Posts by fkimn

    Buddy, look at the statistics on the poll - 47% of the players that voted want a lv1 hard reset so everything you said about people not wanting to level up isnt really relevant is it lol

    so the 53% dont wanna a full wipe or a wipe at all... that the pol its saying do you realize that?
    and ofc its only my opinion dude, dont need a mayority to give you my opinion,

    Well, fair point of you. Got stuck with the name thing cuz it was the first things you all mentioned on why to not do a full wipe.

    About ppl not wanting to a full wipe cuz they simply don't want to lvl up again...i can only say one thing: Cya xD

    Like come on. We have ppl here who restarted more than the majority of those ppl. I understand they will be fedup cuz i am too tbh but if it'S for the greater good, i say do it! Being lazy is the problem of this game. Majorityof ppl became lazy cuz the game became so damn easy. Now they get upset over things which are no real problem. Don't be lazy and put some work in it...again since it would be for a better server. Also this wipe talk doesn't mean there will be a wipe. I can see Daneos not giving a single f+ck and just put out new client and let it roll lol. He might (little chance) remove all lvl 70 stuff (cuz it went wrong at lvl 29 cap)

    You may not understanding me... if you come here and said me one reason that make the hard reset better than the soft reset... (for example: a hard reset will be improve in a better way the economy of the game than the soft reset -i dont think this is just a example) i will said sure dude make a hard wipe...
    But right know with all the arguments that i hear here the only thing that i got is this:
    Hard wipe: +economy -players base
    soft wipe: +economy.

    I know this is just a pol, but its good talk about this things with others player.
    i dont care if ppl is lazy, if they are right or not.. im talking about the health of the server... i think you will be agree if i say that the server will be better with more ppl playing the game, even if they are lazy or wathever.
    So far now i only got that.. a hard wipe bring same results than a soft wipe, but the soft wipe is a bit less agresive with the players trust.

    Because hard wipe means ppl will actively play again. Can you imagine how the game will look like when ppl keep their char lvl but have no money/stuff to lvl/farm? I can imagine it and it sucks hardcore. So a hard wipe will not only fix that but also the economy. Getting to higher lvls again step by step will give us a better chance. Better than keeping your lvl 60 char with nothing, after a while making some good gear with the intention to sell some BUT no one got the right money xD

    And your only reason is: I wanna keep names....

    compared to that, what i want and many others, sounds billion times better.

    do you even read what im writing here and before? Only you are talking about names,, and that make me think that the only reason that you have to said that is because dont really wanna argument.. just say "oh look this dude just wanna keep his name, look how dumb he is.."
    But ok i rewrite one last time..
    a Hard wipe means a lot of player stopi playing the game, they already acepted been beta testers in the POB and now wanna keep his characters.
    The economy issue can be fixed with a soft wipe.
    Farm in this game was never hard, you can easly start farming whit a white weapon for a few minutes and start to get better gear. That may take you a wile, depends on class and everything else maybe days... but you will be farming again soon enought.
    You said level up is faster, but you know that isnt true. but sure we can say its fast.. A lot of ppl dont wanna lv up again (i already said why) so why you force them to level up agian ?
    Please dude if you will answer me use arguments and dont make lies about what i said...

    A full wipe including deleting all chars is better imo. Will be a 100% fresh new start. I would also accept all chars getting turned into lvl 1 since ppl mention their char names. None of that delete items and stuff but keep lvl of chars. No No NO! Either full 100% wipe or wipe of ingame things and chars turning back to lvl 1 but ppl keep the names. Then yes, anything else = NO.

    Leveling a char is not hard. It's easy af! You don't have to put much time into lvling a character in DBO. Most of your time goes for farming, makin g money to get good equipment. Leveling is literally the easiest part. Only annoying part is 46/47-55. For that UD3 exists. And since multi client won't be a thing, iassume that all TMQ/UD entrances will be filled with ppl cuz of Teamwork. It was like that in KR and TW beginning. People had to do TEAMWORK. And for that the best choice is 100% wipe just like end of POB! Stop being selfish about your own chars/charnames. I understand your point but tbh it's a lame argument.:*

    ok but why not? what is your argument dude.. until now no one give me 1 argument about why the hard wipe is better than a soft wipe..
    dont wanna rewrite all agian but can tell you 2 things about that. ! hard wipe will make some (at least some) ppl stop playing the game. Soft wipe have the same benefices that the hard wipe without been to agresive with trust of the players. Im sure a lot will be mad, but at least they may have the chance to not leave the game.
    About leveling that may be fun or easy to you, but that isnt a fact that you can said about every player here.. so i dont really understand what you mean... remember the soft wipe has the same results than the hard one.. so why?

    I voted for complete wipe. Dunno why ppl freak out over names tho. But whatever. I wouldn't mind seeing a complete 100% wipe just like at the end of POB. Some ppl really wanna keep their names...shoutout to all SSJGokuGods etc. xD

    isnt for the names ... is for time spending to leveling 5+ characters.. you can get sames result with a soft wipe or a hard wipe.. (improve economy, delete bugged gear, etc) so why the reason to make a hard wipe?

    Thanks mate now i can really vote. I appreciate that.

    Voted for soft reset (delete zeni, items, etc) couse no need to delete all the data in servers. If you delete characters many ppl wonna stop playing or never come back.
    Deleting gear, zeni. dogis, etc is enought to improve economy in game.
    IWell done dude

    well that may happend to, just thinking in a way to keep ppl a bit more positive .

    i think all of this will resolve if the server stop allowing the multiclient. Even allowing 2 connection per ip will be enought.


    The answer is yes, work is under progress it's just there isn't much to show since it's a repeated progress with some tiny changes and it will take time and too much effort until we get a fully working new client.

    Isnt a good idea show some progress video (even if its just you killing mob outside kokkara in the new client) or something like you did in the pob to keep people motivated ?

    Some ideas to make the upgrade system less rng and more hard

    - You could use a upgrade level requeriment to improve your chances of succefull upgrade a weapon.

    - To increase the upgrade level use some kind of stone (you should choice betwen use a white stone to aboid the broken or use the exp stone and gain exp of upgrade) This way you to reduce yout rng playing the game.

    - Upgrade anythig need cost zenni and "upgrade level" in relation with the weapong level.

    - Delete all the "dowgradeable stones".

    - Downgrade a gear (having bad luck ) weapon should always reduce your "upgrade level"

    - Use "broken" to downgrade your weapon to +0 always or at least -6.

    - Put a counter in all gear

    Give +1 to that each time that the gear has been downgrade,

    Wich each counter the weapon gain more "resistence" to the upgrade (reduce the chances of succefull upgrade). This make new drop more value and keep alive the farm in time.

    -Make a "increase chances of succefull" stat for gear.
    You should need to craft your own "upgrade gear" to get better chances.


    hi bro , i hope u won't miss understand mee ..

    but if u won't to play in sk/fighter meta just wait until game get balanced ... pleas i and some peopole i know are waiting for lvl 70 cap so hard ... i don't wanna get 6 mounth lvl 60 cap cuz pvp player's wanna go get their aura's ...

    hi bro, i dont think that is correct, i dont need wait anymore becouse this is not the pre open beta. During the POB i accepted all the unbalanced characters and report all the bugs to improve the game. Thats why i was playing the pob. But know since the open beta started, many players hope play a balanced game. You already have a beter balanced in the early levels caps so why wanna drop all the good stuffs only to get 70?
    The auras are not worth enoguth if we must play a umbalanced game to get it. In the level 60 cap you have almost all the game content exept the bids . so why the hurry to get 70? i dont understad...

    have a nice day :)

    i undestard quest in this levels can be really anoying and make some of the casuals player go away. Is no need to get to much effort for reach the lv55, the trully hardcore players will be farming a lot to make their characters strong enought for the lv cap. And the casuals could have some fun in pve.
    I hope will stay a bit longer in the lv 60 cap, that cap is the best balanced (whit funny content) cap of the game. After that the developer team could take all the time that they will need to make the lv70 cap trully balanced for all the classes.
    I dont really wanna play in a sk/fighter server again...

    Hi guys, i was thinking that would be great if we have a full 24/7 pvp cannel in the server.
    This can help to improve the guild wars and other aspects of the game that are in this instance of the game mostly only for level cap and well equip players.
    if we have a full pvp channel, all players with any level will be inmerse in this kind of stuff.

    I know there is a scramble event, but that event is active a few hours per week, And is active only if you suscrbie to the event.

    In the same kind of stuff, could be fun have new sistem for the guild style ponts.

    Have the option to declare a aliance or war to another guild and win 1 style point if you kill a x number of players.

    Give to the style point anothers good uses like buy some kind of "guild buff", make better exchange prices from merchants for a determinate amount of time. etc

    I dont know thats are just random stuffs to make a example.

    What do you think about this idea?

    Have a nice day!:)

    i cant chat or see my guild, even after the last fix that should resolve this issue, anyone knows if they will make another fix ? or should i make a ticket support?

    Daneos removed the stones from the cash shop so it’s all good now.

    yes i know but the ideas (cashers are lazys, farmers dont deserve anything, boths wrong) still there. People need change that to make a good comunity