speed restrain and quick attack bug

  • using speed restrain at the same time as quick attack, quick attack user stuns the opponent but stays in the same place

    restraining movement speed and using rod strike or any other skill that reduces movement speed by 4 or higher dont know excatly wearing speed shoes and movement speed player who got restrain and rod strike cant move even tho he has speed shoes and movement buff( total speed restrain 94-40 movement speed and still cant move) wheres the logic?

  • first stop stealing the name of big streamers

    second they fix it if they have time maybe it is fixed but it only come with the big patch in winter

    they had time since pob and i cant wait till winter to fix this mini pvp bug its too important in pvp as martial artist. look if you never played sm or fighter please shut your mouth its annoying asf

  • using speed restrain at the same time as quick attack, quick attack user stuns the opponent but stays in the same place

    restraining movement speed and using rod strike or any other skill that reduces movement speed by 4 or higher dont know excatly wearing speed shoes and movement speed player who got restrain and rod strike cant move even tho he has speed shoes and movement buff( total speed restrain 94-40 movement speed and still cant move) wheres the logic?

    It is funny how you can't see the logic.

    Movement speed restrain works that it slowdown dashing and moving, while Quick attack is skill.

    As long you are in his range, he can stun you or even kill you, as long you are in range of his skills.

    I am sure you have face SK, where they can stun you with violent slice and bold, as long you are in their range.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • quick attack is suppose to bring u up to the target when the stun finishes the animation. regardless if speed restrain is on or not. this skill is indeed bug at the moment.

    Ideas have been pitched in the past to make moves like quick attack, charging fist and ultra speed attack to have range base on movement speed. where the more movement speed u have the more range you get ie for example if u have 20% movement speed boots you gain 2m in distance for those attacks.

    or if movement speed debuff occurs on your charactor you lose distance.

    the idea seem conserversal as the martial artisit community dont like the idea of losing some range to there most pivotal stun.

  • other thing i rlly dont understand if you can please explain me, using rod strike that decreases movement speed by 5 or 4 idk and other turtle skill that decreases movement speed by 4 or 5 total 9-10 i cant move how?

    and as far as i remember isnt quick attack a dash skill?

    yea slowing down by 90% which still lets you moves unless they use other skill that decreases movement speed by 4 which makes sense that at 94 i cant move but when speed and shoes and speed buff s on at 28m range and using quick attack i stay in same place doesnt make sense

  • yes when i use quick attack i dont get near my opponent if he uses speed restrain at the same time

  • other thing i rlly dont understand if you can please explain me, using rod strike that decreases movement speed by 5 or 4 idk and other turtle skill that decreases movement speed by 4 or 5 total 9-10 i cant move how?

    and as far as i remember isnt quick attack a dash skill?

    yea slowing down by 90% which still lets you moves unless they use other skill that decreases movement speed by 4 which makes sense that at 94 i cant move but when speed and shoes and speed buff s on at 28m range and using quick attack i stay in same place doesnt make sense

    You don't get, that there is base movement speed.

    I think it is dif for each class, for some it is 6, more or less, soo when they set 4 or 5 on you, that is already 80%-90% movement decrease speed and when they add that 90%, you already pass 100% and even with speed title, boots and move speed dogi effect, wouldn't remove decrease of speed.

    Still, I think that there is reason (Daneos made it this way) why QA doesn't teleport you near someone, just because it might be too OP, since movement decrease would seem useless and for MA to fight Spiritualists would simply mean to wear full CD gear soo they can use QA each round.

    I might be wrong, then if I am, then it is bug indeed.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

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