Cash Shop Zeni.

  • Hey guys i think we have a real problem here with the sellable items from Cash Shop in AH!
    Why you say well each and everyday the prices go up and up and this is show us that indeed when the reset happens they will go back down but the problem is this will happen again.

    Why is this a problem?
    Well in essence selling Cash Shop in AH is P2W!! Why do you say that?
    Consider this you pay real money for and item and then sell it for a huge amount Zeni at AH in essence this means that you are trading real money for zeni. Which for many people is consider a P2W because you are getting a huge advance with money over other players.
    Now I am not saying not to selling this things its your decision to do it but maybe limits how much of an advantage a players has over others.

    A possible solution to this is.
    Limit the amount of zeni gainned from selling this items.
    Make it so that white stones cant be sold for more than 1kk, a dogi cant be sold for more than 25kk or 30kk, vehicle dogi for 20kk.Auto-pots for 2kk ... and so on!(this are just examples!!!)

    This in my opinion will make it so that a new player will not be outmatches by a player that has spend real money and then got a huge amount of zeni for it in AH only to get better gear over a player doesnt or can't spend money on a game .. making for a more balanced experience at the same time.

  • If you would sell white stones for 1kk. All server would have +15 gear. Plus no one will have zeni at the start for like few months. Everyone will be grinding to get zeni. And by the time someone will try smth, all of them should be equal. There are people who can get zeni without any cash shop items or smth like that. And I think you posted this thread cuz you cant afford dogi currently.

  • The prices only go up because people get greedy and people actually buy the raised prices. The prices will stay higher if people continue to buy hen people put stuff in there being greedy.

    Prices only rise when people get greedy and try to see if they can put something they saw or put in previously and then bunk it up a bit.

    If someone buys it at the new higher price then that will become the default amount for that user as they know it will sell. I typically refuse to buy anything in the AH if it's over 10 million because that's just absurd (only exception i made was the future trunks dogi for 14 million a few months ago)

    I usually see that if someone doesn't sell something and it times out they'll take about 500k off of the price and throw it back in to see if that sells.

  • If you would sell white stones for 1kk. All server would have +15 gear. Plus no one will have zeni at the start for like few months. Everyone will be grinding to get zeni. And by the time someone will try smth, all of them should be equal. There are people who can get zeni without any cash shop items or smth like that. And I think you posted this thread cuz you cant afford dogi currently.

    first of all i dont do this because i cant afford dogi i made this because the prices will get out of hand.
    second i said examples not that white stones should be at 1kk u made them higher or lower but make a fixed price thanks for go over the all point ....

    The prices only go up because people get greedy and people actually buy the raised prices. The prices will stay higher if people continue to buy hen people put stuff in there being greedy.

    exactly if u make a fixed price people cant abuse the system.

  • first of all i dont do this because i cant afford dogi i made this because the prices will get out of hand.
    second i said examples not that white stones should be at 1kk u made them higher or lower but make a fixed price thanks for go over the all point ....

    exactly if u make a fixed price people cant abuse the system.

    You seem to not understand the concept of the "Auction" house The whole point of an auction is to sell your items for as much money as you can. However if you can't sell your item then you're forced to lower your prices.

    Making it a fixed price is done in the Cash shop. if you want or need one that badly you will grind the money or something to get the zeni (not ideal but if it's your only option then too bad)

    White stones are going to be taken out of the cash shop and made less P2W in Open beta. so don't worry about those.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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