Posts by Miss. Pommel

    Dear ChocolateCrane/MarshmallowFluff I've never fought you, and no I'm not an SK.

    I have not fought CatBug but I have fought the player behind CatBug (aka Goris; just as I said in my initial post xD)

    Are you implying that you are not Goris now? Perhaps he sold his account to another player? *wink, wink*

    If your karma get owned by Tung it doesn't mean that karma is easy to counter, it just means that you are a very bad player.

    Tung looked like a fool vs CatBug.

    I owned Tung a few times initially, but he soon adapted with the method I outlined in my above post. I was quite impressed to say the least (I have only met a select few, maybe 4 total Sks who have been able to compete with me at 1v1). Goris (aka CatBug) not being one of them :P

    Karma isn't a DPS class, that's never been said by anyone. They're an OKAY DPS in PvE, but they aren't built to do high damage.

    Karma is a "debuffer."

    Wouldn't a proper debuff class have a few more... you know debuffs in their arsenal? >.> The only one of note in the Karma skill tree is Hesitation. Evasion Masking is pretty meh.

    Fighter - DPS

    Swordie - DPS

    Crane - DPS/ Debuffer

    Turtle - DPS

    Shadow Knight - Tank/ DPS

    Dark Warrior - Tank

    Dende - Healer

    Poko - DPS/ Healer

    Ulti - Buffer/ Tank

    Chef - Buffer/ Tank

    Plasma - DPS

    Karma - DPS

    ^This was my understanding of the basic role assignments in DBO, notwithstanding minor classifications such as CC or Support :o

    this isn't P2W at all it should bee in cs not in wagu , even a lvl 70 cookie should bee there but with a descent price like 100 $ maybe higher so op cashers will just gonna buy and get all clasess and daneos will gonna bee rich and we all gonna bee happy win win


    People have been playing this game for 8 years....

    It's not about laziness.

    There was once a time in DBO where fly never existed, translations never existed....
    You need to understand that there's a playerbase in this community, that is tired of the repetition.

    If you can't understand that. U a nab.

    If the playerbase is tired of repetition and the tedium of leveling, they will have far more difficulty getting from 33-70 than 1-33 >.>

    Why pay such exorbitant prices for an item that hardly relieves any of the monotony of leveling when you could instead pay someone to power level you through the higher (more tedious) levels at a similar price?

    In my experience:

    1-30 = 10 hours

    30-40 = 8 hours

    40-50 = 12 hours

    50-60 = 15 hours

    60-70 = 30 hours

    ^These are fairly rough approximations for leveling solo via questing/ grinding methods. Certain classes will have advantages like turtles or DW's, etc, but you get the drift lol

    It's just so insignificant... such a tiny chunk of time compared to the rest of the levels. I don't get the fuss over this item tbh o,o

    Disclaimer: I'm not saying it shouldn't be available in cash shop, I just cannot comprehend the type of person willing to drop upwards of 150 CP on an item like this.

    I don't understand why people would want to pay that much just for lvl 33. I mean, I leveled my Spiritualist from 1-33 (+ adult and fly quest) in literally one sitting (by which I mean my ass did not leave my seat once throughout the process lol). And I did this all solo, by merely questing in Yahoi West -> Korin. Took 10+ hours, sure, but still not worth 150-200 cp if you ask me >.>

    The way I see it is if you are too lazy to lvl properly from 1-33, this game probably isn't for you...

    Now if only there was a lvl 65-70 Up item lol. Would save like 25 -30 hours of grind Q.Q

    Hesitation: Okay 1 minute CD and 23 duration, looking at it from the skill calculator you wouldn't see it as such a huge problem, then you play it and see the damn CD reduction is -36 seconds... Making it so you don't even need upgraded armors because you just skill lock your opponent, and you can go full speed so you don't even need a upgraded sub weapon... Not to mention you only need mediocre CD rings to spam it. It's just sad really. The RP ability would make more sense if the CD was more like 2 minutes, I don't even think this needs a vitamin to replace it since Karma's are really good.

    No argument that Hesitation is OP af, but there's no need to exaggerate. Karmas can be VERY easily countered by stacking energy reflect% + skilled dashing and autoattacking w/ +15 gloves inbetween KD intervals.

    ^That's the only way Tung was able to effectively own my Karma at 1v1 :o

    If you take away the broken Hesistation skill, Karmas should at least get buffed damage output. I swear, Karma skills have some of the most lackluster Dmg i have ever seen for a freaking "DPS" class.... -.-

    Also, slightly off topic, but before I forget....

    yea, this stupid update where you can buy lvl 80 cap, tmq 8 and 9, and cc 200 with all it's gear only through cashshop, made the game so unbelievably pay2win I literally can't believe it. All those overstatted guys.. literally no balance just cashergame

    Strawman fallacies are not exactly renowned for their ability to convince others of one's position. This goes tenfold for those standing on the opposing side... >.>

    Well that is just your opinion (clearly is wrong)

    In my opinion it is not P2W

    By definition, any game that allows the player to purchase in-game items for real life money is Pay2Win, unless of course those items are merely cosmetic in nature.

    Basically if cash shop was nothing but dogis, I would agree with you. Sadly, this is not the case lol

    I think thats from the mudosa machine in Papaya.

    If it is from mudosa that would mean it's Rare max, right? I'm holding off on using boxes til I'm 100% sure whether or not I can get this in Legendary form. 33% would certainly be preferable to 27% =^-^=

    You can change the skin of your current wand to that one, so youll be able to see it as a skyshatter wand

    I'm not too big a fan of client-side mods to be honest. Plus, I want other players to see my sub-weapon /)^3^(\

    I am interested in purchasing this type of wand with different stats. If it is possible, I am looking to get a Legendary version of it with 33% e. crit dmg. I am not certain whether or not this wand is Rare max, if so 27% will be fine. Attribute is preferred.


    You can leave me a message in this thread or contact me in-game.

    IGN--> PommelWeed