<POLL>What class will you main after wipe?

  • Actually Kakarot has proven in his streams that Chef has more damage but lacks everything else. Less reliable basically.

  • Not if the class itself is changed and edited.

    Chef is the type of buffer that is made to endure the beating and hard critics.

    What Chef needs to be effective in groups pvp and pve is that ultimate resistance passive is send to chef, since chef can not eat debuffs and it needs to increase its buff Fountain of Smell from 23% CON to 40% Con.

    This way Chef would thx to dex gear + prop, and increase of Con and resistance, would be on ground with Ultimate.

    Since %LP or %Con, would be kinda equal in support, just weaker defense party would use chef more than ultimate.

    One more, all taunts should be removed from both of buffers, they are support and should stay as support.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • 23% to 40%? Definitely not, the arena would be full of immortal namekus (more than they are with the current bufs) with 45k hp + lol

  • Go hate somewhere else "spat" hahaha!

  • Here is what I think about Grand:

    *Pairing with Ultimate gives really cool results both in PvE and 5v5

    *Special Surprise Punch can paralyze enemy for up to 3s (+duration passive) but has 15M rane (makes sense as Grand is melee class)

    *Buffs are pretty good but for... PvP

    Passives - 2x free CON + Dex that increases your resistance and phy crit rate + Str that increases your dmg

    Scent Marking - Hitrate+Dex both really nice

    Fountain Fragrance - more Str = more dmg

    Fountain of Smell - 23% CON paired with passives gives you A LOT of LP

    Curing Scent - removes paral + free instant rp ball and thats pretty meaningful for PvP

    Spirit Drain + Spirit Burn - thats eats your EP like crazy. No EP = cant use skills. Sure there are EP pots but hey there are also LP pots

    AoE Candy - nice for 5v5, PvE and 1v1

    Defense Breath - guess what... more CON an sweet phy def

    Well I wouldnt call those useless

    Lets look at Ultiamte's buffs:

    %LP - for PvP you most likely gonna use CC90 armor so you can have 2x23% LP +8%LP from dogi and that gives you 54% so close to 60% cap Ulti's without 21% LP buff

    Props - Grand has 14 props buff while Ulti gives 18. Ok fair so say Grand looses here.

    CON+LP - hahaha Grand beats the shit out of Ulti here

    E.deff - its nice to have especially for 5v5 so Turtle has harder tiem 1 shoting you but babe there are also Fighters in 5v5 so fair to say Ulti and Grand are equal here. Just one helps you vs Turtle whiel other vs Fighter

    Debufs removal - ok thats Ultis really strong point cant see what Grand has to offer here as replacement

    Overall I dont think comparison looks that bad

    *About Ulti having more dmg I just straight up disagree. Just look at number of offensive skills Grand has and their dmg+ratios. But there is one thing that gives Ulti and edge over Grand. Flame Shower Breeze gives Ulti some source of magic damage while Grand attacks are pure physical. Also Grand doesnt have DoT damage to play around for dice but instead can play around enemy EP / candy.

    *About farming I dont think its as bad as you make it to be. I saw how my friend was ginding with Grand on Papaya and it looked pretty solid. Other thing is even if he dropped and stones he was suepr unlucky with upgrade RNG XD

    *If you want to use spin in PvP Grand has two abilities that turn enemy into candy so they cant dash away from you. If we are talking about budokai level of PvP just assume your enemies are going to have a lot of %candy reduction or resist and just dont put any SP into that skill. Instead use. Instead use Crazy Rush or Donkey Rush

    All that comes from my experience of playing with / against Grands in PvP and PvE and conversations with Grand players.

  • 23% to 40%? Definitely not, the arena would be full of immortal namekus (more than they are with the current bufs) with 45k hp + lol

    Yeah, everyone would have higher HP by 20%, even squishy humans.

    Everyone gains here, be it 23% or 40% but in general it would be nice buff to chef.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Go hate somewhere else "spat" hahaha!

    "Hate"? Its not hate Im just stating facts. If you want to play Poko so much than go ahead feel free to do so. In fact I would be thankful if you did because we need Poko for speed parties. Well just somebody has to sacrifice himself for the greater good of community and be stuck in CC while the rest of us moves forward with our fresh, just-crafted CC gear :)

  • did they say that they rest the class? i only heard lvl nothing about the class, then we must do class quest again dam

    Starting from lvl 1 means that everything will be reset (passives, skills, adult, masterclass) since most of them need a higher lvl.

    Using a lvl up box will grant you all the passive skills (guard, dash, flight, charge) but will not grant you adult and masterclass so the quests for them will have to be redone.

    as stated here:

    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get a Level UP 30.
    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get your class passives (Guard, dash, RP charge & Flight).

  • Human lv70 have something like 12k~ hp / 12k+40% = 16.800

    Nameks lv70 have something like 25k~ hp / 25k+40% = 35.000

    You forget that humans can match namek LP.

    In POB most of fighters used 20 con/50 resistance x2 rings and full con armor and props earrings and CON Dogi, matching base SK HP, since SK use %LP,%lp,con armors and mostly everything else props.

    Like I said, it not only it would help chef, it would help its party and I am sad to see that you are still stuck in "Korin Platform" set of mind, where people do not even give af about it. It is there to have fun when you are bored, nothing more.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • You forget that humans can match namek LP.

    In POB most of fighters used 20 con/50 resistance x2 rings and full con armor and props earrings and CON Dogi, matching base SK HP, since SK use %LP,%lp,con armors and mostly everything else props.

    Like I said, it not only it would help chef, it would help its party and I am sad to see that you are still stuck in "Korin Platform" set of mind, where people do not even give af about it. It is there to have fun when you are bored, nothing more.

    I think the grand chef needs more ways to improve his PVP, and no more ways to keep his friends immortal, that ideai from 23% to 40% would only be fair if it were applied to yourself only.

    And yes, I'm thinking about the arena because that's what gives us reason to grow in the game, or do you grow up and stay talking in kokkara?

    Let's get into the reality:

    SK LV70 with 1 piece 27 cons = 25k LP

    (Sk gain 80LP per con)

    Miraculous Cheering + Defense breath = 61con

    61x80 = 6180 + 25,000 ~ = 31080

    31k + 40% = 43k LP

    That I did not put the dragon buff.

    Now add ridiculous damage of human + set +12 on SK ~

    In short = Imbalance, I can not even believe I wasted my time trying to show the obvious.

    You know that this is how it works, no human full buff manages half the life of a sk full buff currently, even with items +14 (my case).

    Grand chef needs a rework on some useless buffs, not the increase in support.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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