backstab definitely works in pvp ill recheck for pve situations
congrats on becominga mod
cuz you disabled comments in your wall xD
backstab definitely works in pvp ill recheck for pve situations
congrats on becominga mod
cuz you disabled comments in your wall xD
backstab definitely works in pvp ill recheck for pve situations
I tried it again against a mob. If it has for example 10k HP and with backstab you drecrease it to 6.6k, it changes the number of health just visually. Just once you have dealt 3.3k of damage, the HP bar starts decreasing. So it's bugged.
backstab definitely works in pvp ill recheck for pve situations
For me it always works i use it a lot when grinding, works almost instantly
I tried it again against a mob. If it has for example 10k HP and with backstab you drecrease it to 6.6k, it changes the number of health just visually. Just once you have dealt 3.3k of damage, the HP bar starts decreasing. So it's bugged.
Oh, maybe because i start the combo like this, Dodon Barrage with RP, then Backstab and then Mystical, so probably the health comes down too quick to notice it, i'll check again
Also, Freeze skill works fine right, but sometimes, like 2/10 times its visually wrong, like the mob/player is paralysed but you are not doing the animation. And i don't know if this is right, but
Dodon barrage is supposed to MISS instead of RESIST? Since it's just a debuff, and i'm sometimes missing it. Also, nor Energy Heat Wave or Spirit Wave and probably the others 2 don't remove any dot's.
congrats on becominga mod
cuz you disabled comments in your wall xD
Oh sorry about that thank I I didn't know that it was disabled it could have been done by a mod maybe I'm not allow comments on my wall who knows I'll see if i can fix it
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