For Ladies!

  • Hello! Hopefully, you're already having a good day but if not I hope it gets better! :saint:

    I just wanted to vent to any other ladies out here who deal with getting called beggars the moment someone notices you have good gear. Firstly, I know you didn't beg. We never do, some guys just like to think women have it easy even more so in video games. But if those same guys had to spend even 24 hours as a woman they'd find out quickly there are a lot of bads that come with unwanted advances or someone trying to do everything for you.

    But they don't seem to understand that saying that my character got an easy pass from nice people helping out, takes away all the hours and all the time I've put into the character. I know there are people who for sure have tried harder than me and worked harder than me in game and maybe to them someone helping me or helping "too much" is cheating. But I'm not. I didn't ask for a single thing people gave me, I just played and made friends and those friends played a lot longer so they wanted to share all the cool stuff they'd saved up. It's called sharing and having fun. It's not only something women get to do, I've met many men even in MMOs who make friends the exacte same way and get cool stuff shared with them. If you're nice and sociable and want to make friends people tend to want to befriend you and help you.

    It's an MMO, multiplayer. MMOs can be communities. Communities shouldn't try to hurt people within the community just cause of their gender, race, or any other reason. 99% of the community is great but there is a very mean 1% they are mostly around Korin Village and the Platform for PvP. I've even been told by a friend maybe I shouldn't PVP if I get upset over people being sexist cause it's going to 100% happen. But that's not fair. I want to PVP, even more, I want to get good and show those lame dorks that I can beat them. Not everyone who PvPs is mean, sexist, or racist. But seems like you have a higher chance of running into them there. The 2 worst times I've been harassed in game both happened in that area. IRL I just wouldn't go back, I'd do the safe thing. But this is a game, I am safe. So I will try to learn PvP and keep going there and blocking horrible people.

    I've already put in a ticket with over 10 screenshots of names and harassment I've personally gotten, so I won't say any of them here I just hope no one else has to deal with their behavior. But I would advise anyone man or woman if you get harassed screenshot it and report it. I know the DBOG team is small but hopefully, they have time to go through them all. No one, no man, no woman, no one deserves to be harassed for just enjoying the game.

    (Also this post isn't just for ladies, but I wanted to make sure any women in the community already or those who join later know they are never alone and speaking out against harassment should always be a standard)

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