knows how hard it was to sell good items in the AH. Wanna add boxes to the cash store? Sure go ahead, as long as they are SUPER expensive.