This is just silly and it needs to be fixed

  • When you register an account with any email, the email in the created account info will receive a message with the username and the password.

    The username is normal, however the password appears as: "Password: :P Keep Dreaming. We would never send your password to anyone."

    Send my password to anyone? I created an account stating that this email is where I want my given information to lie in. If I want to access my information again, the email should help me out rather than tell me that.

    It's just silly and very unprofessional. Make it send in the actual password...

  • Not silly at all. Keeping your password in case of loss or forgetfulness (only reason I guess you'd want to "access your information again" through your e-mails") in a mail containing :

    - the website/software/program information and

    - the username to access your personal account

    Is probably the last thing to do if you value your personal info security.

    Doing so as a habit (not only with dbog but other games or services that require account info) would be like keeping the keys to your car, your house, your work office and whatever you use in your actual mail box. Not only that, but every key being labeled with "Black Jeep Parked outside" "2 floor house at XXX Street 586", and so on.

    Third party e-mail access isn't that hard sadly, just as breaking into your mail box isn't either.

    I strongly advice you to save your passwords elsewhere.

    EDIT: I forgot to reply to DrDisRespect .

    IGN stands for In Game Name so your account name, so I guess you are just referring to your game account password. To change your password: login here: and change it from your user panel.
    If you meant to change your In Game Name, then kaiboss is correct, Name Change book is an item obtainable in Cash Shop (with real currency) or in Auction House.

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