Posts by Hardlock

    Hola a toda la comunidad,

    He decidido crear una guía del tenkaichi budokai y como poder participar, mucha gente es nueva y nunca jugó la versión oficial, por lo tanto, no saben mucho al respecto y esta guía les puede venir bien.

    Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Budokai

    ¿Quien puede participar?

    Todos los jugadores van a poder participar pero solo los más fuertes llegarán a la fase final.

    Las categorías se dividen en 4 fases:

    Budokai Tenkaichi Adulto: Donde los Adultos competirán por el premio mayor. Nivel requerido para participar: Nivel 30 hasta el nivel 70.

    Budokai Tenkaichi Kid: Donde los niños pelean por un premio menor. Nivel requerido para participar: Nivel 1 hasta el 29.

    Solo: Modo individual donde pelearás en la fase de pre-eliminatorias todos vs todos y 1 vs 1 en las demás fases.

    Party: Donde pelearás con tu equipo de 5 personas. En la fase de pre-eliminatorias pelearán con 1 equipo y ganará quien más muerte haya hecho, en las demás fases 1 equipo vs otro.

    ¿Qué premios puedo ganar?

    • Por el simple hecho de participar recibirás "una semilla senzu". Esta semilla te permite recuperar el 100% de LP / EP [Budokai Adulto]

      Esta semilla te permite recuperar el 70% de LP / EP [Budokai Kid]
    • Cada ronda que ganes recibirás: semillas senzu y puntos mudosa.
    • Si llegas a la final recibiréis la famosa "Aura del Budokai" 1r puesto: Dorada | 2n puesto: Plata - 3r / 4r puesto: Bronce.

    Titulo del Budokai - Cada Aura viene con un título especial (en color verde) que aparece junto al nombre de su personaje. Aquí hay una lista de títulos:

    Adulto Budokai (Solo):

    WMAT Solo Champion (1st place)

    Uncrowned King (2nd place)

    Flaming Fist (3rd/4th place)

    Nota: Estos títulos no aumentan las estadísticas del personaje.

    • Budokai Coin: Este item te permitirá comprar items exclusivos del budokai y algunos dogis.

    ¿Cómo puedo participar?

    Para participar encontrarás un icono a la parte inferior derecha de tu pantalla (Tutorial) Kid Budokai

    Una vez que tengas abierta la ventana simplemente le tendrás que presionar a "Join"

    Al momento de darle a aplicar te mostrará tu numero de participación en pantalla, eso significa que ya estas participando y tendrás que esperar ha que empiecen las pre-eliminatorias.

    Una vez aplicado tendrás que esperar los tiempos de cada ronda, puedes seguir los tiempos en la parte inferior derecha del panel

    El Budokai empieza con las pre-eliminatorias donde tendrás que pelear: todos vs todos (en el caso de solo) 1 grupo vs otro grupo (en el caso de ir en party).

    Ganará el que mas muertes haya hecho.

    Si ganáis pasareis a la siguiente fase donde pelearéis individualmente 1 vs 1 en solo / party vs party en grupo.

    Si perdéis recibiréis vuestra recompensa y estaréis descalificados

    Como seguir / ver a los peleadores

    Para ir siguiendo el torneo por si quieres ver quien / quienes ganan o pierden, puedes seguir a los peleadores a traves de la tabla del torneo

    Semilla del Dojo

    Hay una forma para pasar directamente a las eliminatorias. Si vuestro gremio posee un DOJO, un miembro de vuestro gremio va poder pasar directamente a las eliminatorias sin necesidad de pelear en las pre-eliminatorias.

    Para participar con la semilla del Dojo tendréis que ser el Líder del gremio o pedirle al lider del gremio que aplique a traves del "dojo manager" y tendrás la opción de aplicar antes que los jugadores normales. Esa aplicación sirve para aplicar con el Dojo Seed.

    Horarios del Evento

    El Torneo Budokai aún no tiene un horario definido. En estos momentos se están arreglando los bugs encontrados en el evento del Sábado (budokai adulto solo) donde pudimos probar el evento y encontrar errores.

    Si quieres sugerir el horario del evento o alguna otra cosa, puedes sugerirlo en este post: Aquí

    Este post se actualizará una vez establecidos los horarios y próximas actualizaciones respecto al BUDOKAI!


    Esto ha sido todo,
    Si tienes alguna duda no dudes en preguntarla!

    Un Saludo,


    Hello DBOG Community,

    I have decided to create a guide of Tenkaichi Budokai and how to participate, many people are new and never played the official version, therefore, don't know much about it and this guide can help them a lot.

    Frequently asked questions about Tenkaichi Budokai:

    ¿Who can participate? ScreenShot_20200829204308.png

    All players will be able to participate but only the strongest will come to the final stage.

    The categories are divided into 4 phases:

    Budokai Tenkaichi Adult: Where adults will compete for the highest prize. Level required to participate: level 30 to level 70.

    Budokai Tenkaichi Kid: Where children fight for a lesser prize. Level required to participate: Level 1 to level 29.

    Solo: Individual mode where you will fight in the pre-elimination phase all vs all and 1 vs 1 in the other phases.

    Party: Where you will fight with your team of 5 people. In the pre-elimination phase will fight 3 teams, in the other phases party vs party.

    ¿What prizes can I win?

    • For the simple fact of participating you will receive "a Senzu seed". This seed allows you to recover 100% of LP/EP [Adult Budokai]
      This seed allows you to recover 70% of LP/EP [Budokai Kid]
    • Each round you win you will receive: seeds senzu and mudosa points
    • If you get to the final you will receive the famous "Budokai Aura" 1st place: Golden | 2n place: Silver | 3r/4r place: Bronze.

    Budokai Title - Each Aura comes with a special title (in green text) that appears next to your characters name. Here is a list of titles:

    Adult Budokai (Solo):

    WMAT Solo Champion (1st place)

    Uncrowned King (2nd place)

    Flaming Fist (3rd/4th place)

    Note: These titles do not award/increase your characters stats.

    • Budokai Coin: This item will allow you to purchase exclusive items from the Budokai and some dogis.

    ¿How can I participate?

    To participate you will find an icon to the bottom right of your screen (Tutorial) Kid Budokai

    Once you have open the window you simply have to press "join"

    At the time of applying will show you your participation number on screen, that means that you are already participating and you have to wait until to start the pre-elimination.

    Once applied you will have to wait for the times of each round, you can follow the times at the bottom right of the panel.

    The Budokai starts with the pre-elimination where you will have to fight: all vs all (in the case of solo) 3 party vs all (in the case of going in party).

    The one that has killed the most will win.

    If you win pass to the next phase where fight individually 1 vs 1 in Solo / party vs party in group.

    If lose you will receive your reward and you'll be disqualified.

    How to watch the fighters

    To see the tournament if you want to see who wins or loses, you can follow the fighters through the table of the tournament.

    Dojo Seed

    There's a way to go straight to the eliminations. If your guild has a DOJO, a member of your guild will be able to move directly to the eliminations without having to fight in the pre-eliminations.

    To participate with the Dojo Seed you will have to be the leader of the guild or ask the guild leader to apply through the "dojo manager" and you will have the option to apply before the normal players. This application is used to apply to the Dojo Seed.

    Event Schedules

    Schedule of DBOG Events

    This post will be updated once established schedules and upcoming updates regarding the BUDOKAI!


    That's all, If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!


    Hola a todos,

    El Binds (activate) son los items que estan enlazados a tu personaje y por lo tanto no son tradeables.

    Hay unos items que puedes quitar el binds (activate) que son las armaduras de TMQ / UD. Para quitarlo necesitas unas monedas especiales que venden en la cash shop llamadas "Seal Coin" donde en las maquinas de unbind "Vending Machine" te permitiran quitar el bind de la armadura y podrás venderla o tradearla (El item se transformará en una capsula tradeable, una vez abierta la capsula el item volverá a ponerse en binds activate).

    Nota: Depende del nivel y la "calidad" de la armadura que quieras quitar el bind, necesitarás más de 1 moneda Seal Coin para poder quitar el bind.

    Un Saludo! :dpeace:

    Sigue estos pasos:


    [successbox]1: Desactiva el antivirus, firewall o otros software que te puedan impidir el acceso como el Windows Defender. [/successbox]

    [successbox]2: Vuelve ha descargar e instalar el juego por completo. [/successbox]

    [successbox]3: Añade la carpeta del juego en la lista blanca (whistelist) de tu antivirus [/successbox]


    Hazme saber si tu problema se resuelve,


    the game constantly freezes so i also downloaded that thing u told me to, and added it to the dragon ball global folder, is that what i should be doing?? it hasnt stopped the freezing

    Just need install the packages

    Hello Hagane,

    Please, try to install these packages. [successbox]download here[/successbox]

    Both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions should be installed, even if you have a 64 bit version of Windows.
    Let me know if the issue has been fixed please.


    Hello Slash,

    It is true that some quests they are not available yet but you can level up to level 55 to bit at level 56. At each level you will be unlocking news quests.

    I recommend you up to level 56 without Porunga Rocks quests and when you are at that level start on that map. This way you will not be without quests in each level.

    If you have any issue with some quest that is not bugged, tell me and I'll try to help you.



    Anyway i tested and DW receive 105

    Lets be fair here, all those bugged +15s will have almost 100% higher chance of passing over skilled players. Before even starting tournament those weapons must be removed (like 90% of them are bugged come on, nobody cares if those 10% lose their weapons), if you're gonna play a fair budokai this is the only way.

    Hello Feddy,

    Remember that this is a Pre-Open Beta Server and this is just for testing. Not all have obtained their gear through BUGS, therefore we can't do anything, just wait for the Open Beta Server.


    Good guide! But I was seeking some info about success and resistance rate, like how much resistance rate you receive by dex, or how to calculate it with success rate.

    BTW, I'm receiving just 75 lp per con in my fighter


    You can't know how much are giving, is a hidden stat.

    If you have more DEX you will resist more.


    Hello DBO G Community,
    Today I made a GUIDE of the players effects that can help new players.

    In all MMORPG or simply RPG, There's always this thing called "Effects".

    We call them effects, others can be called stats, properties, etc. The effects are simply external elevations in the basic attributes of the character.

    These effects can come from an armor, a weapon or a "skill" also called "BUFFS".

    Here we are going to talk about the types of effects that we can find in DBO Global.

    Definition of Players Effect


    Physical Attack: Increases physical damage base.

    Physical Defense: Increases physical defense base.

    Energy Attack: Increases energy damage base.

    Energy Defense: Increases energy defense base.

    Hit Rate: Is the possibility of striking a hit to the opponent, if the hit rate is low (proportional to the level) is more likely to fail an attack than successfully hitting.

    Dodge Rate: Is the chance of evasion that we will have at the moment of receiving an attack, if we have high dodge rate, it is very possible that we can avoid several attacks.

    Critical Rate: This attribute doesn't influence on the damage, it influences in the critical rate, if we have more crit rate, there will be more chances of landing a critical hit.

    Crit. Physical: Influences the rate of a critical hit in physical attacks.

    Crit. Energy: Influences the rate of a critical hit in energy attacks.


    STR: Gives the character physical attack points, and it enhances the character's base damage.
    1 STR = 1.1 until 1.4 Physical Attack point. (May vary depending on each class / race)


    Soul: Gives the character energy strength points, and it enhances the character's base damage.

    1 Soul= 1.1 until 1.4 Energy Attack point. (May vary depending on each class / race)

    DEX (Dexterity): For every 1 DEX point we will gain 5 dodge rate

    For every 1 DEX point we will gain 0.5 phy.attack (May vary depending on each class / race)

    For every 7 DEX point we will gain 1 phy.crit rate

    Hidden stats: Increases the critical physical damage by %, resistance rate and guard block rate.

    FOC (Focus): For every 1 FOC point we will gain 10 hit rate
    For every 1 FOC point we will gain 0.5 energy.attack (May vary depending on each class / race)

    For every 7 FOC point we will gain 1 energy.crit rate

    Hidden stats: Increase the critical energy damage by % and succes rate

    CON (Contitution): For every 1 CON point we will gain 75 until 105 LP, and it will also increase the LP regeneration. (May vary depending on each class / race)

    ENG (Energy): For every 1 ENG point we will gain 40 until 50 EP and it will also increase the EP regeneration.

    (May vary depending on each class / race)

    CON Values

    Fighter->85 LP
    SwordsMan->85 LP
    Turtle Hermit->80 LP
    Crane Hermit->80 LP

    Dende Priest->80 LP
    Poko Priest->85 LP
    Shadow Knight->95 LP
    Dark Warrior->105 LP

    Ultimate Majin->95 LP
    Grand Chef Majin->85 LP
    Plasma Majin->80 LP
    Karma Majin->80 LP

    ENG Values

    Fighter->45 EP
    Swordsman->45 EP
    Turtle Hermit->50 EP
    Crane Hermit->50 EP

    Dende Priest->50 EP
    Poko Priest->50 EP
    Shadow Knight-> 50 EP
    Dark Warrior->45 EP

    Ultimate Majin->45 EP
    Grand Chef Majin->45 EP
    Plasma Majin->50 EP
    Karma Majin->50 EP

    Special thanks to Kuromi for helping.

    That's all, I hope you have helped and soon I going to make the second part [Gear & Jewelery Effects]


    DBO G Staff