early game is too easy

  • the early game is drearily dull due to lack of danger. nothing poses enough of a threat to play any way other than ability spam and move on to the next mob. i believe this is because enemies that should auto aggro dont, i have run through red ribbon camps and all the mobs stand by not caring as well as doing quests to cull apparently 'violent' wildlife that dont care for your presence until you attack them. this is boring. because of this there is no incentive to try and bait mobs in to 1v1 fights or even think about what you're doing because you can kill one and sit down and take a break right in the middle of the group.

    the only reason i have died so far is because of the stupidly over level beach balls that spawn on fetch quest objectives. please reinstate aggro for appropriate mobs so that we're not breezing through the game the way that is currently possible. makes it hard to recommend this game to friends

    edit: removed aggressive language

  • Verdant

    Approved the thread.
  • The way that mobs aggro (or don't) right now wasn't a design choice of ours, but eventually all mobs will aggro.

    Personally, I'm fine with things being as they are. Some aggro ranges could stand to be tweaked some mobs could stand to gain (or lose) their aggro status, but not all mobs should be aggressive, in my opinion. Not all wildlife is violent to a fault and not all beings who are technically your enemies are willing to take the fight to a superpowered martial-artist unless attacked first.

    If you do implement universal aggro mechanics, one thing I would suggest is to make enemies consider your level vs. theirs; if you're high enough level for them to be trivial, they won't bother you (after all, you're terrifying, and they know they'd get reduced to chunky salsa on contact.)

  • Hey EnbyBus,

    The way that mobs aggro (or don't) right now wasn't a design choice of ours, but eventually all mobs will aggro.

    hey i just re-read this (week old) post and realised is sounds aggressive and insulting, im very sorry about that.

    good to hear mob aggro will be fixed. currently you pretty much have to get in most mobs faces to pull aggro

  • Personally, I'm fine with things being as they are. Some aggro ranges could stand to be tweaked some mobs could stand to gain (or lose) their aggro status, but not all mobs should be aggressive, in my opinion. Not all wildlife is violent to a fault and not all beings who are technically your enemies are willing to take the fight to a superpowered martial-artist unless attacked first.

    If you do implement universal aggro mechanics, one thing I would suggest is to make enemies consider your level vs. theirs; if you're high enough level for them to be trivial, they won't bother you (after all, you're terrifying, and they know they'd get reduced to chunky salsa on contact.)

    the issue that i stated in my post is that mobs that are supposed to be aggressive arent like red pants mobs and wildlife mobs that quests deem aggressive. i agree that some mobs should be passive, not everything needs to aggro.

    the level identification you mentioned sounds cool but i think it should be mob dependant like rats and pigs wont bother but bulls, cheetahs and named mobs will still try throw hands

  • the issue that i stated in my post is that mobs that are supposed to be aggressive arent like red pants mobs and wildlife mobs that quests deem aggressive. i agree that some mobs should be passive, not everything needs to aggro.

    the level identification you mentioned sounds cool but i think it should be mob dependant like rats and pigs wont bother but bulls, cheetahs and named mobs will still try throw hands

    Apologies for misunderstanding you.

    I know this game has support for a variety of aggro ranges, intensities, and even for things like proximity call-for-help behavior and linked call-for-help behavior, so hopefully, as the game's translation improves devs will look at aggro mechanics and make sure they not only are appropriate for the difficulty of the region, but also follow appropriate story beats.

  • The issue with having certain mobs aggro and certain mobs not is clarity and being able to skip past areas. In almost every other video game, most enemies aggro, and it clutters the UI and minimap and makes the game unclear if some mobs aggro and some don't.

    Telling which mobs aggro and don't is easy though, if you know your interface.

    Just click the mob, and look at the level indicator. If it's red, they aggro. If it's blue, they don't unless something else performs a Call for Help nearby.

    "Skipping areas" isn't really a problem if the mobs there are too low level to be worth it. Do you realize how fast most mobs respawn? There are places so thick with enemies that if all of them had full aggro capability, you'd be swarmed and never be able to chew through them fast enough unless you're overlevelled and loaded with AoEs. You'd just keep getting spawned on and spawned on and spawned on until you either died the death of a thousand cuts or just ran for an exit.

    Try getting through the Red Ribbon Ruins in Korin Forest on an level-appropriate character solo at some point, then tell me you're not grateful for that one room full of Lazy Wolves and really spread-out Helmet Dogs that can easily be avoided. Now imagine that the entire game is like the rest of that dungeon, and see if you can tell me honestly that's not tedious as best, and an unfun slog at worst. That's what universal aggro would do.

    You say it 'clutters the UI and minimap' when, honestly, it doesn't. Look, I've been playing MMOs back as far as Everquest. Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Ragnarok Online, Mimesis Online, AGES Online, Neocron, Earth & Beyond, Lineage 2, City of Heroes, Champions Online, World of Warcraft (particularly old-school WoW) the list goes on. So believe me when I say I know what I'm talking about here, I'm speaking from experience.

    The only way you can tell what aggros in many old games that follow a similar format to DBO is to get close enough and see if it runs at you. Unlike this game, a lot of old games aren't even nice enough to give you a warning sound when you've got enemies coming for you. Every MMO I've ever played that follows this format has had aggro and non-aggro enemies, and when you're allowed to tell the difference, doing so is as simple as either looking at their name, or looking at some easily-identified indicator (like what this game does), or in games that actually have a minimap that displays enemies, looking at the color of the enemy's dot there (something this game could potentially do, depending on how much it can be reverse-engineered.)

    I don't get how so many games have had no problems with aggro and non-aggro enemies coexisting for this long, yet this game that's fundamentally similar, has an issue with the existence of non-aggro enemies to the point where you feel the need to get rid of them.

    Edited 7 times, last by Nerva: Removing a misconception of mine that I just tested to be certain of. Also some further elaboration. ().

  • ... solo players aren't meant to be able to complete dungeons around their level.

    It's meant as a comparison. Universal aggro would turn large swathes of the game world into situations akin to what occur now in dungeons if you attempt to solo them. Do you really want tightly-packed areas of the game that would otherwise be traversible due to non-aggro monsters to become difficult-to-impossible for solo players to approach?

    Any way I look at it, universal aggro makes no sense. It would, among other things, make flocks of camel birds and cuckoo chickens - animals that are domestic livestock in the Dragon Ball universe - become aggro. It would be silly.

    Ultimately, it's your server, so the final decision on the matter is yours. But the final decision on whether to play here is mine, and if this change is made, chances are I'm not sticking around.

  • A lot of the (untranslated) lore in the game is about the corruption of the livestock and animals around the map. I have some other plans for the aggro system though. Don't worry, I won't inject anything intentionally unfun or too difficult to play in the game, but as it is aggro needs to be cleaned up and clearer at the very least.

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