Posts by Sirab

    Attack Speed %

    Now this is a key factor I believe killed old DBO, people were doing the "hardest" end game dungeon runs within minutes because of this crap, and it make this games end game PVE look like a joke. Now I understand this is also going to be very controversial because first of all, I understand that speed was the most efficient way to get good end game gear, the rates are horrible believe me I was doing Cell X so many times in POB and got garbage. I believe that 195.png Should no longer stack with 324.png. Kami's Blitz doesn't stack with 210.png, so why can it stack with Gogo-Mask? As long as Speed % Strats exist for PVE, PVE will never be a challenge, ever. Speed also creates a lack of diversity in PVE compositions which is a bad thing, every class should have the right to participate in PVE if their gear is decent, they are willing to cooperate and have an adequate build for it

    The only argument I ever see with speed% lovers is "PvE will just be longer without speed" and that couldn't be further from the truth. Speed% parties make bosses incredibly easier which of course should be the hardest part and makes PvE parties very strict. Now a problem will arise with that in 70 cap with how long 150 CCBD takes even with a fl 91 ticket if Kami Blitz and Kami's Blitz can't stack together, but Daneos can just add a higher floor ticket to the game and bam that's fixed.

    so tell me where do i see the immortal bug at ???

    ofc the bug got used just to get the aura meh izi carry after all

    That bug is irrelevant, do I need to remind you even after immortal bug was fixed, people paid large amounts of zenni to be carried through it?

    The new token system is perfect, all Daneos has to do is cut all prices by 4. Make it so things dont cost 35 hours but instead 6 to 8 hours and everyone is happy.

    Exactly. And about that aggro system my god is it terrible. A member of my guild reported it and was told by a staff member it wasn't bugged and was meant to be like that. I guess not even all of the staff get the all the info on updates.

    LMfao i kept asking for Daneos to be more specific in his change logs a long time ago in discord back when he decided to change stone upgrade rates, I and several others were skeptical about not knowing the new rates and complained why he is always so vague and never explains things in his change-logs, and you know what happened? We got backlash from the mods saying how he doesn't have to explain every little detail in his updates. Next thing you know 15+ items were being shitted out every other minute, and daneos eventually had to change the rates again.

    This is another major problem as well, the global update thread was more organized and showed all the updates all in one thread, and sometimes in great detail. Now all updates are listed poorly.

    They need more members on the team that have specific jobs like listing updates, making guides, organizing new upates, and etc.

    Not all of us are completely satisfied with the game after logging in and buying our favorite dogi. Some of us play this game competitively and when Daneos makes silly changes we have to let him know. For example with Dragonball hunt, there was too much people hunting and little ammount of db mobs, making the hunt too much of a time waster. Then Daneos made the system even worse and made a system based off farming a specific which you can easily have stolen.

    Daneos messed up big time this week, every change he made, most players were upset with, and they have every right to be vocal about, with 0 surgar coating.

    Never was Dragonball Hunting a big end game achievement other than when transformations required you to be level 50. All you do is fly around looking for a mob with a dragonball icon, and kill it. Something like Budokai auras are actually competitive things you get and is something that is meant to be hard to get. Dragonball event is purely RNG.

    This isn't making things hard, this new system is making things more tedious. Lots of players were really looking forward to testing out the new system with all the bad updates that came on Thursday and were just left disappointed again. Next weeks update needs to get a lot of things fixed adjusted starting with actually making Dragonball hunting viable for end cap players.

    All free to play games have pay2win aspects. This mmo is actually one of the ones that does not have that many pay2win aspects.

    Yeah that's true, but DBOG is more P2W than TW/HK/KR, and DBOG doesn't require nearly as much funding as the official servers.

    People are losing interest in this game fast because of this.

    How haven’t they realised that something is wrong yet. Everytime i come to forums there are like 5 different complaint threads

    Friends tell me all the time that just got back into this game after years of not playing they're already losing interest. Who ever is in Daneos's ear is making poor choices. We need better updates for players who are competitive. This T shop update was for a good cause but was done lazy, we need more well thought out updates. More creative updates.

    The last great competitive player update was the nerf of Karma's hesitation and that was a while ago.

    We need a big great update no strings attached for the players and we need that fast because a lot of people are disappointed the way things are going.

    The Token Shop to begin with got turned weird. I was expecting token shop to have u55 stones removed in Open Beta, I mean I get 55 cap is temporary but when it's present why highly reward players for doing nothing? Made more sense in POB when cap was 70. Then auto pots got added in there, why? They'd make the perfect zenni drain if sold at a vendor and the price for them in T shop are now more ridiculous than ever. The chest keys, exp pots, and pet exp items made sense to add in there though i'll give the team that.

    Well I like Box-head(boxbox) idea of 2 gold coins for x5 brown boxes, give it a 12 hour limit on being able to buy them and bam, F2P players only get a reasonable ammount daily, cashers can still sell them for good profit, and botters can't abuse them.

    I dont really like the timed event idea since the new stone drop rate is more than enough reasons to farm. We need more reasons to spam PvE. A GM once said they were going to make silver boxes and legendary dogi balls droppable in dungeons but for some reason that was canceled, that'd be a great installment though, more of the community would stick together and have something to do rather than just afk.

    Dont mean to burst your guy's bubble but this thread was made for if the balance was still coming for next cap since there hasn't been any news on it. Dont get me wrong though i'd like to see a SK nerf but we still have to see if balance is even going to be worked on anytime soon to even speak on it.

    Class balance was scheduled for Open Beta but so far I hear no news about it or anything. Now I know 45 cap is only a month and that's why no balance is done for this cap, but 55 cap will eventually come, and it's been stated that once it's 60 cap DBOG will be out of Open Beta, so basically it must be balanced in 55 cap. But i'm hearing lots of rumors about balance being canceled and how 70 cap is going to be added as soon as possible from people who know the team, so i'd like to get things straight for me and others.

    A more viable option to get brown boxes would actually help the economy. This is because it would keep the prices of them low and right now they're just going up in price and will continue to go up. About botters, the brown boxes from boss event and the silver/gold coins bind, so this means you cant sell them. Now the botter could use them on equips but if he ever gets banned he will lose all coins/brown boxes and theres only one server and a couple channels so they're easy to spot. Not to mention over the hours I spent farming this whole week I only got 23 silver coins, meaning the main viable source of gold coins is the daily quest, meaning botting for brown boxes would suck unless you had 30 bots which again would be easy to find and ban.

    I agree on the most important nerf needed for SK is Steal Life. The skill was bugged in POB and wasn't based off Phy, SK was balanced, and was still a good class.

    Same Fighter you're talking about. He only barely won the first round with only hundreds of LP away from dying before dropping dead from reflect. The other two rounds AntiBleed dominated. 21 is a good player but how is he supposed to counter Fear, eng dmg skills, have enough phy defense for Steal Life, Curse, Paralysis, SK equipping DEX earrings like AntiBleed did here during stun, and Bold's bleed? Just counter what you feel is best to counter and pray like hell the rest dont hit you, but most of the time SK should win, but to say with the right gear you can completely counter an SK is nonsense for certain classes.

    Is it possible/needed to nerf it more, or is it fine now?

    I've played this class and did a lot of PvP with it, that nerf was more than enough. Like I said before you only needed 1 bad CD earring to spam it and skill lock, leaving the rest of his accessory slots free. The class was easier than playing a Fighter believe it or not. Now, im pretty sure Karmas cant spam Hesitation with max CD earrings and CD rings.

    Now with SK its not just one skill, it's more spread out, Fear/Steal Life/Bold Strike/Curse. They're not each as broken as Hesitation was, but together this makes SK a Tank/DPS.