I can login with my account (Character name: Kirara) , but the game instantly crash after doing that. I recorded a video.

Crash after login
- Fixed
- Killua
What have you done before you stopped playing?
What have you done before you stopped playing?
Nothing, it was my first time. I didnt notice that i had access to the client until today
simillar issue, also couple of my friends got a problem with log in to the server, the second bug is the inability to choose a character cus when you try to click another one character client is going down by the BugTrap
same issue, also couple of my friends got a problem with log in to the server
You tried to delete the necessary characters? or delete the folder in the game with your login and then try it
I got the same problem
simillar issue, also couple of my friends got a problem with log in to the server, the second bug is the inability to choose a character cus when you try to click another one character client is going down by the BugTrap
same here
Upload dbolog.txt
Also the character "Kirara" dont exist.
Upload dbolog.txt
Also the character "Kirara" dont exist.
Here it is:
Sorry, i dont have any character created yet, Kirara was the name i used to comment in the development server access request.
Here it is my txt
Upload dbolog.txt
Also the character "Kirara" dont exist.
Code[17:28:33 PM] CNtlPLPropertyContainer::LoadObjectSerialize (1996) : [WARNING] version: 1 uiPropertySize: 4521[17:28:33 PM] CNtlSobCharProxy::RegisterEventHandler (170) : [WARNING] CNtlSobCharProxy::RegisterEventHandler(void)[17:28:47 PM] CNtlFlasher::Create (90) : [WARNING] flash\Loading_DBC2\Loading_DBC2.gfx Flash Load Fail[17:28:47 PM] CNtlPLResoucePackManager::LoadTexture (1031) : [WARNING] 2 Load texture: wnd_upgrade2.png path .\texture\gui\[17:28:50 PM] CNtlPLResoucePackManager::LoadTexture (1066) : [WARNING] fail Load texture: LensFlare_03 path .\Texture\ntlwe\Planet\;.\Texture\Effect\;.\Texture\character\;.\Texture\Effect\text\;.\Texture\Effect\qest_icon\; byExtType: 2 -
I got the same problem.
I sold items to the npc and then crashed instantlyNow i can't get past selection screen...
IGN: Orphensito- LV60 -
I can login with my account (Character name: Kirara) , but the game instantly crash after doing that. I recorded a video.
The same problem with me I can no longer enter the game
Well... The only thing we can do is wait for Daneos guys
Only a few people have this problem. I think we'll wait a little longer. Bad luck
I got the same problem.
I sold items to the npc and then crashed instantlyNow i can't get past selection screen...
IGN: Orphensito- LV60Have you leveled or learned any skill before crash?
Sorry, i dont have any character created yet, Kirara was the name i used to comment in the development server access request.
Here it is my txt
Your client seems to be corrupted
Some of you should be able to login now
I still can't
Problem with load textures?
I still can't
Problem with load textures?
Redownload the game
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