What the Hell!!!!????

  • When I logged in (just now) I noticed a white message I couldn`t read it so I logged out and re-logged in and it said: "You will be banned for abusing bugs"
    I haven`t done anything wrong and I don`t know why this message appeared, My username is "gscbarreto" if I do get banned is there a way to restore my LEVEL 41 ACCOUNT?!!?
    I spent so much time in this game I don`t have the patience to start over again.
    Tell me what you know please

  • 1) This has been extensively discussed in the forums. It's just a warning.
    2) This is a Pre-Open Beta server, which means that your characters will be deleted anyway at the end of this stage, when real open beta opens. There is no official date yet, because there is still a lot to work in order to have a full game.

  • When I logged in (just now) I noticed a white message I couldn`t read it so I logged out and re-logged in and it said: "You will be banned for abusing bugs"
    I haven`t done anything wrong and I don`t know why this message appeared, My username is "gscbarreto" if I do get banned is there a way to restore my LEVEL 41 ACCOUNT?!!?
    I spent so much time in this game I don`t have the patience to start over again.
    Tell me what you know please

    Well then, I don't wanna see your face when you find out about the wipe after the Pre Open Beta hahaha
    You can get there in just a well spent day xD

  • I don`t have much time to play, that is why I can`t start over because I would become bored of the game and stop playing it, i think we all know that what keeps our motivation up in this style of game is the love for the genre and the feeling of adventure and Discovery, since going back to the begining is a Giant step backwards for a lvl 41, who only plays like 1-2H a week due to REAL LIFE responsibilities, I was asking this.
    I guess nothing is perfect, but it is a shame that all my dedication to this game will eventually be deleted.
    It will certainly make room for more players and make the game more equal to newcomers but I think that deleting the data will mean a lot of player losses.
    I just wish that the developer heard this and said

    "Worry Not For I am here!!!"
    (to keep all your data and we can all be happy)

  • Aaaand nope there will be a wipe anyway

  • Speak for yourself. I wasn't mocking or joking.
    Let him dislike as much as he wants, I justsaid the truth ...

    Can't take it uh, sucks to be you.

  • I think Aru already told you guys to be civil about it, and to only add anything if you had something to help. Mocking him or just plain being rude does nothing for him, going to close this now since it's been answered and there is nothing further to add and seems it will only turn into drama.

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