Posts by fkimn

    i have stones from the wagus. Not a LOT, but a few. Im ok if the mod decide to give me wagu coins intead the stones.

    I can understand people who dont want the u45 stones, that was unfair, but think is fair if they give us the wagu coins.

    For all the cashers i only ask him to remember the end of the pre open beta where only cashers, hardcore players and buggers was paying and playing the game (yes farmers make the server be alive too, in a diferent way than cashers) but the unbalanced economy just make all the farmers go away and the server turn very boring...

    for farmes and for casher: plz dont be greed, think in the best economy of the server. We need cashers, but we need farmers too, if you try to take off each other the server will be die agian.

    Have +100 advanced upgrade stones is just wrong, have the money (or making the money from the cash shop) to buy it form action house could be a better way. So the cashers can have their stones and farmers their money.

    I just think this all thread is a war betwen cashers and farmers. Plz people we all players of the same game.

    Im going to be fair and say the team wants crits to be tankable. Which is a good thing, there shouldn't be one shots in the game. But this isn't the way to do it, you can't just try to nerf DPS and not give them a replacement buff. For example, a better way of doing it would have been nerfing crits, but buffing STR/SOL for DPS classes, this way the DPS classes can't win with 1 button against a tank but can still deal good dmg. Again that's just an example i'm not suggesting it.

    is true, but that one is not the only way, we must understand that this is a alpha phase of the game, and be patient.

    Even i dont think that this nerf have a huge impact in all the dps classes. have a turtle, dende, sk, karma and i can play with any of those. Fightters still making a good damage (if they have good gear like every other class) and honestly i only see fighters talking about the props nerf in the server, the rest of the comunity just adap to the changes like they always do.

    As you can see from the whole discussion, most people agree that returning props to 1:1 will be at the very least, MUCH BETTER than what the current 0.5:0.5 . I believe in a saying that says “ If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Or in this case, don’t try to modify such a crucial stat in the game before at least asking for the community’s opinion on the subject with a poll or something similar. Someone earlier said that the community is not only those people at the forum, and although this is true, we are the ones that represent the whole DBOG community because WE VOICE OUR OPINIONS and actually want a better, balanced game for EVERYONE. Those people who don’t take part in the forums are not contributing to the server’s improvement and obviously we can’t read their minds, or can we? If you want to balance the game, return props to 1:1 and go from there. Tip: FOCUS on balancing skills rather than global stats.... Just my thoughts for today. #MAKEPROPSGREATAGAIN

    you should undesrtand the goals of the pob, the main goal was make a playble game for start the open beta and rebalance the classes. The mods said this a lot of times.... The open beta will start with a better and lower lv cap (lv70cap was so ugly even in tw), so all this things will be rebalance a lot of times.
    Is true, the comunnity shoul participate maybe a bit more, but in a constructive mode. In my opinion the props are broken, but is much more sensate have lower props (since they are broken) until the dev fix the problem, and not a game where you can win a duel in 2 seconds, whit 1 skill.

    Just buy the cheapest disk on the market,install win 7 and tap f8 or what ever your bios give as an option to boot from several inputs and boot from win 7 install the game and play with the same issues...problem not other games,RIP DBO it died once,not twice... problem never existed in first place.

    you did that or just guessing?? try to give him solutions... instal w7 works for me..

    Damn, I was thinking of running 2 gtx 1080 ti in sli to see if that fixed the mini freezes.

    If you really wanna do something to fix the mini freezes just create another partition and install win7-xp 64bit. That should resolve the problem.
    In my case to resolve the issue, i just deleted win10 and instal win7 and that all.. the problem is with win10

    there are a lot of bugged things in cc dungeon, for example the floors with the "defeat the ultra" quest, should have a lot of mobs, not only the ultra. All of those mobs should defend and react when you attack a ultra to make you hard reach them... but in dbog only the ultra spawns.

    Another one is the speed of the ghost, when you attack him, they should run away really fast and make you loose a lot of time. But here the ghost just stay where they are.

    the actual cap is %100 in lv 70 (Where you can get speed weapongs and buff strong enought to get that cap.

    The lv cap in the open beta wont be 70, (some ones think 50 or 55). So we dont really need to think in that right now.
    There will be a lot of changes in the balance of the game in the open beta, so we must wait and see what will be the speed cap, damage of the autoattacks ,damage of the critic attacks, etc...

    try using red or blues to reach lv 8 without anything else, you have a chances to get broken, but is minimal in thats levels anyway 7 blue/red stones are not so expensive. When you reach 8-7 use purple or green without white. (The white stone decrase the succes rate). In a few tries you will get a +10+11. If you are unlucky you will get a +9. In +9 use withe and if you are really lucky you will get a +12. The rest is nearly imposible without spend thousands of zeni. But you can do almost anything with a +10 gear.
    Thats the way i do

    do u know how hard is to get +10 SK without geeting a rerol ? so for the pve full party speed my answer is : Just let peopole choose iif they wanna go crit or speed don't nerf speed to push peopole to play crit !! in my oppinion bro if u go full crit taking 15min to get usless stuff !!!! it's not worth farming

    i have a dende and sk +10 both, is not hard, once you get the idea you can upgrade easly to +9 , and with a little effort +10. Hard is up to +13.. +9+10+11 is not so hard.

    I never said nothing about chose, i have a Turtle too, with a critic set and speed set, is just matter of change the set when you are killing the mobs or you are using speed to attack the boss.
    Not need a 26 attack speed set, just somethin like 22-23 (even a 21 can work !)and +5 speed in the dogi.. the ssj make the rest with the buffs of karma you must have at leas 80 attack speed, fast enought, of course if you can afroid a better set good to you but is not necesary.
    I never say anithing about nerf.

    Zeter is the dende, Bigbrother is the SK and Siilvan is the turtle.

    dont answer my question...let me ask more directly : you prefeer a game where the cap lv is only a speed paty pve?

    Anyway the subjet was "even a full +15 SK if kraken hits hard twice hes dead" in Syren words...(obvously i was saying that is not true, and if we start to make the game more easy we must ending with another way p2w with no skill plp overpower. i never said that cellx is ok in the way he is right know. The videos is to proof the unbalanced that tw was, so i think is not a example for nothing more but p2w. I just say that if you are a sk with +10 gear in this moment you can easly win any bid, obviusly if you do more than just spam one skill...
    Thats is a good think to me, rembembering when doing bids in tw was nothing more to have speed and a op (casher like everithing in tw servers) tank.

    So i said again, some of your ideas there are not true, at least not for me, but thats doesnt matter, that is not the subjet, the subjet is: Can a sk +10 can win in kraken if he plays a bit (with all of his party o course?
    So, what we want, a server where everyone can win the game if they have the correct gear? I prefer that plus a bit of habilitie and strategy of how you afront a hard dungeon..

    Hi guys, there is any chances that cc90 drop special beta circuit or is just a 110floor drop?

    I know that cc90 drop beta circuit but in order to craft the armor that i want i needd the special beta too...

    There is any chance to craft that armor or should i wait to the 150floor update?

    have a nice day

    DEX is a way too strong stat right now, it gives more p.atk than STR, that's complete bullsh*t.

    Same problem with the focus i guess,
    Kraken rings with STR and SOUL are usseless right now,

    in my opinion improve the dodge must be the first to do with the fighter, anyway there are other classes more unbalanced right know.

    U know that confusion in TW Was the worst idea in pvp groupe /pve groupe ? ? cuz with confusion any one can take agro and know it's bugged ? do u know that the kraken and the Cell are bugged ?? cuz in the kraken only 2 mobs should spawn and the kraken should bee invencible until u kill the 2nd kraken iif u shoot it too fast ? do u know that in tw cell x if u stay in cercle mobs dosn't spawn ? do u know that the Cell X is " The Hardest instance in the game " way more harder then CC100 ?

    the confusion is a great idea, if you use your head, for example can usit just a sec after the stun of the sk, if you are a good karma can spam that skill the mob never will move from they where are. the rest depend of you skill to manage that agro... depends on play or not play the game....
    He is talking about the bug when plp take out kraken and bacterian from their spot.. you know that buy anyway wanna write all you "knowlege" tomake what point? to defend what? Do you reallly want a game like tw was? men the lv 70 in tw was the worst cap ever.
    A game for casher with or without hands... who nows waht do you like that so much.
    im some points you are wrong and other have nothing to do with this thread..

    But if you wanna talk about TW. here you have for example a old cell x, with mobs spawn obvously... that was the most dificult dugneon? super funny (sarcasm)...plz tell me you can see the diference in make a tmq or ud in lv 50 and that. you really need hands to do that? you only need cash for that ....
    stop asking for make this game less funny plz.

    Anyway is hard to talk with some who thing the bids was more dificutl than cc...

    Do you know that cc have 150 floors,, and not 100? cc150 is the hardest instance of the game. I dont understand you i was thinking that you was a tw player, so you wanna game be like that,

    What bug dude? You even went to kraken or cellx? You notice that Daneos fixed the area of the boss will follow you?

    I already tell you, use your skills and not only your gear... if you see overcoming by the mobs just use confuse of the karma, a few critical kames make the rest fo the work. Of course you need lpreg for a PVE Tank in a PVE dungeon.... dude... srusly... im just giving you true numbres, a SK with +10+10+10 can tank easly kraken... Of course is much more easy just ask for a power up instead think ways to make the game funny

    Neutral attribute only affects mob's defense not their attack , also ive seen kraken hitting 20k+ on full +15 sk and that's retarded since not everyone can afford that sort of gear , and imagine receiving that much damage from the boss + the mobs that show up , if the boss hits hard and you receive damage from those at same time then the tank would be dead.

    i repeat i go with +10 sk and never take more than the half of his life in damage, just need use lp reg and is a easy task

    You can not obtain Legendary Level 70 Items in the Mudosa Machine. the only way to obtain Legendary Level 70 Earrings is either Kraken,Cell X Or DragonBall Scramble Event. Currently Kraken is almost impossible for the majority of players to clear with no bugs because even a full +15 SK if kraken hits hard twice hes dead no matter what buffs he has this is due to the props nerf which makes the main classes Fighter/SM/SK etc a lot weaker than they should be. Take Note that Dark Warriors Excell in Kraken (With Strong Gear Ofc) because they was not affected by the props nerf and they also have natrually more physical defense than SK

    im dende and i can perfectly manage the damage of kraken with a +10 sk even if he doesnt have propieties. Is true that the DW have a lot more defence, but is not even close to have the cc or agro manage of the sk. Dont blame the props, i have a sk too and they are not week. If the situation is getting dangerous you can always use the confuse of the karma... just need to play the game, and not let the gear make all for you.