Gear, Where to get it, how to get and when ?

  • I have looked around in the forum and couldnt find any topic about this so i made one!
    Where do u get the best gear ? I heard some say the UDs and some say TMQ. At hard diffuculty. Or do u get them at CCBD ? or events ? plz share the knowledge. The more the better !

    /Thnx :)

  • talk to me in game my name in game is RAR3 i'll help you to find good gear and i'll tell you some informations about it and how to upgrade it and where to find stones i'll be happy if you do it

    The idea is to make a thread so everyone in the forum and comunity can see some suggestions.

  • I heard some said that u get good ones from the tmq and UD. CCBD maybe ? Spec Boss ?
    I made this topic so that new players can get a better understandning about this game. You can buy almost everything from the AH but the people who sell it in Auction house must have gotten it somehow. D-D-D-D-D Drop the knowledge!

  • I heard some said that u get good ones from the tmq and UD. CCBD maybe ? Spec Boss ?
    I made this topic so that new players can get a better understandning about this game. You can buy almost everything from the AH but the people who sell it in Auction house must have gotten it somehow. D-D-D-D-D Drop the knowledge!

    Thats how they get it. Spamming TMQ or Crafting them, you can get also decent items while Grinding mobs.

  • I'm actually excited to try all of those things, except for the crafting system xD

    I didn't have to time to do the best things in the original game '-'

    Would you say those 100+ floors offer more entertainment as well as great gear ?

    I was really never one for crafting :P

  • Crafted gear for some is the best yes since it has a nice balance of physical and energy defense but for those who wish to do the grind and take it to the next step tmq7 and CCBD 90 gear is the best these bits of gear have very high energy or physical defense for example if you are a human who has naturally low defense and ur fighting a Sk, turtle energy classes u would use TMQ7 or cc90 energy gear in order to tank more damage. But in my personal opinion, i would only use these gears on humans because lvl 70 crafted namek gear is already very op very high both physical and energy defence so there's no need to use ccbd or tmq gear on nameks. as for Majins yes there defence is better than humans not quite as good as nameks but i would still use crafted 70 gear on majins too as its strong and far easier to obtain. When i say cc90 gear this is the best as of right now since we do not have 100+ floors yet implemented into the game yet once daneos adds 100+ floors there are more options to choose from. Since this pre beta i have not seen anyone with CC90 Set yet mostly due to it being pre beta to get full cc90 set will take a lot of time maybe 30 or so cc90 runs for the set so in my opinion i wouldn't do the grind now wait for open beta to make it fully worth the time

    This is the kind of information i was looking for. More of this plz! :).
    Do u get good rewards form the bosses (bacterian ,cellx and all those guys) ?
    And the gear from wishes.. are thoose any good.
    Tier 3 dragonballs ? good for wishes/gear ?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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