RP disappearing bug

  • Hi.

    Yeah it's me once again, complaining about a budokai loss thanks to a BUG.

    Everytime i go in budokai, i have this retarded bug that makes my rp disappear, and i have literally no idea why the F*** it happens but it does, and makes me lose silly, despite me practicing and committing to this shithole of a class that'd already nerfed AND kd-bugged.

    U can ask any top sk that saw me in ranked i spent some long time practicing combos and i'm very capable of defeating anyone despite the kd chain not being possible cuz of it bugging and also cooldown nerf;

    But it's everytime the same story, 3 budokais i have gone, 3 budokais i have lost to bug.

    SM depend entirely on their ability to lock down targets, with the help of RP, but because of this bug, i literally cannot do anything.

    Please, take a look :

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