Increase Quests Cap

  • At the moment the maximum amount of quests you can have at once is only 20. This is especially annoying because half of them are bugged anyway. I think this number should be bumped up to maybe 50. This would allow founders to run through all the quests, level their characters, and then we can report all the bugged quests once we've gone through them all as opposed to posting the bugged quests one at a time.

  • 50 is bad idea! Needs more space in memory, and im pretty sure that this could produce more lagg and bugs if lots of players online.. And if you know the quests are bugged, why you don't clear them from quest window? You can run through all the playable tests with a max. of 20 quests slots!

    Back and forward running was annoying sometimes yes, but if all quests work like they should you wouldn't even need to do all quests to get to 70! I skipped Mushroom South all the time, and i even never went to TmQ 4 farming.. So it is not important to raise the max. quest in my opinion.. Not to mention that this was how the game was used to work - run from A) to B) solve quest, go back..

    If you mean raise for dev. server only, i don't care, but Beta - please no..

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