Posts by IMikaI

    I read this post again... why on earth they don't implement ideas like this!
    Instead of just increase/decrease dmg & change cds this are the kind of changes that should be done. I even wouldn't mind a wipe if it comes with a good reworks of the classes like this <3

    just what i thought, it's a little random -_-

    thanks guys ^._^

    last restart was 9.12 so maybe it comes this week.

    you should find a final skill tree for yourself that you can play in pve or pvp changing them back and forth

    is crap

    yes i know, but i just started a new character & was experimenting with skills
    now i know which ones i want & can't reset them hahaha

    Back in the days you could reset your skill points once a week after the maintenance, but now there is no weekly maintenance

    so... when can we reset the skills again? i see a "server restart" post, but it doesn't seem to be the same days like the maintenance

    any help?
    ps: sorry if my english sucks

    Si se puede hacer un sword de energia y farmea bastante bien, pero en este cap no se puede aprender el burning al maximo :/ . Es mas, dependiendo la build que uses, ni siquiera necesitas mejorar la espada (solo se usan los guantes para hacer daño).

    aca tenes un buen build que usa "final effort" con cast rp para matar de 1 y "stronger energy barrage" por las dudas :P…0010500001200442000300030

    en mi caso yo uso "stronger energy barrage" con kd y "focused kamehameha" para terminar (no me gusta el "final effort"). Y como dije, el daño viene solamente de los guantes asi que no es necesario mejorar la espada(a menos que igual quieras usar el burning) ^._^

    y porque no nos dicen nada? Aca no se habló de humano, yo se que tiene vida. Pero un pequeño aviso no esta de más.

    Lo dijo en el discord, estan trabajando en algo y todavia no esta listo para ser implementado. Pero si seria bueno que comunicaran esas cosas por aca tambien :P

    Well i can't say anything about GN cause i never played one, but this is my answer

    • I think they(pure majin) only need the dash for movility. They will also need to reduce the ep consumed over time since this will deplete it very fast.
    • I also think there attack speed is ok(i could be wrong)
    • Sp cost of skills : What SumTing said is a good idea. :thumbup:
    • About there buffs... I don't know... it would be very helpfull, but not sure if needed :/

    Again, i'm just talking about pure majin. I don't know how GN works and what it needs or doesn't need.

    Esa build es lvl 70, osea que no se puede usar todavia(es importante ya que el burning attack es mas debil en el cap 60)

    Para mi gusto seria algo asi…0030500035304514010000440

    si queres farmear con un sword(hasta nivel 55) solo necesitas un buen guante y usar "stronger energy barage" + "focused kamehameha" y los bichos mueren con eso nada mas.Es MUY facil.

    luego en el mapa azul y papaya no es tan facil, ahi si necesitas una espada y usar el "burning attack" tambien

    En la ropa yo usaba todo dex y con 2000+de eva esquivaba bien, aunque con es mas seguro(especialmente en papaya). Otra cosa, siempre usar ssj en lugar del kaio, es muchisimo mejor para farmear.

    I wanted to say it's 21% of the max cdr that you can have but it is 11% out of 100% cd

    ohhh hahahah oookey :P

    It'd be nice if Black Hole Beat also didn't have a freaken 4 sec cast time at max.

    I suppose it's different for every person, but to me, the animation takes another 3 sec <X

    Black hole should have 3 sec cast, animation speed = human extinction, 8m to 10m aoe and leave the cast time reduction the way it is
    That way people have the chance to nuke if they want and it's still far away from the turtles power

    With all the downsides this skill already has, i still don't understand why they nerf it with the 70 cap(TW) :S

    70 CDR is max.

    100% / 11% = 9,09 -> 9,09 * 11% = 100% -> 15 * 9,09 = 136,35 CDR Max ?

    15 CDR is 21,42%.

    15 / 70 = 0,2142

    0,2142 * 100 = 21,42%

    70 CDR is the cap but it's not 100%
    go to the game and check it yourself, i have 72 cdr with one character and its only 50%

    70cdr = 50% cdr
    1cdr = 0.70% cdr

    there is a post about it somewhere in the forum too

    P.S. Stop saying give plasma more cdr. Actually 15 cdr is pretty decent but because of some changes like sm cdr buff it looks low. Max cdr is 70 so 15 would be 21% which is pretty nice.

    Actually 15 is around 11%, 30cd would be 21%

    there are people who can and already have made plasma great in party pvp, 1v1 pvp, pve farm and dungeon pve.

    can you give any example of people who did that or how? I'm sorry but "great" is hard to believe. Of course it can farm very well...but so could a sm in my experience