Turtle gear

  • Hey guys , i have some noob questions so please bear with me :D , my main character is a lvl 50 turtle hermit and i wanted to know some things so i want to focus on critical attacks because i noticed that my super kamehameha sometimes deals OVER 9000!!!!! damage (get it get it :rolleyes: ) on a critical however my critic rate is 25% i wanted to know how can i increase it and does the hitrate have anything to do with critical attacks ?

    One last question whats the best way to make money since im lvl 19 on craft but i keep getting short on money.

    thanks in advance

  • 1- For your second question, buying and selling at a higher price is the way to go. Sometimes you strike a lovely deal that can make you loads of Dolla Dollas!

    2- I'll just copy this from another post I made:
    Jacket - CON or FOC (Do not exceed more than 1 FOC armor peice)
    Pants - CON or FOC (Do not exceed more than 1 FOC armor peice)
    Shoes - CON
    Gloves - FOC or Energy Crit % Damage
    Wand - Energy Crit % Damage

    Jacket - FOC
    Pants - FOC or CON
    Shoes - CON
    Gloves/Sub Weapon - Same as PVE

    Earrings: Props Earrings, try your best!
    Rings: FOC or CON (You can also go for the CC combo CD + FOC that gives extra Props I believe)
    Necklace: I'd say best is probably resistence.

  • To add to @B4.DA.$$'s post, you'll want to use Crafted armor and weapons (or if you get lucky lvl 70 Legendary weapons). What level of armor you want to use is up to you. Lvl 70 is obviously the best, but it's also incredibly expensive to both make and upgrade. Personally, I use lvl 60 armor and weapons because their max stat boost is still passable and upgrading is much cheaper thanks to stone drop rate being high in TMQ7 and UD6.

  • Well, you wouldn't have to worry about CD when Props allow you to 1 shot everything :)

    currently props are close like on tw. I use 2 prop earrings and have a 3rd cd earring in case i really need it (almost never, stun, slow and so an are on cooldown rp).

    In addition a bit more detailed info on the rings (before implementation of the lvl70 BIDS dungeons):

    dmg: 2x lvl60 rings ccdng floor 70 craft: the ones that give about 13 focus and 7% wild attack attribute (make sure to make your weapons attribute wild too)
    you want to have 26 focus and 14% wild attack (the same rings) not the pair with the reflect.
    You also can go full con then on your armor.

    dmg/def balance also easier to get: pair lvl55 rings ccdng floor 50 craft: giving 9 props set bonus, so go for the pair there

    also consider
    necklace: go for status succes rate to make sure your debuffs land
    pvp jacket: some also use anti crit
    recommendation gloves: get % critical dmg, weapons (except dogis) are the only gear to stack it up and as a turtle you should want it high

    If you don't know props/properties are the "Increase attack and defence properties by x" stats.
    The best earrings/necklace you can get with current content are either from shenlong whish or crafted lvl60 from ccdungeon. You have to use brown boxes on them tho.

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