Ever wonder why you can't proceed to doing the Master Class Quest!? This is after you have become Adult.
Korin gave you a weapon spell to continue your MC Quest.
You then right click the "MC Quest Weapon Spell"
he gaved you and then you somehow end up with an Infinite Loop of Quest Failed even after so many re-logs!
At the time when you didn't realize that the MC Quest does not appeared on your Quest Queue list to your right screen.
You simply had to Check mark it to make it appear or You can abandoned it. How?
You simply have to Press J and Forfeit the quest from the Quest Log menu.
And then you go back into your inventory and right click the "MC Quest Weapon Spell" that Korin gaved you.
Everything then should be okay and you will be told to do your quest normally.
1) This is where you Press J and the Quest Log should pop up.
2) Click on the Quest Name in the Quest Log and the Forfeit window should pop up.
3) Go ahead and proceed to Forfeit the quest. This is all safe.
4) Go ahead and continue. You should then end up with no Quest for MC Class.
Go ahead now and Open up your Inventory and find the Spell Weapon.
You can and will be able to right click the Spell Weapon again to make the MC quest work.
5) Here is proof that it works.
I want to give credits for Chitrangg for letting me uses his account to experience this bug.
Without him, i wouldn't be able to make this guide.
And i will thank a Special friend Ambaal for confirming it works. So Thank you! Chitrangg and Ambaal!
It is highly possible that a lot of people may have known a work around this Bug, but neither did they make a guide or tell players how to go around it and or they kept it to themselves.
So today i made a guide for everyone to follow so they don't have to stress out.
If anyone still have doubts or still stuck some where go ahead and post on this thread and i will try to do my best to help you.
This works on all Race MC Quests.
Hopefully Daneos fixed this before Open Beta.