how human can be powerful

  • Human classes can easily overpower Majin or Namekian classes given the right builds and gear.

    Typically a Crane or a Fighter will be able to take down any class providing you use the correct skills and have gear to counter their attacks while boosting yours too. SSJ is pretty much just PvE and/or for looking fancy as are the other transformations.

    You should check out the class sections to read up on which one you want to play as and learn from the pros there :)

    how we can make human more stronger or equal then namek or majin because our ssj is weak

  • how stupid is this all races should be have his own strenght, no of them should be stronger the another because this game is also a pvp game if we have one race that is stronger then the others the pvp is rip
    mean if you make the ssj more powerfull all will use it in pvp and no other classes or race get played anymore

  • If you have perfect +15 gear on everything, then you could be called powerful. Though you're more likely to be called a casher. :P

    I agree with SSJ being "weak". Not in comparison to the other race transformations, 'cause they're all pretty garbage in PvP, and Pure Majin/Great Namekian have very specific purposes. The only reason it's "weak" is because it's the same thing as Kaioken. Kaioken gives you 10% more attack than SSJ, while SSJ gives 30% dodge and 15% hitrate. That's pretty much it. The drain on both forms is negligible at high-level play.

    I'd still like SSJ to do something worthwhile Kaioken doesn't. If SSJ didn't exist, then we'd lose nothing in terms of combat prowess. You could boost it's attack, but that'd just make Kaioken ENTIRELY purposeless for humans. Increasing Skill Speed(like in the old DBO KR days) or CON by 20~30% would be AWESOME.

  • Human classes can easily overpower Majin or Namekian classes given the right builds and gear.

    Typically a Crane or a Fighter will be able to take down any class providing you use the correct skills and have gear to counter their attacks while bugging yours too. SSJ is pretty much just PvE and/or for looking fancy as are the other transformations.

    You should check out the class sections to read up on which one you want to play as and learn from the pros there :)

    Cosmo right now cranes are the weakest pvp class (in retail what u have said is true) but right now thats not the case.

    knock downs have a 10% chance of failing , cranes most important combos aren't fix (sleep dodonbarrage, sleep abdonimal,), thousand slashes calculation as you know is wrong, bleeds dont stack like in old dbo, bleeds dont crit (ill admit this was offset with new attack damage calculation) , and resistance is not like old dbo,

    anyways i dont want to sound like a complainer im just stating facts.

    as always your helpfulness in forums can not be understated :)

  • You say that but i do pretty well in the ranked matches.

    Sure they need to be fixed more at the moment (every class needs some tweaking here and there) But it's not unplayable. I can successfully complete UD1-2 and TMQ 1-5 with the crane, a Dende and a Turtle.

    While i'm doing quests i can comfortably gather about 15 or so mobs in mushroom rocks south and take them down without needing to use a potion so the PvE works nicely for now too. (this is at lvl 54 on this crane)

    I'm not saying it's great but it's far from unplayable as most people would believe :)

    What i suggest is check which class looks like the most fun to play in terms of your available skills and pick that to experiment with.

    Cosmo right now cranes are the weakest pvp class (in retail what u have said is true) but right now thats not the case.
    knock downs have a 10% chance of failing , cranes most important combos aren't fix (sleep dodonbarrage, sleep abdonimal,), thousand slashes calculation as you know is wrong, bleeds dont stack like in old dbo, bleeds dont crit (ill admit this was offset with new attack damage calculation) , and resistance is not like old dbo,

    anyways i dont want to sound like a complainer im just stating facts.

    as always your helpfulness in forums can not be understated :)

  • Saying that Humans are not as powerful as Nameks and Majins is completely untrue.
    The difference is that Namek classes and Majins are much more Noob-Friendly. Human classes are much more expensive to gear and harder to lvl up, unlike Buffer majins or Tank Namekians. (Zeni or Cash controls how well you'd do in a Human class, which is why I don't recommend a player to start a human class as their first pick... Maybe Cranes can now work much more effectively, but still)

    I think in terms of transformations, Giant Nameks still remain the worst transformation in my opinion (Even Dende/poko get more out of Kaioken than Giant) But it is true that SSJ is pretty useless!

    Maybe adding an HP boost to SSJ would make it much more useful to use... or at least more noob-friendly.
    And by HP boost, I mean a controllable amount of HP, and not CON boost, because that would still not be high for newer players. (Maybe like 3K extra hp, which would make new players with no CON armor get like 8K HP or such a thing, and at high level, it would still be a decent extra HP (amounts to about 35 CON))

  • if Daneos makes some balancing and don't code the PvP as if it was TW or HK, then humans might have a better chance, but still humans will always be behind a namek or a majin.

    Crane, as someone said up there is one of the weakest class, because the strongest dot is a bleed and you can easily get 100% antibleed, so I'm pretty sure that the other guy that has a Crane has been fighting gearless people.

  • Or you use your head and have burn and poison gear and moves along with knockdown RP with stuns and sleeps :thumbup:

    Plus no one in the ranking has 0 gear on.

    if Daneos makes some balancing and don't code the PvP as if it was TW or HK, then humans might have a better chance, but still humans will always be behind a namek or a majin.

    Crane, as someone said up there is one of the weakest class, because the strongest dot is a bleed and you can easily get 100% antibleed, so I'm pretty sure that the other guy that has a Crane has been fighting gearless people.

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