Download page back up and everything seems to be working! Now to see if the servers are live yet!
use mega download
Download page back up and everything seems to be working! Now to see if the servers are live yet!
use mega download
One question guys, for those who were playing the pre open beta, its unnecesary to download again the game right?
It should autopatch when the game is ready right?
One question guys, for those who were playing the pre open beta, its unnecesary to download again the game right?
It should autopatch when the game is ready right?
Myne isnt autopatching atm, so im trying downloading it again tbh
Myne isnt autopatching atm, so im trying downloading it again tbh
I'm in the same boat. DIdn't patch, so I'm downloading it again.
não consigo logar pra baixar outro
I'm in the same boat. DIdn't patch, so I'm downloading it again.
Same here
هلا انا لا استطيع عمل حساب جديد في لعبه او دخول بي الحساب القديم اريد ان كنت استطيع تحميل العبه في كل مره اريد تسجيل علي الموقع الجديد او دخول بي حساب قديم لا يضر اي شي لي ارجو مسعدتي علي هذا هناك
my utorrent can´t open the installer....
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