15+ Crashes normal? Is there an error report I can send in?

  • Hi, since I started playing I've had random crashing at least once an hour or two. But when I go to the World Boss location something strange happens. My game keeps crashing just being in the area with lots of other people, even more so if fighting happens.

    I also noticed the Dragon world boss doesn't show up for me most of the time, like the model isn't loading. If I try to click on anyone to then click on their target, I crash. The last world boss I was able to sit through over the hour or two, I crashed 15 times just being in the boss area.

    I feel like something has to be wrong with my game, is there a way for me to send in a repair and does the game have a reinstall tool? Or do I just try fully uninstalling and reinstalling? No other games do this or apps, and I think I have a decent computer it's only 2 years old.

  • Hey KD,

    This isn't anything wrong with your game specifically, it seems to be some kind of memory error the client itself has. This one has been a big pain point for us, because we can't debug it in this client. That's why we're working so hard to get onto the new client, so we can actually debug and fix issues like that. I'm sorry I can't do more just yet.

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