Problem with the new launcher

  • Anyone knows with this message appears? , Should i reinstall de the game?

    Tenía el mismo problema, lo redescargé y nada pasaba, lo mismo siempre...
    Pero lo resolví de una manera super sencilla xDD

    Todo lo que tienes que hacer es:

    1).Aceptar ese mensaje.
    2).Esperar a que ''se actualize'' (me refiero a que la barra que aparece al aceptar se llene)
    3).Cuando se vuelva a abrir el launcher y salga el mensaje de actualizacion disponible cierralo y rápidamente (en serio) despues de eso debes clickear donde dice ''Patch-check'' en la esquina inferior izquierda.

    Después de eso mágicamente apareció el botón start como corresponde y pude jugar... espero que te sirva compadre, saludos!

    Atte: El Pulento Yisus Kraist

  • You have to run dboglauncher.exe and not dbog.exe

    And it's like I said before, the only time the game ever worked was when I opened the dbog.exe file. The dboglauncher.exe does not work. It never worked for me. It always says: "Could not find patcher_config.xml". I'm not missing the patch file. It's there, so I'm trying to figure out how to apply the patch file. So I tried clicking on the check-patch button on the bottom left hand corner of the launcher. Nothing. It always gives me the same problems when I open it. So I tried re-downloading the newest launcher, but that didn't work either.

  • And it's like I said before, the only time the game ever worked was when I opened the dbog.exe file. The dboglauncher.exe does not work. It never worked for me. It always says: "Could not find patcher_config.xml". I'm not missing the patch file. It's there, so I'm trying to figure out how to apply the patch file. So I tried clicking on the check-patch button on the bottom left hand corner of the launcher. Nothing. It always gives me the same problems when I open it. So I tried re-downloading the newest launcher, but that didn't work either.

    you cant take the laucher out of the dbo folder... create a shortcut of the one inside the folder instead of copying it out.
    my guess is u are running the launcher outside the DBO folder and that is the reason it says files are missing.
    if that is not the case try running as administrator and add exeption to your anti virus and firewall. i think windows defender has a thing for DBO xD

  • you cant take the laucher out of the dbo folder... create a shortcut of the one inside the folder instead of copying it guess is u are running the launcher outside the DBO folder and that is the reason it says files are missing.
    if that is not the case try running as administrator and add exeption to your anti virus and firewall. i think windows defender has a thing for DBO xD

    For one thing, the Launcher is still in the folder. So I don't understand why it wouldn't work if kept in the folder. Second, I'm not on a windows computer. I'm using a MAC so I cannot run it as Administrator. I'm using Wine software to run the game. I cannot download Windows defender to Wine bottler as it crashes every time. The solution is to let everyone log on using DBO.exe. That's how it worked before. The Launcher has never worked. Still doesn't.

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