Posts by Rean

    Nah that's totally fine! You can disagree as much as you like since I only suggested certain things :) It's just that I don't like it when people start to insult or sh** on other people just because they suggested something lol. Like you can just say why you disagree like e.g. you just did. Most of us here are old enough to do that. So instead of being little childs grow up and at least tell someone why you disagree.

    And it's fine SumTingWong I didn't feel like you tried to diss me lol. It's just like I mentioned above, instead of being jerks, you can just tell me if you like the suggestions or not and be done with it since that's totally fine if you like or dislike certain ideas or even all of them :thumbup:

    Yeah man don’t get too offended by the responses. It’s just that we want the game back and this sounds silly to most of us because the game in its current state would never have this. Even if it did it would take like 3-5 years with all the things we need fixed and implemented in dbog.

    Nah I won't get offended by such things lol but people sure need to learn how to respond normally without exposing themselves being d****. It's just a collection of ideas. I only thought of it since other MMOs have it and BECAUSE it's DBOG. It would be pretty funny imo. If it's not implemented that's fine too.

    And yeah many of the ideas would take time indeed, I just hope some of it might be possible in the near future.

    Hi there, since I heard something about a new client and suggestions I thought I might drop by after a long time again.

    So my question is, if it might be possible to create more side-content things in DBOG.

    What I mean by that are things like:

    - fishing

    - new animations you can use such as dancing

    - races (I mean like events where you sign up in game for a race with your character and have a certain route you need to clear faster than anyone else, cars and stuff are disabled since it's more fun that way imo)

    - group cars/vehicles (It would be amazing if you could buy some kind of vehicle where you and your friends/guild members could all fit in to drive through the world of DBOG together)

    - in-game bets for budokai/races etc. (would be funny if you could bet zenni on certain persons in budokai and stuff)

    - marriage system between all classes, genders and races and creating events such as married Budokai only etc. (just because I'd love to see hilarious pairings such as Dende with a Majin etc.)

    - more hairstyles would be cool as well

    - Air Attacks ( I don't ask for full Air Combat yet since I know it's a LOT of work to do that, but starting with 1-2 moves would at least be nice to see)

    - more wishes when gathering Tier 2 DBs such as more zenni, maybe 1 brown box or something etc.

    - more attacks in general (would be great to see new skills being added for each class from time to time)

    Those are some ideas I have thought about for quite a while now. I hope some of these are possible, since it would be great to see those things being implemented into DBOG :)

    Dogi Fan - Bought/Own 10 different dogi

    Time for Fashion - Bought/Own 25 different dogi

    Shopping Queen - Bought/Own 50 different dogi

    Forged Bounds - Be in a guild with 50 members for at least x hours

    Welcome to the family - Be in a guild with 75 members for at least x hours

    Together we are strong - Be in a guild with 100 members for at least x hours

    Tao's biggest fear - Done UD 50 times

    Dungeon Crawler - Done UD 100 times

    Underdog - Done UD 200 times

    I will edit some more if I can think of anything.

    • Balance
      • Skill "Major Speed Up" now gives skill cool down reduction.

    Is this already applied? Cause the skill in-game still reads "increases movement spd by x". And I don't want to reset now if it isn't already applied. And if it is would you mind telling by how much?

    Edit: I also used it now and it didn't do anything in that regard.

    Those are some interesting changes, though I would like to have the option to change my hair color and stuff. I hope that those will be added soon if it's possible.

    I have to say yesterday was somewhat decent for me with 5 DBs in total.

    Today was just the worst DB Hunt I've ever had in my life. I killed like 80-90 DB Mobs 2 hours straightforward and got none I repeat ZERO DBs. And I think that is kind of a problem. I know it all comes down to luck, but at least it could be improved in some way. Better drop rates would be good for a start since the spawn rate of the DB mobs felt completely fine to me.

    After collecting the 7 DBs the first time then losing all of them through a stupid game crash while summoning shenron, I finally managed to get them all back today.

    I got 9 to be precise so I'm pretty happy about it. But I have to say it would be great if there would be more than just 1 day to hunt DBs since I will not always be able to hunt them on a saturday since I have to do other things from time to time. At least 2 days of DB Hunting would be much appreciated :thumbup:

    just to be clear there wont be added outfits from different anime to the game and i am pretty sure daneos going to decline those request

    if it has nothing to do with dragon ball then no for reply for those wishes

    but for those who wish the dragon ball outfit you seen in the anime then wait for future where daneos is able to hire someone to make 3d printing or whatever just to make dogis thus far from what i seen he been using the same dogis and do some color change to it and add small stuff to make it look different thats how founder dogi got made basic dogi 7.500 zeni ingame at a npc near the rank spot and he asked someone to do changes to it then he decidet to accept stripes and a logo for the dogi cheap work tbh

    Ah I see. So TOCS would be pretty difficult since it's a different game. I hope then that in the near future someone is able to do the modding for the Tapion Dogi. Or it could be added in the future later on as you said. I'm just hoping for the best :thumbup:

    Well I thought about how cool it would be to have any of those in the game.

    So I wanted to show how they are supposed to like and hope that someone can mod either of those ( all of them would of course be even better :D)

    Since I am a huge Trails of Cold Steel fan, I'm gonna start with the Class VII Dogi:



    Bardock Headband (I don't like any of the hats currently in the game so the headband would be amazing <3 ) :

    Tapion Dogi :

    Hope anyone can find the time to make any of those. ^^

    Ich würde warten bis dass Auktionshaus Freigenschalten ist und dort die Preise vergleichen werde ich auch so machen aber soweit ich weiß liegen die Preise beim SSJ Vegetto z.B über 5 bis 10 Mille und die niedriegsten Preise bis zu 200.000 Zenni du kannst auch bei der Hauptstadt auf Map2 die Preise bei denn anderen Shops vergleichen aber ich würde warten bis dass Auktionshaus freigeschalten ist.

    Ah das kommt also wieder hab mich schon gewundert! Weißt du ZUFÄLLIG wann genau die Rückkehr des Auktionshauses geplant ist?

    I have to disagree on the 2nd point. I HATED the skill reset books back in Taiwan cause they were the ONLY option to reset your build. I couldn't test my builds and fool around for some time and then change it if it doesn't satisfy me. I HAD to build my character correctly from the start with only 1 skill reset book that you get later and THAT I didn't like at all.

    I think the DBOG Team is doing a fantastic job to let us players decide when we want to reset our skills so we can test different builds out.

    But well that's my point of view after all. ^^

    Woher bekommt man solche Items eigentlich, muss man die Kaufen oder kann man die Droppen?

    Man kauft sich Cash Points und diese tauscht man gegen Wagu Coins ein. Ich zb bezahle monatlich weils noch relativ human ist 5$ für 3 Wagu Coins welche du für 3 Dogi,Upgradesteine,Dogisteine,Ausrüstung etc. eintauschen kannst. Was davon du kriegst ist reiner Zufall. Aber von allem wirst du dann ingame Geld rausholen können.

    Aber kannst die dir auch als F2P Spieler kaufen. Hab damals bei der Taiwanversion level 70er Upgradesteine gefarmt und verkauft. Damit konnte ich mir damals einen Trunks,Kaioshin und C17 Dogi kaufen,dazu noch Flügel,Heiligenscheine und gute Ausrüstung.

    Das nur mal damit du nen Eindruck bekommst dass man als F2P Spieler auch an gute Sachen rankommen kann ^^

    Hi Grüß dich also momentan sind sie in denn Shops in der 2 Hauptstadt recht günstig drin zwischen 100.000 Zeni bis zu 5.000.000 Mille circa aber ich denke so bald dass Auktionshaus wieder freigegeben ist und dass Level Cap erhöht wird bekommt man die ganzen Dogis hinterher geschmießen irgendwann steigen dann wieder die Preise wie in Taiwan denke ich

    Ah ok verstehe. Ja genau, weil ich mir in Taiwan früher Dogi für mehrere Millionen kaufen musste brauchte ich jetzt ne Referenz hierfür.

    Und welche Dogi sind eher teurer und welche eher günstiger? Ich frage nach weil ich bsw 2 Kopfbedeckungen und nen Badeanzug Dogi habe die ich net brauche. Daher die Frage wie die Zenispanne zwischen einzelnen Dogi ist.

    Danke nochmal! ^^

    Hey ich bin von der uralten Taiwan Version nun zu dieser Open Beta zurückgekehrt und wollte mich mal erkundigen ob jemand weiß wie hoch die Preise für Dogi,Hüte,Masken,Heiligenscheine,Flügel etc sind.

    Ich habe im Forum selber keinen guten Ansatz gefunden um Preise nachzuschlagen, daher wollte ich mal fragen ob jemand ne Antwort darauf hat wie teuer solche Sachen durchschnittlich sind.

    Danke im Voraus!