Hey, how is everyone?. On Saturday when the wagu event was activated, i had 1.000.000 tokens and i bought a 250x10 wagus (4000 tokens each), and it didn't give me double, could anyone help me? It wasn't on channel 8. It's a lot of effort and zeni lost.
I am aware that they should look at the database and backups, I will wait..
Wagu x2 Bug, didn't give me double
Hey FarSeer,
I have talked to you about this specifically multiple times, and I have told you that I will help. Please don't spam the forum. If you are aware that I will look at the database and handle it when I have the time, then don't spam the forum.
yes sometimes is not give double me happen it to ı buy 3x time 1 coin but if not give double 1 coins its not problem but something is wrong on system
I feel more at ease because someone else went through the same thing
It's not your fault, it is a system bug that's on my to do list, yeah.
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