So...I was in the game and I thought that would have dogis to sell in the cash shop like before, but there wasn't, How can I get dogis in open beta?Thanks

How to get dogis
Wagu Machine. Just like DBOTW.
You can't pick and choose from the Cash shop like you could pre-open beta.
Cheers man!
Coins---> Buy Wagu Coins---> Use Wagu Machine and Tadaaaaaaaaaaa....
I bought coins and didn't get any WTF!
Coins---> Buy Wagu Coins---> Use Wagu Machine and Tadaaaaaaaaaaa....
But there isn't dogis to select on wagu machine O.o
But there isn't dogis to select on wagu machine O.o
It's a randomized set of dogis. Spend a few coins, you'll see one occur.
It's a randomized set of dogis. Spend a few coins, you'll see one occur.
But what rank do I select? first one?
Actually to have a better chanche in getting dogi's, ts always to do a x5 or x10 random draw
i bought wagu coins and i didnt get them?
you buy wagu coins, and you need to use the wagu machine, the wagu machine can give: dogi's, stones, etc....
Yeah, already got it, thanks!And, thank you for all DBOG staff for bring the game back!
The Wugu Coins will show up under the craft tab after buying them, I didn't know either, mod told me
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