Posts by Frylock

    Just bugfix their passive which is supposed to increase damages of spells and they fine. MA/Karma counters them, specially Karma actually (can't do sht specially now with karma having bug advantage) but that's normal, all classes need a counter; except karma ofc who has none.

    Karma's themselves lol, and chefs, sks, dw's with % reflect

    Thing is you need to massively kill, nonstop, so when 1 spot is respawning you are clearing another. Look for spots with fast respawns, no kds or disables. Spots where you dont have to quest. And for some reason hunting at rps or hidden maps has better chances to drop. Also if you are not an aoe class you will struggle, here or with any system. Key is patience, you have 4 hours. Keep trying, there will be times when you get 3 balls in a row and then nothing for a long time. Remember its 5% of dropping if you are killing normal mobs. And 20% the chance to spawn a mob with db.

    I use %EP on my DW soo I can easy recover EP when I farm and people use it in PVP vs dende or other classes when fight is too long, sometime but yea it is mostly useless.

    Buffs CD needs to be decreased indeed soo chef have any chance in PVP.

    Chef might be cool with remove 1 curse on any of his skills like "Curing Scent".

    About Spirit Drain, it is alright, since there are already in play 2 other EP eating skills such as " Despiriting Flash" + "Spirit Burn Flash", and both of them maxed eat 900+ EP each min plus Spirit Drain.

    Yeah just wonder the SP cost and that is not even enough, lets be honest, everyone gonna have ep autopots and pots. Even by using a single pot is more than enough, thats why rn the ep eater build is useless. There has to be a point in between without making it too OP or too weak as it is now. Plus chefs being the only class that may absorb EP, he should be good at it, the best at it. And would be awesome if chefs had something that makes them special other than a candy, dont get me wrong but ultis are top priority, chefs should be at the same lvl or so. I believe minor but important changes could be done without being broken.

    • You need 5 minutes to buff your whole party, what kind of buffer are you, what a joke. Just wonder that you are spamming ud3 first floor and everytime they enter they get the buff removed, lol.
    • GC Should also be able to remove curses to himself, only paralysis.
    • Defense rate should be changed from both ultis and chefs, defense rate is useless and it will always be.
    • Spirit Drain needs a buff, 100%, people do not even use something like EP% recover or Energy stats, they go instaantly to the trash.

    I'm a little disappointed about this one. There's a lot of minor and major bugs with a lot of tickets made, but I guess Daneos wasn't too busy with DBO this week. Try to step it up, DBOG is still very far from being stable.


    And using it with rp effect does not increase duration anymore. Wp there, nice updates

    Dendes are op if they have good gear for example DrMed back in POB

    We are talking about now with the diminishing CC's.

    • Escorted npcs heal instantly after 2 seconds of not being attacked, dumb quests, no challenging at all.
    • Mobs who dont attack heal instantly too, you may be casting a skill and then they get healed a lot again, making it take forever to kill if you are not a dps or if you have long animation skills.
    • When you start attacking a mob with paralysis, dunno other disables, but Im a dende and when I start using paralysis and the paralysis ends, if I dont attack again they get healed instantly. And If I do attack after the paralysis, they stand still like for 2 seconds thinking if they are going to attack me or wait to die. They have a really slow reaction when you start using paralysis, making it stupid to play.
    • Sometimes when making a RP attack you may stay still with the RP effect permanently and not casting the skill, unless you move or jump or cast another skill. Works exactly like if you were lagging, but you are not.
    • ACCESORIES WHICH CONTAIN ''DOGI EFFECT: AIR EFFECT'' ARE NOT WORKING, The visual effect doesnt exist anymore on any of them.

    Bugs bugs BUGS!!!!! Bugs at tmq's ffs i'm done. Why the heck do your own buffs get removed when entering the tmq, they get removed like 90% of times, follows no pattern, just randomly they get removed..

    Sometimes you may bug like this at the start of the TMQ, and at any other part too. The checkpoints are annoying if the full team does not touch it at the same time it bugs and may bug the TMQ to the point that no mobs are going to spawn and nothing is going to happen. The scenes get bugged, everything gets bugged at TMQ's....

    Freeze Generators do not spawn as they should, the spawn 1 by 1 slowly as the time passes. They are suppposed to be there since the countdown starts, all of them.

    What about the normal Donkey Slash? not worth? what about a chef going full dex/resistance? Call me crazy but sounds as it may work.

    Is it better for chefs to go phys or eng just bc of Cluster bomb insane damage? Does a double crazy rush maxed deal good damage?

    Is it worth a chef going crit? Im planning on making him pvp even without his ep drain

    And with that being said i am adding the enjoyment factor,this isnt just hard,it is annoying,some classes have the abilities to come around those,using strategies etc,as for a new players,who are still trying the skills,might brake the game for them,also,indeed some of the spamming mob skills where like that in retail,though the skills,stuns,passives where actually working,here it is not the same...

    In fact, a friend from my guild is just getting introduced to the game for the first time, he learns fast, and he is a DW. He asked me ''So this is what a tank does here? taking the hits from the mobs, falling on the floor while your teammates kill everything?'' And I was shocked because he was right, I couldn't give him an answer.

    Don't try to be smart by just saying the basics of every MMO, even knowing that any other MMO doesn't have such an spammable disable to the player as DBO does.

    I've been outside rp2, the three towers with 1 ultra each one, and you just cannot kill the fckng tigers, the KD literally has no cooldown, I was taking 1 super by 1 to kill the ultra and i had to htb the supers, use the rp duration stun and hope to crit those bastards, because as soon as they were free I would not get up. Pretty annoying that if you are inside RP2 and you just need to deliver quests youll have to kill every mob again because if not you would die by just dashing away.

    Try to go to RP1 to the robots part killing 1 by 1 but the ''Calls for help'' will get you killed. You just can't solo most of the game, unless you are a lvl 70 doing ud1.

    Mobs NEED a cooldown for their skills, and they dont have one, that's a basic. Almost stuns get diminished, but KD's? lmao

    I wanted to know if something was changed in Bitter Tea, from retail tw to dbog, effects, cooldown and duration are the same?

    I did based off of his. He said cap on dbog was something close to 100ms on his vid. The cap is probably limited by ms , how much is hard to tell tho.

    So 25(poko) +15(karma) +50(fighter) = 90% + 52% (26+26) = 142% That would be near the limit, or over the limit? What do u guys think. Supposing its a 1100 glove. And if now is 100ms, by that post...they don't pretend to change it back I guess....

    is it really 39% (?) wtf (?)
    if you get 3 pieces 39% you have 117% anti crit, isnt that something that needs a nerf?

    Wtf, you can only get anti crit in 1 piece, jacket, and dogiball and i think there is 1 glove with 10%.

    Still, read what he said, anti crit is capped at 80%, if you have 300% anticrit only 80% matters. And im pretty sure no one can get 117% anti crit not even SKs

    Ooooh, so it wasn't working right with a dogiball either, so How can it be exactly buggged the entire time? I once tried it on my kid character, before and It didn't work either.

    It worked on PoB, it always did, but im just noticing that its not working now, idk since when, but it was just a visual thing that those dogis/accessories included and they were cute. Dogi ball has nothing to do there.

    Air effect doesn't make you fly, so It doesn't work at all, maybe It might work if you put a dogiball on it. You could use a dogiball to test it on the jetpacks and see if it makes you fly when having the dogiball effect, if not, then maybe you can report it by then. xD

    It's not related to it, Air effect is just a visual effect that some accessories have, and when you fly the effect shows, but its bugged