Posts by gojonoku

    for majins and nameks it would have to be the same, i can imagine it being kinda like super buu and super namek, but that would mean those transformations would most likely be very OP.

    On the other hand, I find the use of giant namek very disatisfying it's way 2 slow and the duration is only 10 minutes with 1 hour cooldown. This could be improved. Especially since pure evil form buu does not have an "expiration date".

    just like everyone else stated,

    achievements would be rewarding you for doing content in and outside the game.

    Easy ones being things like get to lvl 10-20-30 and higher, kill x amount of mobs, complete x amount of quests, complete your adult/masterclass quest,...

    Medium ones being complete every quest in an area, take down x amount of bosses in UD,/TMQ (easy), complete UD/TMQ x amount of times.

    Hard ones being to take down enemies in ranked or mudosa, getting to a certain place in budokai, doing CC and getting to a certain stage or lvl.

    Rewards for the achievements can vary between zenni, special titles, special dogis,...

    Perhaps also a small permanent buff if you have taken down over 10k mobs of the same property, granting you +1% or +2% attack/defence property against that type of mob. A new accesory which gives you a certain stat of your own choosing (+5) and can be upgraded (+10 or +5 for another extra stat) to a certain limit by doing more achievements. A new aura (like the dragon one from winning budokai) for completing all the achievements.

    Or just rewards as listed in this post:

    No1 is online since a wipe will happen anyway and there is no update happening. Time spent now would be wasted.

    Further to your question of if a server wipe will happen again. Who knows? There might happen something where everyone gets damaged from (duping items, critical error in the system,...) the game could become unplayable again and a wipe would be needed.

    But then they would need to reset everything and give us an option to what lvl you wish to start again (depending on your character's lvl before the reset). This way would be more reasonable in the future.

    Can a Lvl 60+ character even get exp from ud3 hard????

    When the lvl cap will be increased you can get exp from UD3 hard again,

    But I would recommend doing TMQ7 and UD6 instead for loot and more exp at the end. Since gear will be more needed now for everyone to get through the levels and to gain the upgrade stones.

    Of course, papaya island quests are still the best ones to do in my opinion. Lots of item quests that require you to farm a lot of mobs and you can get lvl 70 loot once you are above lvl 65 a lot easier than doing the harder dungeons on papaya island (best way to farm the DBs as well).

    Make sure that you have the right software and hardware to run it:

    .net framework ->

    operating windows system- > <GUIDE> How to install and run DBOG

    Download the game and run the DBOGinstaller as administrator (best to put the folder of DBOG on the same driver as you've donwloaded the software).

    Run the DBOG launcher as administrator and let it update.

    Change language if needed (close launcher and re-open to let it update the language patches).

    did they say that they rest the class? i only heard lvl nothing about the class, then we must do class quest again dam

    Starting from lvl 1 means that everything will be reset (passives, skills, adult, masterclass) since most of them need a higher lvl.

    Using a lvl up box will grant you all the passive skills (guard, dash, flight, charge) but will not grant you adult and masterclass so the quests for them will have to be redone.

    as stated here:

    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get a Level UP 30.
    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get your class passives (Guard, dash, RP charge & Flight).

    Many forget that at this time the exams are currently running or they'll be on a trip for the hollidays (next week there will be a 2 week's holliday in europe). Some do not play 3-4 hours a day and will not be able to get to lvl 70 in one month.

    I can imagine there will be new players that do not know how to lvl up efficiently. So the word fair does not really exist here, as they will most likely need 3-4 months to reach lvl 70, but that would be like giving everyone the special reward if they wish to make it "fair" for everyone.

    seems to me that we have a case of endless circle, where the events keep on going in the same order without change (announcing something for a certain date, not keeping up with the demands as promised, event has to be delayed to solve the problems associated with the cause which further delays the upcomming promises or plans for the game).

    The best thing the staff team can do right now is to focus on their main objective only and rebuild their structure focussing on highest priority to lower priority. Restructuring it every time something else comes into play and shifting their focus regarding on the severity of the problem. This would mean the whole team's effort and the community's effort. Only by unity you can accomplish greater things.

    I think it's another way of showing that people do not actually read threads at the fullest. Since the rules are standing in the bottom line.

    Otherwise it can be that they are trying even though they know what the rules are to try and get what they want. It's like a fight or flight scene but they forgot what they're facing up against, a legit community.

    because that would not take away the duped items and the characters that have used hacks or exploits to lvl up their characters or to get lvl 60-70 items. A wipe is needed for this. Not because they just randomly want to erase every progres once a while. It's to undo the damage done to the community.

    (google translate):

    Porque eso no quitaría los elementos engañados y los personajes que han usado hacks o exploits para elevar sus caracteres o para obtener elementos de 60-70 lvl. Se necesita una toallita para esto. No porque solo quieran borrar al azar cada progreso de vez en cuando. Es para deshacer el daño hecho a la comunidad.

    Well, this Community is 90% toxic, selfish suckers anyways. Although they wrote down rules for the Vote, they still keep doing fake votes. Most of them for NO, which was expected. What do you expect of a community filled with ppl like that? Those ppl and what they wanted made DBOG crap af. Class balance got f*cked even more instead of getting better. Some classes didn't get any changes...Really hate the majority of this community. Wish Daneos would just add all suggestiions i made so far to make the game harder xD

    Looks to me a wipe will defenitly happen. If so, then that would mean the toxic/selfish community you described will for the majority leave the game. This would mean a better community and gaming experience in general. This would mean another positive step in the proces of this game's development.

    I'm 85% positive a wipe will happen, newly made accounts just to vote do not count at all (which will be the majority of the people that said no wipe).

    I also hope that if a wipe happens, wagu scam machine gets removed to stop gambling a d insert dogis to cash shop so people don't feel scammed anymore. Many are spending plenty of cps and only get useless hats or potions that cost nothing in AH. Something has to be done about this

    That would mean that those items become availlable for purchase like normal cash shop items do, the price to get one of those dogis would have to be considered according to demand and popularity, would cost more of course than 1 wagu machine coin. Simple yet effective.

    Another possiblity would be that those cosmetics obtained from wagu machine can be deconstructible into a new curency. And that currency can be used to buy dogis or other usefull items in a new shop. That way getting cheap/unwanted items can be usefull to getting yourself something you've always wanted.

    Maybe not a priority, but change the login screen background back to the TW Korin Tower one.

    Or even better, perhaps add a feature where people can choose the login screen background?

    Believe in the new client adding your own login screen will be possible with mods. That's why i'm for the wipe to actually feel like we're playing a brand new game and making progress instead of being stuck AFK at PvP platform or the AH with nothing to do.

    Modding characters should be possible as well. But we'll only know this once we've gotten a taste of that juicy and tender new client. #wipebois

    we can argue a lot, but the decision goes down to daenos and what he wants.

    the more i read about the wipe supporters i start to understand why they say so, the hacked items, +15 lvl 70 items and stuff like that maybe the game will be better if we had a clean start, BUT only if a security measure is implemented otherwise it would be futile having a wipe

    Having a bug/hack free game is something that will never exist, what they can do is prevent the same bugs and hacks occur again with safety measures and procedures. An active team and community can diminish and detect earlier the abuse of rules and gameplay in the future.