Damage formula of Skill

  • What is the formula for calculating the damage of a skill. Leaving aside property, defense of the enemy, attribute or up on glove etc. .. If for example I have 100 of energy attack, with Super Kame (559, 388%) how much damage do I do normal, and how much in critic?

  • What is the formula for calculating the damage of a skill. Leaving aside property, defense of the enemy, attribute or up on glove etc. .. If for example I have 100 of energy attack, with Super Kame (559, 388%) how much damage do I do normal, and how much in critic?

    I am pretty sure noone will give you the formula, so you have to reconstruct it.

  • What is the formula for calculating the damage of a skill. Leaving aside property, defense of the enemy, attribute or up on glove etc. .. If for example I have 100 of energy attack, with Super Kame (559, 388%) how much damage do I do normal, and how much in critic?

    i THINK it works like this ( i remember one of the moderators post this, esdeath (MAYBE)

    For skills there are 2 parts, a percentage and a fixed value.

    Fixed value; Super kame for e.g, if you have 100 energy attack, and the super kame displays 559 energy attack as the fixed value, that number '559' will occur regardless if you have less or greater than 100 energy attack.

    Percentage value %; This will scale better since it's a percentage, so if you have 100 energy attack and your super kame shows 388%, it should be 388% of that 100 energy attack. (388/100 multiplied by 100) which is equivalent to 388 xD.

    So the damage output; 559+ (388/100 times 100)= 947 damage.

    BUT, It doesn't end there, you also need to take into account the amount of defense,props the mob or player has in regards to pve and pvp respectively. Upon which i don't have the calculations for defense.

    THIS IS A THEORY, not a statement/law of DBOG's calculations.

  • Exactly right!

    The skills base energy (or physical) damage + your own (physical or energy) attack points times the skills base percentage (* 4.13 if 413%) equals the base impact damage of a skill.

    As already written above, a lot of factorts plays into it being higher or lower.

  • Basic formula:

    If energy attack=100

    Super Kame (559, 388%) damage -> 100*(100%+388%)+559= 1047 (no crit)

    Wait so defense doesn't contribute to the damage and i'm pretty sure for the percentage scaling it is 388% of the energy attack you have, not increased by 388%

    i say its not increased, because your energy attack is not a percentage but a fixed value. hence its 'of' that

  • Exactly right!

    The skills base energy (or physical) damage + your own (physical or energy) attack points times the skills base percentage (* 4.13 if 413%) equals the base impact damage of a skill.

    As already written above, a lot of factorts plays into it being higher or lower.

    off topic, btw can you still login without crashing every 10sec

    if you found a solution let me know in discord Dias#2318 --- discord

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