CC Dungeon party configuration

  • I Have read all the the post now, and still nobody is propossing anything new.

    There are 2 kinds of people writing in this post.

    1.- The ones who reject posible solutions claming that they will not work, even whit out a proper test.


    2.- Me The fukkgin only one who offers a posible solution,

    Its my solution the best?
    I dont know, we have to test it first

    Its my solution the only one?

    Ofcourse not, its arrogant to think im the only who can provide solutions.


    Why fu%!&ng nobody else is proposing anything yet?

    U people are sick.

  • I thought the others did a good job at explaining why your solution wasn't viable, yet you seem to have ignored that completely.

  • actually... 3 kinds...

    The 3rd kind are blind people like you who can't see solutions that were offered by others... I'm not here to argue with you... you have eyes :)

  • Even if you nerf the speed nothing gonna change. Most party's are (Ultimate,Karma,Poko,Dende,Turtle/SK/DW). So if they nerf attack speed, they will just take those classes cuz they are most useful, most Fighters and SM after floor 50 are useless. Because if they get near a boss they get one shotted.

    Nerfing attack speed wont change anything, players will just look for useful classes instead of attack speed ones, such as turtles for AOE.

    Nerfing speed WILL change something. Before speed was working like retail you never saw "Need Karma/Need Poko for CC" in LFP chat. That's because of their SPEED BUFF, and even without that they are still great to have, also Poko won't be required as much without OP speed but they will still be useful of course, so just nerfing speed empties out 2 spaces in a CCBD party that are seen as required. Also this is a issue with Kraken/CellX etc. but not as much.

  • Nerfing speed WILL change something. Before speed was working like retail you never saw "Need Karma/Need Poko for CC" in LFP chat. That's because of their SPEED BUFF, and even without that they are still great to have, also Poko won't be required as much without OP speed but they will still be useful of course, so just nerfing speed empties out 2 spaces in a CCBD party that are seen as required. Also this is a issue with Kraken/CellX etc. but not as much.

    They werent needed then, cuz speed wasnt even working properly, it was bugged. Now when its working even if you lower cap, speed still will be more useful in higher levels of ccbd than crit. You can take other characters only if you go cc50 or cc70, for higher without speed you will play whole day in one dungeon and I doubt you would finish it. Simply cuz of known reasons.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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    • :/
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    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
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    • :thumbup:
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