But Yo mama was too fat that caused the earth to...
Posts by XeoLee
How about to open the blocked part of Papaya island?
fulling that part with lv 70 mobs could something good.
Good idea, then we save fran fran desert south for future level caps.
If you are lagging now with the amount of people on at the state dbog is now, I suggest a new pc.
it may be useful in the future when GMs do events like the white ape one.
I know this is asking for a bit much, but we should have a spectating option for budokai. It gets a little boring not being able to watch the fights & on top of that, we would have to wait until someone posts on YouTube or something to actually see the fights. So say it’s RO32/16/8/Semi/Finals and you have the options to choose which match you wanna go to, you can. P.s., those who are gonna say it “won’t happen,” that’s fine. I just thought about this idea now.
nice idea i like it, would be cooler if you could attend the match and watch it from the seats.
it may happen everything will be possible.
100% wipe is the best way to clean the game's as*.
The more we wait, the better the server will be. Be patient people.
So i have a 144hz monitor, i want to know if there is a way to unlock the frame rate limit, because im stuck around 65fps, i tried using "nvidiaProfileInspector" but nothing changed.
And if is not possible, i want to know why i get fps drops like every 2 minutes, i check my fps and it drops from 60-65 to 15! I know my hardware is not the problem because is pretty high end, i can play every game in ultra at 100fps or more, it is something related to windows 10 pro? i tried compatibility mode but the game wont even open if i do that
Dbo has problems with windows 10, daneos gonna fix these bugs in new client i guess.
Exactly. I mean the whole .000000001 saiyan gimmick is stupid within itself. That alone makes the whole human race feel forced in this game, especially with giving them Super Saiyan. New client should add more things into the story and be creative with it too.
SumTingWong You don't want to "ruin" a story that wasn't finished nor good to begin with? K.
SumTingWong has a point there pito, we need focusing on fixes and other important stuff first.
Damn people should really just play xenoverse
More transformations there and more stuff. lol
Y'all need Jesus. Can't believe after all these years ppl still refuse to give up on this crap.
Whhy tweak it to bring in some fanboys? We have enough of them here already. Those fanboys you want, will suggest more crap.
Funny how ppl think Namekians should be way stronger lmao. You think Namekians are as strong as Piccolo? Go watch Namek Saga again. That's where you find the answer.
As for Majins, read the story. Majin Race started by original Buu seperation. He took parts of his body to create a wife. And got weaker. Then those two did the same thing to give birth to the first Majin child. And both got weaker again. And so on and on and on. They got weak by creating their race.
Also Dragonballs can't turn Humans into a Saiyan. Dende ain't that powerful....
Just give up on wanting them in the game. Use the damn mods and go SSj2,3,4 whatever...
Yes, they probably planned the story up to Cell. BUT that doesn't mean Humans would've gotten SSJ2 lmao. Impossible! DOn't even try to "tweak" it your way. We play the support role to make sure the tieline doesn't get screwed up. WHen Goku fights Frieza in SSJ, we will be there and help out to defeat the modified Frieza. Same sh*t would happen at Android Saga and Cell. We would assist SSJ2 Gohan! Not go SSJ2 as a f*cking Human. Why the f*ck would a Human go SSJ2 anyways? SSJ is their limit. Getting past that is impossible!
If this game would work decently when it comes to balance, making sure no one can hack/dublicate/exploit sh*t and have decent Events, then we would have a bigger playerbase. Why come to play a sh*t game that simply fails at the basic crap? Cuz ssj2? SSJB (which is even more dumb)... Just forget it. MOD your way!
This game got dumped years ago by the company.
You have a point there, focusing on fixing bugs and other things is more important now to bring old people back and new ones.
Why not a wish to be a saiyan idk
IKR that doesn't make sense.
Dragonball games always have done the Frieza/Cell/Buu sagas that’s why i’m saying DragonBall Super stuff needs to be added since it’s still new and hyped. The goal should be to bring in new players, not keep the current playerbase as much as possible.
Dragon ball super is too much for DBO, better is to add super saiyan 2 which is very easy to make just add sparks around character. But even if the story says humans have 0.00001% saiyan DNA, the game got abandoned and story not finished. So why not we tweak it and continue that story.
If humans are weak to transform to other transformations beside SSJ then what about Nameks and Majins their race is pure, they should have other transformations too.
Coming back into 60 cap and seeing people wear Goku Black dogi gave me a cringe binge.
It did ruin the story, DragonBall Super does not exist in DBO timeline.
You’re being selfish and im getting a cringe attack just from seeing how serious you are taking this discussion. You know damn well SSB will bring a whole new player base. This new client while still is good for the Cult Fanbase, it wont bring many new players. Really hype things need to be added like adding new TMQs, new transformations, new UDs, etc. that are based off DBS.
Don't forget this game was unfinished and the developers decided to make another game with continued story that was xenoverse 1 and 2.
If you have a look in west city you would see a TMQ machine that was gonna be added that i think it was gonna be android saga.
Developers would have added other transformations and Engineer class but sadly it got shut down.
I don't disagree with adding transformations just for the hell of it. However, I do think it's limiting to not think about adding future content that expands upon the original story and doesn't necessary change it.
Why not add to the lore and to the story instead of saying it's impossible because the story as of now doesn't permit it? I just don't think these ideas should be entirely shut down and believe that as this game becomes it's own, Daenos should look to adding content that builds upon the existing story.
So while I entirely understand the focus as of now should be on improving the existing game, I don't think that suggestions for future world building content should be shut down altogether.
This game's lore is among my favorite aspects of the entire DB series and think it would be great for this game to add to it. Who know what they would've done if it was never shut down?
It would make no sense no matter how you look at it. Why would a Human go SSJ2? Are those RP Mobs or animal mobs that strong? Or is it cuz those fanboys are thirsty? If you listen to fanboys, this game is done for. They have no sense of logic.
Give Yamcha some saiyan DNA and let him go SSJ2 huh? That's whack. Give Humans in DBO SSJ2 and watch Vegeta come back to life to blow up earth for dishonoring the Saiyans lmao. And i'm pretty sure SSJ2 never would've happened. They wrote the story for the game and had plans within the DBO Story. For stuff like SSj2 or more etc. DBO was killed for Xenoverse. So ppl who are into those crazy things, go play that. All your wishes became true over there. Leave DBO out of that crap. Daneos would have to be super dumb to add such crap like SSJ2 on here.
Just go read the Story of the game and try to understand. They literally wrote a great story for DBO explaining on what happened after Kid Buu was defeated. You really wanna crap on that great Story writing cuz of some dumb fanboys?
Everyone who wants SSj2 should just drop that crap. Ask for mods. Should be more than enough to fulfill your wishes to be Goku/Vegeta/Gohan/Trunks.
Use mods, go SSJ2,3,4,God.UI,SSJ God 4 omega hyper drive maximum blue 4 or whatever to kill them squirrels....just don't f*ck the Stoy of the game. Game itself got f*cked enough already.
Maybe making SSJ3, goku hair, vegeta's.. Etc as wigs is better idea. Like a hat, dogi which you buy from cash shop.
I would like to show you a small video review of the new terrain textures that may be added within the new client. We need your feedback to know if you like it or not please.
Good job continue upgrading the game.
A quick question: will you retexture the skills too like kamehameha?
If yes then will you be able to change the wave to any color like purple or black?
Other thing I want to see is: in some way make leveling up harder. Etc would be like increasing required experience points by ~3% then it is now. The reason why I want this is nowadays to level up in MMORPGs is much more easier then in past and I miss that part in MMORPGs. So I quit a lot of new MMORPGs, because leveling up was to fast and made feel it unrewarding.
Making leveling up harder is a good idea.
Also i would like to suggest:
-when you inside a party in a dungeon if it's full then you get a passive buff maybe an exp boost, drop rate boost or stat boost by 5-10% for example.
-make exp harder to get from mobs in environment(outside dungeons) to make game more fun and challenging. That would make people farm EXP in a full party in a dungeon to level up making the game more Co-op based not solo leveling.
-in dungeons make a new currency that you get from there but inside a full party only. For example we call it Kiri fragments.
That currency you can exchange for items from a NPC outside each dungeon. These items depend on the level cap of the dungeon.
-Make dogis can be dismantled, you get dogi fragments that you can craft a new dogi with it. Add the dogis recipe NPC in kokkara.
Add more levels to skills to use SP on, if there will be new cap in the future.
Gib us new hairstyles and items bitte.
New items already exist, the lvl 71-80 equipments (TMQ 8,9) . Also fran fran desert south files and i think it would the map for lvl 71-80.
Also some items were shown in this video like class changer,hair salon, purple and blue dogi balls.. Etc..
blue aura like ultra instinct please
Ccbd blue aura looks abit like it.
They should make solo mode in dungeons, you don't get drops in this mode but only exp.
This mode should be limited like 3-5 times a day, and make it easier for 1 player.
My idea is to make PVP/PK event in namek, that players fight over namek dragon balls.
Make this event weekly.
Whoever collects the DBs can exchange them with items from event npc.