I can not log into my account because when I open the game after clicking play the launcher is all white and does not do anything else what should I do?
Launcher does not play the game!
Usually short waiting helps.
But I spend more than half an hour waiting for the screen to load and it does not stay on the white screen for long.
So I have to use the task manager to close the game.
Because the game literally gets stuck and does not respond.
I do not know what to do for real if someone can help me I am very grateful. -
First thing you should disable your antivirus or firewall or add DBOG.exe to whitelist and you have to run the game through "DBOGlauncher.exe" as admin.
First thing you should disable your antivirus or firewall or add DBOG.exe to whitelist and you have to run the game through "DBOGlauncher.exe" as admin.
But I already do this also I never run anything without putting compatible with windows and without being run as administrator.
But did you still make that mistake?
Was that why I stayed say that almost a year without playing?
But I downloaded the version that is on the site, but still I do not understand?
Does it usually take about how long before you can log in? -
Is the game in beta, alpha or something?
Well I can not even log in after I click on play in the launcher the game is on the white screen and it does not do anything else, can someone tell me the meaning?
Being that I have been more than a year without playing the game and updated it to the version of the site, please somebody can help me?
I hope answers and thanks for the attention have a great day and sorry bother them. -
But I already do this also I never run anything without putting compatible with windows and without being run as administrator.But did you still make that mistake?
Was that why I stayed say that almost a year without playing?
But I downloaded the version that is on the site, but still I do not understand?
Does it usually take about how long before you can log in?Is the game in beta, alpha or something?
Well I can not even log in after I click on play in the launcher the game is on the white screen and it does not do anything else, can someone tell me the meaning?
Being that I have been more than a year without playing the game and updated it to the version of the site, please somebody can help me?
I hope answers and thanks for the attention have a great day and sorry bother them.Which OS you use?
Do you run game in Compatible mode?
It's Pre-Open Beta, I believe original game was in Beta too before closed as well. -
Well my operating system is windows 8 64 bit and I run it with compatibility with windows 7 and run as administrator but it still does not and stays on white screen for a long time.
Is it because I have been practically a year without playing and have downloaded the version of the site replacing the version that already gave problem?
Because the version I had I opened and the luncher said that the game was off I went back on the site and said that it was still working there I decided to download it so I know when I finished downloading the torrent version came a zipp file that I had to replace In the place that I already had the game, since in the past it was only installing if I'm not mistaken.
Well if anyone can help me I'm grateful and thank you for the attention and have a great day.
Sorry if someone does not understand what I'm saying because I'm not very good with English so I ask you to please do not criticize me or anything and thanks and see you later. -
For what it says in the launcher it seems that the game is in pre alpha beta or something of the type or it seems that the game still remains unstable and not everyone can have access to it, which is strange since I can play normally last year, but after Have been a long time without playing and now that I decide to return to play I can not, sincerely what I should do, because I need help and no one can help me is disappointing, so that those who want to play give up Game and just let those who manage to play have fun I'm realizing that's it.
For almost a week I asked for help and no concrete information will be that the download forms on the site are wrong or something of the kind please someone can inform me because I am in desperation I want to play but I can not.
Please, can someone please help me?
Thanks for the attention of all and sorry to bother and cause problems and sorry if you do not understand my English.
Have a great day and I even look forward to answers. -
waiting for the answers too
I have the same problem
First ,try to download again the game, and this time do not replace with old one, and second, after you download the game, download and this Launcher and replace the old one :
French Translation now available
Have a nice day, hope will work!
First ,try to download again the game, and this time do not replace with old one, and second, after you download the game, download and this Launcher and replace the old one :
French Translation now available
Have a nice day, hope will work!
I tried every way and it did not work either.
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