Posts by ethanvolcano21

    Yeah, I know.

    But even so, I prefer to read those punchlines and obvious quests in English, rather than seeing korean characters everywere.

    You're the first person I've ever heard of complaining about something so incredibly irrelevant. If you want the shitty poop jokes translated, then by all means feel free to apply for the translation squad and invent your own stupid puns to the roster that nobody will ever read, if it means preserving visual consistency. All relevant text regarding gameplay mechanics and story beats has already been complated. But you're gonna complain about a stupid pun that shows up when you talk to a turtle in the middle of nowhere, asking about how much poop he's counting?

    a more 'complete' experience? There's no lore here, Most quest texts involve stupid toriyama humor, with poop jokes and stuff, hardly anything interesting. Besides that, most of the main storylines are already well understood by inferring the quest structure. If a NPC wants you to kill 10 nameks, you can guess, "These guys are causing troulbe m8, please help save me, the village, etc". Nothing particularly unique or special

    Sorry we are not taking any suggestions at the moment unless they are related to adding new content to the Cash Shop.

    Thank you.

    Idea: Add dogis of the following characters:

    Rolf (Base Form)

    Rolf (Blanco)

    El Grande Padre

    Gohan (SSj Blanco)

    Cell Golden

    Reason: The DBZ Canon is shite, better add some new characters to spice things up.

    Yeah so here's what you do:

    1) - Accept the broken Game Economy

    2) - Quit your job

    3) - (If possible) disconnect from society, that's irrelevant to DBOG and you need to focus on the game entirely.

    4) - Click on a Mob (This step is very critical)

    5) - Kill that mob (This step is just as important)

    6) - Repeat steps 4 and 5, forever, don't stop, turn your brain off, no game is better to play, just devote your soul to this game forever and sign a contract with Kami.

    Now now, critics might argue, "B-but... Muh dragon ball mmo"

    And that's all well and good, but some of us dont like doing this mindless task for 8 hours a day to make stones that offer no progress. What do you even want zeni for? Cashers just buy their way into the meta-game...

    You think I didn't know that? There you go again, the original boys. News flash, this version will never be a duplicate of the original. And for the record, the original didn't allow you to just multi client like that, you needed an actual separate program to do that. So that's about an entirely different program that they simply didn't care for too much.

    Oh and yes, the definition of "mmorpg" will enlighten you to understand what I mean by saying I that this isn't an mmorpg by all important means, I believe you will find out why if you haven't already.

    Crap, I forgot to inb4 this stuff. Stop getting triggered, lol can't believe the "originalbois" is now a term.

    If classes were balanced, we wouldn't need to buff our characters. That's just how the gam'es built. not like it hurts the server, but farming becomes impossible with certain classes without buffs. Imagine grinding a Dende to 70 without the loving grace of majin buffs...

    First of all- RIP OFF, I had the same service for 5kk per level MAX,

    Second of all: Daenos and fellow mods, FIX YOUR STUPID GAME, ffs why do players have to pay others to play the game for them? For the love of god this is outright abuse of a broken system which takes advantage of players who're bored of the current game. Just alter a few quests to stop giving out troll low xp and make sure that this crap isn't allowed.

    Crafting has its own benefits. As for example, there is gear that is worth 10kk as much, and you will see it on AH for 30kk with a shitty +8 upgrade. Or you can be a namek, who benefits a lot from crafted gear defenses. Or you can be a barely played class and you never see weapons for you on AH. Crafting right now is way cheaper than buying from somewhere else and it makes you individual, not dependant on what's new on AH today.

    Yes, it may be slow and tedious in the process, but its truly satisfactory when you get lvl 25-30 on craft and you can create whatever you want.

    Don't get me wrong, I maxxed my crafting and have perfect LP regen gear for my majin, but that's all I care for, I sell some of it, but barely make more than 10kk

    Hello Guys! How's everybody ? Merry xmas! :)

    Merry Holidays to you too, good sir!

    like the topic says. I'm wondering is it still fun to play?

    Nope. Population is the lowest its been since its debut, nothing seems to matter to the mods, there isn't anything to do, TMQ's are impossible to find groups, same with CC dungeon.

    Are there good updates ?

    There aren't any updates.

    When i played couple of moths ago, the game was still fun

    Great, the game's even worse now, however.

    i have read a little in the forums. It seams to me that people are not happy or excited to play due to that the staff have events where you dont get good rewards or the ''same players'' get all the rewards. just one of few examples...

    Indeed, just one of a few examples of the GM's being rude or nasty to me. I just got insulted for criticizing them, soo... that's the state of the game, where the mods are so childish they're willing to insult you if you don't like their decisions. Feel free to find another MMO to play.

    If its a dead game why you even here talking? You have some serious issues kid grow up.

    Already called it inb4 lol. I'm not surprised GM's are willing to insult people just because they're getting criticized. If it's an active game, then where the hell did everybody go, and why is everyone announcing that they're leaving? The player population is the lowest its been in a long time. While you're here telling me off, you could be improving the game LOL have fun man. All you do is prove me right

    but no he set up the event and went ahead with it. There is no specific locations where presents dropped it was a randomized spawn all over the world nobody knew where they were going to drop not even GMs

    That's what I said. The game was a lottery, and an unfair one at that. Hardly an "event".

    People really want to spend hours and hours on Christmas day doing a event?

    LOL Is that how you justify the mentality of game-monitoring?! LOL I could just as easily argue, "People really want to spend hours and hours on this dead game? And the answer is quite simple- No. Have fun running a dead game, you've demonstrated the horrible mentality of the GMs THANKS for finally coming out.

    The idea of the event was to look for them, not to stay at a point on the map.

    Yeah, but how are people supposed to locate them? Fact of the matter is that when presents are spawned, some people will be closer to presents than others, and that was the point I'm trying to make. While some people are searching all over the map for a single present (like me), others will randomly come across a giant mother-load simply by virtue of statistics. It favors no-one, rewards people based on luck, and offers no real chance to participate.

    You mineaswell have never sent an announcement for all the difference it had in our participation. I mean even if you know about the event beforehand, that doesn't guarantee you can participate, which is exactly the problem. It's not an event, its a lottery, and not even a fair one at that.

    2) duration, This event was relatively quick, Most items were scooped up rather quickly, I was told the event lasted like 30 minutes, try make them last longer so the community can enjoy it more and have more respect to staff.

    3) limit the prizes that can be claimed. Only 1 present per account, make all item bind (i didnt partake in the event so im not sure if this was the case or not). I heard rumors that a few players scooped up the majority of the prizes. which isnt how these event shouldnt be based on, you want community included not just a select few getting all the rewards.

    This right here. The duration was ridiculous, considering that it rewards players who were both notified coincidentally, and who just happened to be nearer to where the presents spawned. This could hardly be considered a community event. Why not just make the presents spawn from mobs or something? This way they can regen, then make it last however long you'd like. But to just spawn random things in the world- What if you're in the middle of a region where there are no presents? Now, just because you happened to be in the wrong area, you don't get to participate?

    Sure you can appreciate the effort in trying, but you can't ignore the fact that it was poorly thought out, and really just served as a disappointment to lots of players. In essence, what was the mods' gift to us?

    Answer: Disappointment, but hey what else is new?

    We have some progressive thinking right here. Another insert i forgot to mention:

    Idea: Ban any community members who weren't a part of the Original.

    Reason: Only true super saiyans have any right to experience this game 8). If you weren't a part of the original community, then GTFO, you're toxic and poisoning the development of the metagame.

    New Player- I can't find any Loot

    The totally non-toxic DBO Community- LOL You suck NOOB, Git GUD, you're the problem, nothing wrong with the system, LOL can't even stand these trash players whiners always complaining.

    What a shame. Also, what kinda genius planned an event with only 2 hours notice, which ends after 3 hours, and has completely random distribution, essentially relying on first come-first serve and luck to incentivize basement dwellers- er, I mean pros- to fetch everything before some of us are even aware of the event in the first place? Lol, this game's gonna stay dead

    Edit: Inb4 - LOL 2 hour notice?! LOL it was 2 hours 15 minutes, GOD such a noob, LOL this is why trash players suck


    Inb4 - LOL 3 hours, what do you expect, that people have lives and can't play this game? Quit your job if you wanna play DBOG
