disassembly can be used by the backpack xD
explain that to the judge about your illegal third party client. Byebye mister Waris
disassembly can be used by the backpack xD
explain that to the judge about your illegal third party client. Byebye mister Waris
nice hack mister waris, i got it on vid. No escape from mister police Daneos :p
Never knew you can just disassemble mystery items. Think you can't do that in the live client.
that one didn't work on the pre-open beta as well, normally you have to use that item when the NPC spawns and an escort should begin, but for some reason he doesn't spawn and it says quest failed.
It was never fixed.
Need to farm mobs around your lvl range, +5 or -5. So you'll need to kill lvl 34-44 to be able to receive a DB if you are lvl 39.
I would advice you to farm inside RPHQ 2. Lots of supers and regular mobs.
DB's from the DB hunt event (Tier2 DB) can be obtained even from lvl 1 as long as you have the scouter with the dragon radar effect. You will not be able to wish for skills or abilities that need a certain level however, those will be availlable to unlock once you have reached the minimum lvl requirement.
The thing is, being active can be seen in many different ways:
I really hope that with being active they don't mean hours played, because then i'll fall off the boat. I'm only online to be actually active, farming mobs or doing TMQ/UD. Afking never really encourages me to come online to be honnest.
So far I've not been one of the lucky ones to be selected and I'll not try to be online 24/7 just to get a higher chance of getting into the development server. So good luck on trying to get a spot.
Would divide it more into something like:
NPC ( AH, merchants, special event merchants,...)
Something that would fit more in the logical section.
The rest should have a quest indicator as they are normal quests.
i don't get it why pple ask to keep stuff like ssj, dragon balls, money, crafting lvl,... A wipe of the game always means a full reset, restart from lvl 1, remove/delete every progress you have ever made. There are no such things as keeping a skill or item in a wipe.
Be happy that they are giving us a lvl up 30 with all the passives included on the upcomming new client if you have lvled up a char to lvl 30 or above on the client that is live now.
En SumTingWong
hello, I suppose you're the expert here, do you want me to name you online games where they do it? ... how about saint seiya online. What is it like online, where there are official pages of the game where you can buy the items, what a gameway? ... What if DANEOS wins by hand all the people who steal it? .. imposing a page that sells the items? .. in case you do not know saint seiya is one of the best selling anime in the world along with dragon ball.
Clear! you do not play much or you are not a fan of dragon ball online! ... I will remind you: when the online dragon ball started, I had the motivation to give you daily items for connection to your customers, and for example, doubled or gave more items to the person who He donated money, they also sold items. THEN MANY PAGES APPEARED THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST WANTED TO GET OUT OF THE GAME! ... there are BAD people and GOOD people--. I want DBO G free of piranha people, people who live by the effort of others, if you create an exclusive channel for people who pay you will give you a reason to play and keep paying, and if you create a free to play channel like other games dragon ball you will accommodate people who are only players, but also there will enter the cheating people ... to see what would happen if I give you 100 dollars ... there are other people who want 100 dollars, and others who will steal you .. But if you separate the thieves from the needy and the donors you can have more control of your profits !!!: .. DO NOT TELL ME NOTHING OR THAT MY IDEAS ARE INAPPROPRIATED BECAUSE I ALREADY GAVE YOU 1 REASON ... Do you want more? STEAM CS GO ... is free to download, but if you want to play with advantages SHOP THE ACCESS TO THE SERVER, OR PLAY WITH THE MONTON, WANT SEXY WEAPONS ... PURCHASE IT IN THE PAG OR IN THE STEAM ... TRAT SYSTEM OF INTERIORISARTE CAPAZ YOU WILL SEE THAT THERE IS A WORLD MORE THAN YOU CAN SEE! REGARDS
I myself have never used any, if it is the same as on orginal DBO then it would contain the following:
a lvl up stone
all of the passive skills (charge, dash, guard and flight)
lvl 30 armour
popo coin
ticket +12
info found here
But it could also be that you'll not get a lvl up box, just start at lvl 30 with all the passives unlocked. As it is stated in this thread here
I'll stop speculating though, the staff will know the true answer to this one.
The server at the moment is most likely unstable to maintain everyone willing to play at the moment. I believe Daneos is choosing the pple who are the most active at the moment in game (possibly also those who are active on the forums).
If I remember right, then at the pre-open beta it was quite the chaos when everyone had access to the server. Frequent freezes, lag, server shut down, channels disconnected,... It might be that the progress to find bugs would be even slower than before since everyone will think something is a bug while it's just overpopulating of the server that's the cause of a problem.
All you can do at the moment is sign in with telling your in game character name and hope you get selected. Sign in here
If there is a server wipe, will we have rewards?
Yes, if the wipe takes place, all of you will have the following rewards.If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get a Level UP 30.
If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get your class passives (Guard, dash, RP charge & Flight).
It says if your character is level 30+. Stating it for one of a kind character, meaning that you will get 1 for each seperate character who is lvl 30 now (in the official client, not the testing client).
Since it does not mention any restrictions on characters you can have this box on per account you basicly can make any character lvl 30 at the moment and receive a lvl up box after the server reset on those same characters that are lvl 30 or above now.
If not, they would be telling a lie or will try to avoid their lie by claiming they forgot to mention that they have stated this. I hope that this is not the case.
crafting is ripping economy because all plebs want for there crafting equip 20 times the price that the mats and the recipes costs
like they pay 20k and they want 400k
If the stats are right then 400k is completely legit (even going over 1mil for some very good lvl 60 gear is totally realistic and "legal"). Just try to craft items yourself and you'll see how much money you'll need to spend on it to gain the right or wished stats on it.
can be solved by leftclicking on the bar where you put your name in or the bar for your pass.
PS: already posted: Client 2.0 Bug List (reserved for further adjustments)
- Starting screen: Clicking on game policies do not bring up the game rules of DBOG. Clicking on contract causes you to not be able to do anything (exiting, entering the game,...) can be solved at the moment by manually clicking on the user or pass bar.
hahaha there is no way..i have many other games that require win10..i am not going to unistall my whole Hard disk just to play dragonball xD
there is a program that allows you to use a desktop within a desktop, simulating the same system as windows 7 on a windows 10 PC.
Display MoreHello,
I've moved 5000 recent active accounts to the development server.
Today 50 people have been selected.
The forum names are (link)
Please visit: https://forum.dboglobal.to/index.php?thread/37239-development-client-server-access/ to download the game client.
Please note, as the development progress moves on, more and more people will receive access.
You can only join if your name is in this list. More will be chosen after a certain amount of time "as development progress moves on".
Seems to be an issue with damaged or missing DX files. Try to update them or download the missing files by redownloading DirectX (follow the steps in the second link).