Call Daneos to solve this problem

  • The moderators say that they cant do anything, i know what can they do, call Daneos to solve this problem. We know he is in his deserved vacations but we need him and we hope he can help and support us with this problem just like we support him with the donations.

    Thanks for read.

  • hi ileou we have sent a message to daneos. but as mentioned on forums he is on vacation actually most likely asleep right now.

    all we can do is wait till its fixed I'm sorry to be blunt but in the mean time try do something else in the mean time and come back and check once in a while to see if the game is fixed

    we don't have his phone number or anything like that. we are online volunteers moderating his forums and discord channel for a game we all love.

    this is a private sever in a testing phase. meaning stuff like this will happen from time to time. DBOG is not a large multi-million dollar company. we are just 2 developers, several volunteer translators, and a handful of moderators.

  • I'm still grateful the game is back on, even if it's still in beta mode. but just a suggestion, can we have a special day for DB hunt for those of us who missed it today? or is it a very complicated process?

  • Let me say that I am grateful to be able to play this game again. I've been a Dragon Ball fan as far back as I can remember. It's nice to see the game back in a somewhat stable state. But why is there only one person able to fix bugs and issues? Shouldn't there be a team of people? Is there a lack of coders that the "one guy" knows or is it more of a lack of trust? If anything, allow a few trusted people the ability to reset the servers to allow us to get back in the game. Also, what's the point of having random restart? Why not just have a scheduled restart so all the players know when it'll happen and be able to plan for it? Seems to be a good way to run a game imo.....but I'm no programmer, so I don't know, perhaps there's a legit reason for all of this.....

  • lonjin I understand your frustration

    I don't not know why the private sever is set up like this.

    anyways it is what it is . my guess why there is 1 person doing everthing on sever end is that the sever could become a massive mess if someone else got control of it and made a few mistakes or deleted some files

    this is not a professional sever with a dedicated team. we are small 2 developers a few volunteer translators and volunteer moderators.

  • It's not so much frustration as it's annoyance. Most games, even private servers, are run by multiple people. Having more than one qualified person having knowledge of the system is a necessity if not a requirement. Perhaps it's a trust issue or maybe Daneos just hasn't found/knows anyone capable of helping. I have seen many games fail because of conflicts within the team, so I understand not giving out the secrets of the game to just anyone, but at the very least have some fail safes in place in case of system issues like the one that is going on now. If the random server reset doesn't fix the issue, then we're all sitting here waiting until Daneos gets back to fix the issue, and that appears to be another 3 days from now. I'm all for vacations and getting away. I'm a grown ass adult (probably too old to be playing this game, lol) and I'm on a 3 week vacation from work myself. Granted, I'm getting ready to leave my family for an extended period of time so this vacation is more geared toward spending time with my wife and family. I'm not going to b*tch and complain or threaten to never play this game again, but I will give my opinion and thoughts on how I think things can be done better or more efficiently. There are many players (probably young kids to teens) who aren't as emotionally stable as others that find they can get away and get some sort of a release by playing this game. I'm able to escape and gain a little of my childhood back when I play this game.

    Please don't take this as an attack on any of the mods or a personal attack on Daneos. I'm just voicing my opinion....and with me being an old timer, maybe my opinion will be looked at in a different light. I'll continue to try and log in when I can, but fortunately for me I'll be out of town for the next few days spending some time with the family at Busch Gardens.....hopefully the server will be back up soon for those looking to play.

  • of course @ LonJin We understand the need to vent that's a part of what the forums are for.

    as long as you keep it civil (no swearing including in reports) all will be good. we don't bann for voicing negative opinions about game as long as it remains civil.

    sometimes negatively is needed in order to get positive change in a game. You have made an excellent point about 1 man running the show and the problems it can bring. Its up to Daneos Not us if he will decide to add another person to look after this or not.

    I honestly wish I could be more help instead of being what looks like a therapy person but that's all I can do.

  • Let me say that I am grateful to be able to play this game again. I've been a Dragon Ball fan as far back as I can remember. It's nice to see the game back in a somewhat stable state. But why is there only one person able to fix bugs and issues? Shouldn't there be a team of people? Is there a lack of coders that the "one guy" knows or is it more of a lack of trust? If anything, allow a few trusted people the ability to reset the servers to allow us to get back in the game. Also, what's the point of having random restart? Why not just have a scheduled restart so all the players know when it'll happen and be able to plan for it? Seems to be a good way to run a game imo.....but I'm no programmer, so I don't know, perhaps there's a legit reason for all of this.....

    The state of the server is handled by that,for 1 reason and that is trust as you stated...the game as it is might have a somewhat standard income,Daneos invested and investing hours and hours,to restore it back to its normal state,those hours ain't going to get paid,as salary or income at all,you might think the donations are more than enough in its current state,which it is,but He aims for a retail product,which means, He needs to spend money for hardware and software for use and for back up,also there are many factors,that could bring the project down,even with law issues for him(that involves lawyer payments),but that's another story,the game in its current progress cant afford other than volunteers at the moment... and volunteers in any form are not trust able for the cause.

    We might getting Frustrating by that,but imagine what Daneos has to lose...and if he lose,we lose as well.

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