The Merge - My thoughts

  • Are you happy about the news about the DBO G + DBO UR merge? 43

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    Hey everyone,

    I wanted to create a thread to spark more discussion on the merge here because sometimes on discord people's opinions can be lost with the quick pace of the conversation.

    Personally, I'm really grateful for the merge. It's been a real big journey for the DBO community these past few years, and one of the reasons why I quit was the community felt distant, and not as active/alive because of different servers. I quit due to this because I had enough and was advocating for merges for some time. I want there to be a DBO ultimate server and I believe DBOGR has the best name, and direction for itself. It's got a great leadership who sticks for the long haul, and the merge re sparked my faith in DBO's future. I've seen how much work these guys put in, and it's unreal.

    If others would like to share their opinions on the merge, and the state of the game and the community I would really be interested in hearing them.

  • How do you feel now eh Tempest

    The game is AMAZING! Been playing since 70 came out and haven't stopped since. This game has been restored to the former glory days, and that's due to it's boost in player base and the new changes.

    Seriously I commend you guys and am really grateful for the work and time put into the game, and I am loving the new spin as a returning player. Even learning about the new systems/meta has been fun. To be able to do all this, restore the game in a veterans eyes is honestly a hard thing to do. I haven't played DBO this much since my days in TW in 2011 - 2013, DBO G in 2016-2018, and DBOUR in 2020.

    Thanks so much DBO GR team and really liking the vibe of this server, keep up the brilliant work because you guys are only going up. Honestly this has been the only direction the server has been going since your team formed and the community is very lucky. You guys don't just talk and dream you actually move mountains.

    Can't wait to see what's in store next,

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