Have you leveled or learned any skill before crash?
umm no, I was using the dash to farm, then I went to the npc to sell the items and crashed.
I remember having used the boots of exp 1-69
sorry, it's all I remember Daneos
Have you leveled or learned any skill before crash?
umm no, I was using the dash to farm, then I went to the npc to sell the items and crashed.
I remember having used the boots of exp 1-69
sorry, it's all I remember Daneos
just installed fresh windows10 on another partition and aio-runtimes package, seems workin.. anyway i had that instant crash on my previous win10 after luncher download update with tlq3 repair, ve to check if this is connected somehow
I re-downloaded the game, and now I can login but I crash when I try to change character or to make a new one
Black screen after character choice, and game does not response.
Black screen after character choice, and game does not response.
Daimao this is for the development sv not the normal one
Algunos de ustedes deberían poder iniciar sesión ahora
aqmi dbolog porfavor ayuda:(forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/4215/
re-downloaded the game from a different server, it is still crashing like before...
Redownload the game
I re-download the game
just installed fresh windows10 on another partition and aio-runtimes package, seems workin.. anyway i had that instant crash on my previous win10 after luncher download update with tlq3 repair, ve to check if this is connected somehow
i re-installed windows10
I re-downloaded the game, and now I can login but I crash when I try to change character or to make a new one
and like before i can login to character selection but can't enter the game, can't swich character, can't create new one.
Here is dbolog:
I re-download the game
i re-installed windows10
and like before i can login to character selection but can't enter the game, can't swich character, can't create new one.
Here is dbolog:
Whats your character name?
Whats your character name?
I can enter the game from the second computer (laptop) connected to the same internet. I can also enter to game with VirtualBox Machine. Why I can't with my main PC? I got a ban on the computer or what?
I played on this computer since the developer's server start. This problem appeared after the last update when tlq3 has been repaired.
I can enter the game from the second computer (laptop) connected to the same internet. I can also enter to game with VirtualBox Machine. Why I can't with my main PC? I got a ban on the computer or what?
I played on this computer since the developer's server start. This problem appeared after the last update when tlq3 has been repaired.
Try moving the game to desktop. If it dont work, try moving it to another HD
Try moving the game to desktop. If it dont work, try moving it to another HD
I have the same problem, tried moving both to desktop and to other HD always the same, since the newest update (T.L.Q3 repaired) I crash whenever I log.
I have the same problem, tried moving both to desktop and to other HD always the same, since the newest update (T.L.Q3 repaired) I crash whenever I log.
Upload your dbolog.txt file
Also everyone, make sure all files inside the "pack" folder are read-able.
Upload your dbolog.txt file
Also everyone, make sure all files inside the "pack" folder are read-able.
Which windows version do you have? win xp, vista, 7, 8, 10 32 or 64 bit?
I have windows 7 64 bits.
Already checked that the files are read-able. They are... I tried moving to another HD, compatibility mode too... idk what should i do...
Windows 7 64 bit
windows 7 64 bits
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