
  • This is in the other languages section. Please be respectful of peoples wishes to speak or want to speak with others of a different region and/or language.

    Believe it or not but a huge percentage of the players can't speak English. i have seen Spanish, Chinese, and German players who have no idea what i'm saying when i speak in English.

    here everyone speak english. Even the japanese ones xD

    Welcome ;)

  • 君は日本人じゃない? 皆も日本人じゃないwww
    プロジェクトのドラゴンボールオンライングローバルだ. 西洋人のために作られた~

    西洋人のために作った そんなこと分かってるww
    一年ぐらい私は日本語自習したんだ 日本語を練習したいから質問聴いた >。<

  • 西洋人のために作った そんなこと分かってるww一年ぐらい私は日本語自習したんだ 日本語を練習したいから質問聴いた >。<

    Ok, so let me get this straight. You yourself are not Japanese. You are not fluent in Japanese either. What you want is to make friends on this forum who speak/ write Japanese so you can practice what you have learned?

    As far as I know, most people on this site do not know how to read/ write Japanese. My guess is the majority of them just use resources like Google Translate for example. I believe I am one of the only ones here who has studied written Japanese extensively, as it was a prerequisite to understand the in game text in many Japanese only games I have had to import to play (damn localization teams always censoring everything over here >.<). I also like to translate hentai on this one image board "Gelbooru". They have an image tag called "translation_request" which I like to browse until I find something that piques my interest, and then I get to work on translating.

    I can give you the resources I used to learn / translate Japanese. I assume you are already very familiar with the basics such as Katakana & Hiragana usage based on your previous posts. So, I will skip right to the more advanced stuff:

    #1. Tae Kim's online Grammer guide - http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar

    ^This is by far the most comprehensive online resource for learning Japanese.

    #2. Jisho - http://jisho.org

    ^Most accurate Japanese to English dictionary I have found. It has a wonderfully useful Kanji search feature, which gets tons of use from me as I often find Kanji I am unfamiliar with while translating hentai.

    #3. Google Translate - https://translate.google.com

    ^As noobish of a resource as this is, it can be an efficient way to quickly check your verb conjugations since those get pretty brutal. (I wouldn't rely on it too heavily for other things since it often gives extremely inaccurate results (ESPECIALLY for hentai -.- lol)

  • Of course i understand that there wont be many japanese people here. I just wanted to see if there was people here so i could practice my japanese.. And thanks for the links however since i've already studied for over a year know around thousand kanjis and read through a dictionary of basic japanese. Which in my opinion is way better than tae kim. What i mean is i have no problem getting my own materials but thx anyways!

  • When did i say that i was japanese? Or that i am fluent in japanese.. I have studied little over a year now.. Ofc i am not fluent..

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