Fewer channels?

  • Hello dear DBOG team,

    Can you make fewer channels in DBOG and remove some of them?

    Find 7 channels are way too much because there is less going on in DBOG at the moment!

    It would be better if you have fewer channels and then get them full with players first you could do Ch 0 to Ch 5 as it was in Taiwan but I think 7 channels are too many because there is far too little going on at the moment?

    In German

    Hallo liebes DBOG Team,

    Könnt ihr wenigere Channels in DBOG machen und ein paar davon entfernen?

    Finde 7 Channels sind viel zu viel da sowieso im moment weniger los ist in DBOG!

    Es wäre besser wenn man wenigere Channels hat und diese dann erstmal mit spielern voll bekommt man könnte ja Ch 0 bis Ch 5 machen wie es in Taiwan war aber 7 Channels finde ich zu viel da eh viel zu wenig im moment los ist?

  • Hey Cena,

    I think in this case more channels = better, because it means more farming spots, etc. I think there's no such thing as too many channels, in this case. We'll probably just have interesting things happening on different channels at different times, so the players gather.

  • If "Not busy" with short orange bar hurt ur eyes, its better to decrease players cap on every channel. I don't care if its "Not busy" or "Full" channel. I visited yesterday 3 other DBO servers and Global is most crowded, especially in korin on main channel. Making one channel to show it as "Full" is lying and trying to show that server is popular. Now its easy to find farming spot, if need team or something i just go to ch0 (usually this one is most crowded) to korin or use trade. Have fun!

  • So I think 5 channels would be completely sufficient because you have more players on one channel than with 7 channels, especially if you are looking for a few players for a dungeon or for quests, ww would be more practical if there are fewer channels because you can find players faster than about then chat

    In German

    Also ich finde 5 Channel würden auch vollkommen ausreichen da man mehr spieler auch auf einen channel hat als wie bei 7 Channels gerade wenn man ein paar spieler für einen dungeon sucht oder für quests wäre ww praktischer wenn es wenigere channels sind da man schneller spieler findet als über denn chat

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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