Your avatar is mine
Aya's Avatar and Sig Request Shop
Your avatar is mine
Well, idk much about the rules, but the avatar you both have are from Ayame's free avatars thread, she made it so everyone could use those avatars, why not request an exclusive avatar for yourself from her?
I Am not trying to sound rude, just trying to avoid there being any fighting in here. Good luck and have a Nice Day.
@Tamryu Ya I liked Serey but I use Ayame on every other website I use, so it made it easier because I could use all my old GFX stuff and wouldn't really have to make new icons/sigs for me because they all said Ayame xD
That makes sense, I use Tamryu on quite a lot of things, most everything in fact
How do i get one? nvm i figured it out
AVATAR by LOoks real cool
Erm you can't use the avatar you are using, I made that specifically for SuperSSGSS, Please remove it, or I'll have to remove it for you. You also can't use my main banner image all over the place. I made that specifically for this thread. It's considered ripping art.
If however you want an avatar you can use, you can request one here that has your personal name on it, you can even request a personal signature here with your name on it. Or you can use one from my free avatar threads that are located here --> Click here or Click this . These are free for anyone to use at any time.@SViper - I know how to make them to some extent but I don't because I don't like to make them and it consumes too much of my time
i can render an image from a picture if it's a picture that doesn't already have a white background.
I do make things for free here though the only thing I ask in return is patience while I make it because if it's something like a signature it might take me some more time to do depending on what it involves and how much free time I have at the moment.For Rangar305::
avy + sig -
Avatar by ayame
Avatar by ayame
If you want a personal one, with your name on it, I can make it for you ;3
Ty i guess
but if you dont want to its not a big deal
Ty i guess
but if you dont want to its not a big deal
I don't mind it's why I made this shop to begin with lol
Uhh here is couple render you can use on my Signature
You can put all of them in if you want or 1-3 render is fineLink:
And you can replace the old SSB render from the avatar you made and use the new render I made for it to be added on the signature.Link:
Thank you and can't wait to see the final product!
Signature request form::
Character or person you want on it? :: I want the Emblem I have in my signature implemented in the Signature please! Also, a cool picture of Vegeta in Regular form (not Super saiyan).
Link to render you want used if you have one? :: I think you can easily get the emblem since it is in my sig,the vegeta picture is your choice
Text you want on it :: "Swagger In Da House!" somewhere near the Emblem.
Anything extra? :: I like to have the background look like sky-blue and (if possible) I want the background to be blurred
As last time, take how ever much you want!
i like the avatar you made for me i will use them and i am online at another site can you make new versions of those you made with my name replaced as Super X.I will link mention you (the creator),and sorry for this but could give me the best quality of these pics meaning no resizing to avatar size.
KK then i'll request an avatar IGN SSJSSGoku
Ayy ayame
i like the avatar you made for me i will use them and i am online at another site can you make new versions of those you made with my name replaced as Super X.I will link mention you (the creator),and sorry for this but could give me the best quality of these pics meaning no resizing to avatar size.
I have to have some size to make though, I don't have to do them as 192x192 but I need some sort of dimensions to go by or I don't know what to do or make lol.
KK then i'll request an avatar IGN SSJSSGoku
Ayy ayame
Okay just fill out the form on the front page so I know what stuff you want on it.@killroy909 It will be awhile before I get that done as I don't have the PSD saved, so I would have to go through and remake the entire over and it probably won't look remotely the same lol. Plus there are other requests I have to finish before that now. Your sig is next on my list to do though which will be done today.
Front page rules have been edited. I will only do one request for a person per week. If you already have a request in this does not apply to you but for future orders it does. -
@Ayame Avatar is fine to me and i plan to use it for awhile and just request a new one in another time.
For the signature you going work on today you can throw away my old SSB render and use the new one i made and it looks alot better
This old render :
you can throw that away and use this render for the signature
Thank you ayame and looking foward to see it today or whenever! Take your time
lol you play n-a? nice ivy avys
Avatar form:
Size (75x75, 100x100, 192x192 or 200x200?) :: 192x192
Character or person you want on it :: Black Goku(if u can do two, another one with Hit)
Link to picture you want used if you have one (If not I will find one myself) ::
Text you want if any? :: Rikoss -
I have to have some size to make though, I don't have to do them as 192x192 but I need some sort of dimensions to go by or I don't know what to do or make lol.if u can do 1080p if not then 500p
@Ayame Avatar is fine to me and i plan to use it for awhile and just request a new one in another time.
For the signature you going work on today you can throw away my old SSB render and use the new one i made and it looks alot better
This old render :
you can throw that away and use this render for the signature
Thank you ayame and looking foward to see it today or whenever! Take your time
Oki I can use that ~
lol you play n-a? nice ivy avys
Avatar form:
Size (75x75, 100x100, 192x192 or 200x200?) :: 192x192
Character or person you want on it :: Black Goku(if u can do two, another one with Hit)
Link to picture you want used if you have one (If not I will find one myself) ::
Text you want if any? :: RikossOnce upon a time. Username was -Ayame- , didn't except to see anyone from there here though other than Sai lol.
And oki, should be able to finish it by tomorrow.So you just want a full picture with the name on it, correct?
yes just like the avatar just with the name replaced as Super X. and i want fullsize pic
yes just like the avatar just with the name replaced as Super X. and i want fullsize pic
Ok gotcha
Sorry for the confusion never been asked for full size pic before xD
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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