Few bugs i noticed

  • another bug I noticed is that when you talk to the girl in the small village close to the Kokkara Village (the one that provides you with the RP charge time quest) you get stuck after the conversation.

    But it probably also could mean that I got kicked out of the game (since it's way to full),

    Also the Time Rift quest portal cannot be entered.
    Silver herbs cannot be picked up.(fixed, it's lag that prevents it)

    While attempting to do smth and accidentally do something else (example: try to collect but accidentally attacking a mob at the same time brings the client to crash)
    Item drop is occasionally and not common(not sure if it's for purpose)

    attempting to pick up dropped items of other people (there is missing the "can't pick up other dropped items" message)at the beginning, later you can pick it up normally like in the original game.
    The mob "Wawona" sometimes won't respond to your attacks and just let himself die.

    Currently recommending to avoid mounts (sometimes you cannot get off it, else it could be a server kick because full)

  • Bugs

    - Ask Popo bugs the skills when its used after u teleport your are unable to use any skill
    -Duels need a timer, if the other person isnt responding to the invitation to a duel the person is then stuck in already in duel and can not proceed to fight another person.
    - Items only drop if you are in a party, you can make a party with yourself and items will drop
    - Milk delivery quest, doesnt work if you take quest you cant get rid of Latan's milk box afterwards, I dced after taking the quest then I tried taking the quest again and it said I didnt have space in my equipment slot because I already got Latan's milk box(Tried to delete Latan's milk box, inside the quest window, but it cant get discarded).

    -Healing skills affect the NPC's to walk, if you target an NPC and heal with dragonclan, the NPC will walk way from you, but after 30 sec they will revert to their primary location(I dont know if this is intended behavior for NPC's when you try to heal them).

    - I notice that the flying dash is activated slower than in the vanilla DBO, it takes more seconds before you fly dash
    - Namek starter area doesnt drop items not even in party, it must be some specific mobs from the human area that is dropping in party mode

    I will report more as I go

  • alright i just found more:
    -You can't send a mail to someone if you check the "request zeni" box and request at least 1 zeni. Otherwise it works, both sending zeni or just sending simple mail, but as soon as you request some zeni it doesn't work.
    -The damage is calculated way too quickly, i believe anyone who has played the original dbo will notice this. As soon as you right click on some attacking skill, the opponent loses LP, while it should happen after you hit them. It's really annoying.
    -Item and zeni drops are still not working properly, i destroyed that super "item box" something like that, near kokkara village and it didn't drop anything.
    -When you activate the scroll for flying (now i'm not sure if it's supposed to work like that or not since i didn't use scrolls that much when i played dbo) and start flying, your AP won't decrease unless you're flying at full speed, i guess you guys know what i mean.
    -Also there is a quest that tells you to use "identify" option in shop and identify unknown item. I think it's supposed to give you some unknown items so that you can identify them, but it didn't give me anything, which means i can't complete the quest.
    -The mobs and other players are spawning too slowly, sometimes you literally have to be 1 meter from them in order for them to spawn (in order for you to see them)

    That's about it, if i notice anything else i'll report :)

    EDIT: i forgot, i received some tokens now, but it still doesn't say how much time is left until next token, it just says "First token" instead of showing the actual time left, and even though i received some tokens during my session, it says "Tokens received during this session: 0", something like that.

  • Thanks.
    I just found some more though:
    -When someone summons shenron and you are far from the dragon shrine (the place where you summon the shenron) you don't see him, but when you get closer you see shenron coming out of dragon shrine like it was just summoned a moment ago. If you move away from it again, you won't see him and guess what, as soon as you get closer you will see the same thing again, shenron coming out of dragon shrine as it was just summoned again. I think it wasn't like that on original dbo.
    -Pet's XP isn't increasing. I'm not sure but i think it should increase as the time passes or as you gain XP, either way, my pet didn't gain any XP for a long time.
    -More than 1 player can "collect" special items for quests at the same time, for example one player starts collecting it and 2 seconds later another player starts collecting it too. Now the first player has collected the item and it disappeared, however, that other player is still collecting the item even though it's already collected and disappeared. On original dbo you had to wait for the item to respawn in order to collect it again, or change channels.
    -You can't change channels, well, at least i couldn't. I was on channel 2 i think and i wanted to change the channel to see if there are less players around my quest area but nope, nothing happened. I only got a red message saying you're already on this channel when i tried to join channel 2 (i was indeed already on channel 2 as i said).
    -You get "Inventory full" message from time to time for no reason, i mean first of all i had plenty of space in my inventory, second, i didn't try to put something in or out of my inventory so it doesn't make any sense to get that message.

    I hope i didn't forget anything :P

  • Alright i really must add this too.
    Mobs detect and attack system is really bad.
    I don't know how to explain it, i just can tell something is really weird.
    Sometimes you need to come really close to them in order for them to notice you and attack you.
    Sometimes when they do notice you, they just chase you and they won't hit you unless you stop running, which was totally different on original dbo.

  • -When you activate the scroll for flying (now i'm not sure if it's supposed to work like that or not since i didn't use scrolls that much when i played dbo) and start flying, your AP won't decrease unless you're flying at full speed, i guess you guys know what i mean.

    This was a custom modification made by Daneos. One of the biggest complaints from the founders was flight used up AP. Using super speed will still consume AP. Hopefully this will carry over into Open Beta, but no official word that I am aware of.

    Also, added the bugs from this post into The Bug List

  • I found some more bugs and quests that arent working in the human area, so far this :
    - old shoes quest doesnt work
    - Mixed capsule quest object missing
    -Crafting isnt leveling up from crafting lvl.1 gloves but does when you craft lvl 11 saiyan armor
    - bang babe saibamen auto attack stops after first hit from mob
    -quest practice tree doesnt summon the bees and the tree isnt active when clicked on
    -the pale man quest mobs does not appear
    -Roadside turtle quest does not work

    I will update it as soon as I can play and find bugs

  • Updated bug report

    - lvl 15 fly quest does not give you a flying scroll, you have to use your own flying scrolls that have been given to you in the lvl giftpack
    - Bridget flower monkeys does not get aggroed(they use to in vanilla DBO).
    - Feral fighter pig does not spawn in the ring
    - Boss Bong bong is not getting aggroed when attacked
    - upgrade coupons makes the gamescreen freeze and have to disconnect
    - Quest villages golden wig does not update after finished quest
    - Dragon red eggs quest isnt updating
    - Green armor upgrade stone does not upgrade some gear between +2 or +3 instead it only gives you +1 (It does not work as vanilla DBO)

    - Crafted gear does not show which stats it has

    I will update when i find more, I have to complete every quest :D

  • Updated bug report

    - Rumors flyer bugs have to click twice, sometimes.
    - Axe Rock quest, Quest item not responding.
    -Korin tower tree roots quest, quest object arent responding.
    - NPC karinga tribeman kammu quest arent functional, I think it's a fighting quest.
    - some mobs cant be auto-attacked ex. Kulpi sergent
    - Party chat appears even after I left the party, I can still see what people type.
    - Mobs get up from KD to fast and attacks to fast for being knocked down, they kinda glitch back up again right after skill is used.
    - Skills hits futuristic, every attack you do on mobs appears on the bar immediatly.
    - Suzu NPC does not give you the chain quest, but only stares at you. Quest Hair oil is given to you after you relogged back in and talked to her.
    - Fishing rod quest does not update.
    - Turtle at korin fishing village isnt giving you the option to teleport to kames house right away but you have to finish some quests first to do it, after u get teleported the boss you are going to fight at kames house isnt appearing.
    - The great tree quest isnt working, mobs arent appearing.
    - bean jar still updated even if interrupted
    - share quest isnt working reciever isnt getting it.
    -Gate keeper Red pant training field bugs
    - Red pant training field teleport yadrat bugs sometimes it freezes.

    most of this is from the Korin map

    I will update more as I take all quests on my way, just an reminder I left alone that TMQ, UDS, and timeleap quests arent working but arent reporting it because its already stated by the DEVTEAM.

    :D hope this helps

  • Combat system is so messed up!
    Auto attack works now, but mob LP isn't calculated properly.
    Drop is also messed up.
    When killing mobs you get either too much items or no items, while it should be some zeni and 1 or 2 items.
    RP doesn't decrease over time.
    And item boxes don't drop anything when you destroy them lol.

  • Mobs aren't dropping any items or zeni when you kill them.
    You don't receive tokens no matter how long you play.
    Cash shop is empty.

    the only way you can get items from a mob if you are in the level range or higher, for example:

    mob level 30

    character level 28:

    • item level 26-28 (gear, food, pills, upgrade stones,..) wil be received.
    • item level 30 (gear, food, pills upgrade stones,...) will not be received.

    character level 30:

    • item level 26-30 will be received.
  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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