Hi, i think would be the transformation skills that remove all debufs. suchs as ssj\great\pure all of them, kaioken about 2 random debuffs. what they think? more usable at pvp.
Transformation or kaioken remove all or some debuffs
I dont know about Pure and Giant Namek, but SSJ does remove CC, like stun, paralyse etc.. Kaioken should stay as it is.
i do not recommend giving kaioken the ability to remove cc stuns since the cooldown is already very low and the whole point of the super ability being able to use is because its for no way out situations and the good players will know when its time to use it btw this is a budokai scenario since in budokai you will only have 1 chance to use ssj. gn, pure form so you better make it count
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