Darkfire Corporation's Mods
Here we go. Actually by now they are few mods but gradually will be adding more to the list.
I hope you enjoy my mods.
Description: The dogi C18 in a black and red version. also has, as a detail, the kanji for "Oni" on the back.
Description: The Gothic dogi become more sweet and tender.
Description: The dogi of Tao with the original colors.
Description: Fan actually created only for Dark Model C18 mod. Also it has the Kanji Oni and red accents. Crafted supplants texture range for level 30 and some like.
Descripción: Piccolo's costume original without cape. It works in human and majin too. Be careful! If you instal this mod, all dojo's belt seem like this.
Description: It instal in the same way of other mods, but it archives are in the "ntlwe" folder. This mod chage the Kokara's sky for to transforn in a nocturne version.