Posts by SlayerL99

    On speed partys you mostly auto attack, he means that for speed parties you don't need to change your crit build.

    Going both just meens that besides your crit weapons you will need another upgraded speed hands and an speed wand (that you don't really have to upgrade).

    You will farm with crit and do end game dungeons with speed parties cause it is faster and you need to do them alot (apart that many won't take you with you if you don't have a decent speed set too)

    Thanks for the advice :)

    Why would u need a super specific 2018 1 link cracked build for just using autoattack... Just go pvp build lol, at the end while doing PVE all u do is use kames and while doing Speed party all you do is using autoattacks.


    Meh, I prefer following an specific build, that's why im going crit. Thanks tho :P

    I would shoot for making an ultimate majin to get you through ud3 normal - hard spam izi. After that create a turtle, farm tokens > buy 200% exp > spam ud3 normal then hard with your ultimate majin and your other char in the party > izi fast level 60 and with turtle you farm very izi = many many zeni. Notice how many izis were in this comment, cuz its izi to type.

    lmao sounds izi! Thanks man!

    A speed party consists of a set of required classes (poko, karma, dende) since the first 2 give attack speed buddies which help greatly to reaching cap speed. The other 2 spots are generally given to a buffer and a turtle(DPS)/tank depending on what's needed.

    But yeah crit is best for farming since speed allows 1v1 with mobs constantly

    Edit: the 2 free spots can be given to any class with speedgear, its just that most people prefer to give it to those classesr.

    Thanks man! I'll go crit then :)

    Déjame explicarte un poco como funciona el crane. El personaje se basa en DOTs y en debuffs, es decir usa diferentes tipos de daño por segundo para lograr derribar al oponente junto con sus habilidades para debilitarlo. Los DOTs solo incrementan su daño al subir puntos en la habilidad del personaje o en las pasivas correspondientes que aumentan el tiempo y la eficacia. Pero, ¿critico fisico o magico? cuando tu lanzas una habilidad esta podrá hacer un daño base como es en el caso del Dodon Ray (un caso en el que no hace daño es el Dodon Barrage que solo te debilita y te aplica un sangrado) y es ahí donde se incrementa el daño de la habilidad, se suele usar critico enérgico cuando la build usa por ejemplo el Tri-Beam Cannon que si le llegas a aplicar un critico con eso esta básicamente muerto o también con el thousand slashes que por mas de que este nerfeada sigue haciendo su daño. Ahora, si tu build utiliza las habilidades de daño físico, osea las de la izquierda, puedes llevar daño critico físico.

    Resumiendo todo esto, lo único que aumenta al usar critico es el daño base de la habilidad, luego el sangrado sera el mismo. Por lo que sugiero que lleves hit rate en las armas así no fallaras ninguna habilidad ! Pero como siempre me gusta decir, experimenta en el juego si aun no entiendes mucho, de los errores quizá te puedas convertir en un gran jugador !


    O.o Pero enrealidad yo uso Turtle T_T le conteste a esta persona nada mas...

    Podrias ayudarme asi con mi Turtle? Me vendria bien :) Porfa :s

    Aun asi has ayudado a la persona de arriba. Pero yo tambien necesitaria ayuda asi T_T

    Si quieres puedes leer mis otros posts, he estado haciendo preguntas y pidiendo ayuda. Y pienso basarme en la build de Roli. Asi te daras una idea a que voy u.u Si quieres mandame msj en el juego soy SlayerL

    Hola Amigos! Anteriormente, una vez que hacias la quest de crecer ya no podias resetear los skills libremente y solo se podia mediante el libro, por lo que siempre antes de hacer esa quest reseteabamos los skills con el npc. Ahora que he vuelto a jugar, cuando he ido a resetear he visto que hay una opcion de reset semanal para todos los niveles. Eso aplica tambien si has crecido? Osea si ahora cresco y subo al nivel 35, luego podre resetearlo con el npc sin necesidad del libro? O el reset semanal se aplica solo si eres nino/sin subclase?

    Espero que se me haya entendido.

    Otra pregunta, anteriormente, supongamos que yo era nivel 35 y no habia crecido, podia seguir reseteando con el npc cierto? Osea, ya no puedes resetear con el npc a partir de que creces, no?

    Eso era xD Gracias si me contestan

    Hi Guys! I write because I am going for a Full PvE Turtle. I searched for a build here in the forum and I found Roli's which seems to be really good and balanced. People say it's OP.

    But there are some things there that I don't understand, because I don't know much about builds and stats. So I sent a PM to Roli asking him if he could help me to understand some things but he never answered, actually he seems to be inactive in the forums lately. So maybe someone who knows about builds and turtles can help me to clear off my doubts so I can understand the build properly and follow it like it should be. I know maybe some questions are really dumb but it is sometimes confusing for me. Sorry if i bother anyone asking these things, I seems to be easy to understand but it is too complex for me. Thanks for reading :)

    This is the message I wrote him with my doubts, If anyone can answer any of my questions i'd be really grateful!

    And this is the part I was talking exactly about, it is the most confusing thing for me about the guide.

    Thanks everyone!

    Thanks for the info! I buy the gears, because i've never been into Crafting, I don't really know how it works. Got to check the forum guides. I've heard it's really useful. What's the difference/benefits of it?

    actually i made 12kk from selling 4 dogi capsule that i got from soloing tmq 4 easy, so you can make zeni by doing UD for stone drop or you can do tmq for dogi capsule which you can sell for 3kk each. If you want to power lvl, good luck on trying to get a party to spam UD, the best UD i would suggest is UD3 because there is lot of super mobs that give exp and there is higher stone drops, and the best tmq i would suggest you to do for exp and dogi drop is tmq 4, but for both UD and tmq, you have to be in a party with the current lvl that your turtle is in right now. And do you craft your gears or do you buy your gears?

    One way to lvl is to just quest but a quicker way to lvl is power lvling so you spam UD to get lots of exp and for your pve turtle, with your glove have Focus on it and for you wand, try and get % eng crit on it. for armour, you can go with % LP recover for top and pant or you can CON for top, FOCUS on pants and CON again on shoes.

    Thanks man!! I am using Roli's turtle build PvE, for the equipment. Also do you know how or where can i farm to get the zeni to buy that equipment?